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TopicRepliesAuthorLast post
Andrey Selivanov - 1Pr. The Problemist 2003-4 (S#3)0Miodrag MladenovićOct 14, 2006 21:26
by Miodrag Mladenović
The Best Selfmate I Have Ever Seen32David KnezevicSep 6, 2020 12:47
by Harry Fougiaxis
Frank Richter, Die Schwalbe 2005, s#94Frank RichterMay 7, 2007 20:03
by Sarah Hornecker
Waldemar Tura - 1st Prize Wola Gulowska 2006 [S#2]2Miodrag MladenovićMay 11, 2010 08:31
by seetharaman kalyan
Waldemar Tura - 3rd Pr. Wola Gulowska 2006 [S#2]12Miodrag MladenovićDec 11, 2006 21:22
by Uri Avner
Andrej Selivanov - The Urals Problemist 200813Miodrag MladenovićFeb 6, 2014 00:53
by Sven Hendrik Lossin
A. Pankratiev, H. Axt 60, Die Schwalbe 2003-058Juraj LörincAug 24, 2011 17:11
by Juraj Lörinc
Sven-Hendrik Loßin, s#6, Schach-Aktiv 10/20100Sven Hendrik LossinSep 27, 2011 15:44
by Sven Hendrik Lossin
K.A.K.Larsen mini-selfmate2Michael McDowellJun 29, 2012 13:03
by Zalmen Kornin
Which version would you prefer? Schwalbe 4/2011 147960Sven Hendrik LossinDec 29, 2012 12:11
by Sven Hendrik Lossin
Which version would you prefer redux4Steven DowdJan 23, 2014 01:17
by Steven Dowd
A new theme for s#2?14Juraj LörincJan 17, 2019 20:11
by Neal Turner
Logical selfmate - for your enjoy!49Aleksey OganesjanFeb 21, 2020 21:59
by Geoff Foster
A Forced Selfmate In 16 Ply27James MalcomJul 27, 2019 17:48
by James Malcom
All For One, One For All6James MalcomSep 4, 2019 22:11
by James Malcom
The Slaughterhouse86James MalcomNov 27, 2019 01:46
by Mark Kirtley
The Belen Theme..... in a selfmate?!37James MalcomSep 22, 2019 16:56
by James Malcom
Easy selfmate for smile - the same mate but three different pieces...1Aleksey OganesjanSep 25, 2020 15:25
by James Malcom
Construct a helpgame from the beginning position, leading to a s#0Hauke ReddmannAug 15, 2021 13:58
by Hauke Reddmann
Silly Fischerandom idea0Hauke ReddmannSep 22, 2021 11:08
by Hauke Reddmann
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