Website founded by Milan Velimirović in 2006
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Member Profile |
Member Name: James Malcom | Username: | Rewan Demontay | Join date: | April 9th, 2019 | Location: | USA | Discussion board: Forum Total number of posts: 767Author of 117 topics:- Pam-Krabbe-Rochade, aka Extra-Long, Castling-Anticipated By 65 Years! in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Most Checkmates In One In A Position Without Promoted Pieces in group: General
- Most Discovered Checkmates In A Legal Position Record? in group: General
- Has the record for most mutual checks been beaten yet since 2013? in group: General
- 4*4 Is All Mate In Due Time in group: General
- Double Check Selfmates in group: General
- Where can I find these mentioned chess problems? in group: General
- Looking for mutual caterpillar problema in group: General
- The Terrific Triple Threat in group: General
- Famous Improvments in group: General
- Nikita M. Plaksin 1979 Article With 50 50 move problems in group: General
- An Anti-Belen Theme? in group: General
- The Double Square Vacation-In A Meredith! in group: General
- Longest problems witthout any captures? in group: General
- The Black Home Task in group: General
- Is Matt Bengtson‘s joke problem cooked? in group: General
- The Staircase Of Discovery in group: General
- Consecutive promotions when enforcing stalemate in group: General
- A Tripley For The Holidays in group: General
- Harry Goldsteen’s Babson! in group: General
- The $80 Theme in group: General
- Record for the longest helpmate, in an illegal position? in group: General
- Looking for the exact source for this #2 by Bedrich Formánek in group: General
- Construct the longest sequence before a stipulated capture in group: General
- The h#5 Double Excelsior in group: General
- The S#5 Excelsior in group: General
- Albino & Pickaninny-Mate In 1, 2, 3, & 4 in group: General
- Looking for the origin of an old chess tale in group: General
- Pam-Krabbe In A Selfmate in group: General
- The Official Dummy Pawn Thread in group: General
- Fastest stalemate by castling, promotion, and en passant in group: General
- The Bicolor Valladao-Belen in group: General
- A Challenge-7 Black Queens In A Selfmate in group: General
- Cataloguing all problems on Tim Krabbe's site in group: General
- Changed promotion depending on a Black piece's play in group: General
- The Black Valladao in a single sequence in group: General
- Mates In 1, 2, and 3-solve the joke! in group: General
- Has Köhnlein's 1903 AUW been sucessfully replicated? in group: General
- Blathy's monster is cooked-but where? in group: General
- The Pape Theme-In A Helpmate! in group: General
- What is the record for the most en passants in a fairy PG? in group: General
- Cyclic Babson Selfmates-How many cycles have been correctly shown? in group: General
- A fishy Belen in group: General
- An opening theme extended in group: General
- A spin on an old idea in group: General
- Most captures on a single square in a PG? in group: General
- Most squares the Black king could be mated on in one, without being on the board? in group: General
- Longest problems with all moves on the same color? in group: General
- Construct a correct #2 with the most stalemate releases in group: General
- It's My Birthday!+A Thanksgiving Problem in group: General
- Construction challenge: Find the best economy such that a piece type's capture location can be determine in group: General
- Happy Chr-uh, ... holidays! (Since it's past the 25th) in group: General
- Longest unique king walk in a seriesmover? in group: General
- Most pieces visiting a single square in group: General
- Consecutive checks, but Black's hand is forced in group: General
- The $100 Theme in a PG-done! in group: General
- The devil in the hole in group: General
- Proof games ended by the laws of chess in group: General
- A new(?) last move idea in group: General
- Construction Workout: The most checkmates in response to a help check in group: General
- On the subject of e2-e1=N!, find a shorter proof game in group: General
- #18 For 18 Years in group: General
- The quickest mutual selfmate in 1 in group: General
- Consider It: The "Anti-Babson" in group: General
- Looking for a 1978 series helpmate in nine by Kjell Widlert and Bo Lindgren in group: General
- Three Belens For The Year's End in group: General
- What is the origin of the Oudot Theme/Task and how it come to bear his name? in group: General
- Stronger piece, longer mate in group: General
- Change of email address in group: General
- Construct the longest ser-x with a Black homebase in group: General
- Challenge: Fill In All The Helpmate Analyzer Boxes in group: General
- Minimal Material To Correctly Show A Theme In The #2 in group: General
- Long remember the Queen in group: General
- Maximizing Promotion Combinations In The Directmate in group: General
- Karl Fabel's h#48: Beaten, Slightly in group: General
- Is "De man die de Babson task wilde maken" available in any form? in group: General
- Continuously checking, leaving only one legal move, without repeating the position, and ending in checkmate in group: General
- Most uncaptures in a "Last Moves" problem? in group: General
- Fewest Black pieces requiring all 16 White pieces in a checkmate position in group: General
- Correcting Zimbeck's 8 White queen promotions in group: General
- Is there an archive for diagrammes? in group: General
- A Toast To 20 in group: General
- Obtaining/forcing a specified algerbraic notation; and forcing Black to check in group: General
- 21 Years: Excelsior! in group: General
- Most moves given to oneself? in group: General
- Outrageous Chess Problems is now catalogued in PDB in group: General
- Run Popeye Without Threats But Full Variants Still in group: Internet and Computing
- Around The World-Four Forced Corners in group: Promenade
- A Small Idea in group: Promenade
- If uncastling were allowed in chess in group: Promenade
- Loyd And Dead Reckoning in group: Promenade
- The $100 Theme Achieved* At Last! in group: Promenade
- The Forgotten Babson Selfmate in group: Promenade
- Knight after knight after knight after knight in group: Promenade
- The Most Economical "Pure" Double Excelsior Combinations In The Helpmate in group: Promenade
- A very series Bosma in group: Promenade
- A Distracting Mate In Two in group: Twomovers
- Try solving this in group: Twomovers
- Most mates by a promoted queen in a #2? in group: Twomovers
- The lightest Staugaard Castling #2 in group: Twomovers
- The King’s Dilemma in group: Endgame studies
- Please Delete in group: Fairies
- Please Delete in group: Fairies
- The "Reverse $100 Theme" in group: Fairies
- When castling must be the first move in group: Helpmates
- A Little Fun in group: Helpmates
- Illegally Extended The Otto Blathy H# Matrix in group: Misc
- The Remote Knight Promotion-In A Kindergarden Problem in group: Moremovers
- An Original Valladao-Belen in group: Moremovers
- Checkmate By Pam-Krabbe Castling In A Unique PG in group: Retro/Math
- The Myth Of The En Passant Key In A Miniature Direcmate in group: Retro/Math
- A Forced Selfmate In 16 Ply in group: Selfmates
- All For One, One For All in group: Selfmates
- The Slaughterhouse in group: Selfmates
- The Belen Theme..... in a selfmate?! in group: Selfmates
- My First Die Schwalbe Original in group: Selfmates
- After Two Years: 7 Black Rook Promotions in group: Selfmates