Discussion board: Forum
Total number of posts: 583Author of 59 topics:Pastime - #4 - 26.06.2009. in group: X-Files: AnticipationsUNICODE - Does not work for me? in group: Feedback by MembersEditing of an existing message in group: Feedback by MembersMost Active Members - Incorrect List in group: Feedback by MembersNew Messages? in group: Feedback by MembersTable of Awards in group: Feedback by Members5 Years Anniversary (August 28th 2011) in group: Feedback by MembersStrong similarity? in group: General2ND ECSC - Problems in group: GeneralFIDE Album Points - Cumulative List? in group: GeneralFA 2001-2003 - Moremovers Closing Date Extended in group: GeneralWCCI 2004-2006 - Schedule? in group: GeneralInternational Day of Chess Composition in group: GeneralTitle certificates/diplomas in group: GeneralNew Rating List in group: General6th ISC - Rating in group: GeneralWCSC, ECSC Rules - Article 10.1 in group: GeneralChess composers' names in various alphabets in group: GeneralSuperProblem 2014 TT-103 - 3rd Prize by C. G. S. Narayanan in group: General10th ECSC - Igalo? in group: GeneralBackdated Compositions in group: GeneralS#3 White Rook cross + pickaninny in group: GeneralVivadi Zamanov - how to stop him sending spam emails? in group: GeneralSOLVING PORTAL in group: GeneralNew Record - 9 Queen checkmates after black Pawn defenses in group: GeneralProblem Online ? in group: Internet and ComputingWFCCTournamentsManager - New Tool for Managing of Solving Tournaments in group: Internet and ComputingWFCCTM - Help Needed in group: Internet and ComputingSolving Tournaments Manager Q&A - New Google Group in group: Internet and ComputingSTM - Live Rating List in group: Internet and Computing201st TT of Die Schwalbe in group: CompetitionsWCCI - Problems? in group: CompetitionsChess Olympiad - Dresden 2008 (Composing Tourney Award) in group: Competitions65th TT Feenschach - Award completed? in group: CompetitionsWola Gulowska 2015 in group: CompetitionsWCCI 2013-2015 in group: CompetitionsWSC 2015/2016 - Switzerland in group: CompetitionsWola Gulowska 2015 in group: CompetitionsMemorial Solving Tournament Branko Atanackovic 2016 in group: CompetitionsIOSC 2016 Results? in group: Competitions25th Czech Chess Solving Championship 2017 & 26th Branko Atanackovic Memorial - Same problems H#3 in group: Competitions29th Branko Atanacković MT - 2020 in group: CompetitionsMiodrag Mladenovic - 2nd Pr. The Problemist 2005/II [#2] in group: TwomoversMiodrag Mladenovic, 1HM StrateGems 2005 (#3) in group: ThreemoversЈ. Јудлевич - 1. п.п. Одески листок, 1913 [#3] in group: ThreemoversTouw Hian Bwee - 1st Pr. The Problemist 1978 [#3] in group: ThreemoversЮ. Г. Дорохов - Шахматы в СССР 1960 in group: ThreemoversMilan Velimirović - 1st Pl. Team Championship of Yugoslavia 1977 in group: ThreemoversM. Zinar & S. Diduh (EG 2009) in group: Endgame studiesMidrag Mladenović - The Problemist 1989-1990 - Babson TT - 1st Pr. [r#3] in group: FairiesMiodrag Mladenović - two reflexmates in group: FairiesNice R#2 by Gorbatenko in group: FairiesVelery Gurov - 1st Prize 9th Sabra Tourney Wageningen 2006 [H#2] in group: HelpmatesFadil Abdurahmanović - SUPER PRIZE - ECSC WARSZAWA 2006 QUICK T. [H#2*] in group: HelpmatesBorislav Gadjanski - The Problemist 2013 - 1st Prize in group: HelpmatesAndrey Selivanov - 1Pr. The Problemist 2003-4 (S#3) in group: SelfmatesWaldemar Tura - 1st Prize Wola Gulowska 2006 [S#2] in group: SelfmatesWaldemar Tura - 3rd Pr. Wola Gulowska 2006 [S#2] in group: SelfmatesAndrej Selivanov - The Urals Problemist 2008 in group: Selfmates