Discussion board: Forum
Total number of posts: 325Author of 81 topics:Russian Selfmates in group: X-Files: AnticipationsAnticipated miniatures? in group: X-Files: AnticipationsA question of attribution in group: X-Files: AnticipationsHelpmate from Jurmala in group: X-Files: AnticipationsPreziosi mutate in group: X-Files: AnticipationsSecondary Schiffmann in group: GeneralWho is the composer? in group: GeneralSelections for solving events in group: GeneralBCPS website in group: GeneralConsideration for solvers in group: GeneralSchiffmann in group: GeneralTwo-move challenge in group: GeneralLangstaff PRA two-mover in group: GeneralThe aesthetics of rundlaufs in group: GeneralOpportunity to publicise chess problems in group: GeneralThe Problemist - Index to Volumes 1-6 in group: GeneralProblems for comparison in group: GeneralC.S.Kipping in group: GeneralECSC Internet H#3 Tourney in group: GeneralChess problemists from Devon in group: GeneralMissing mutate in group: GeneralBest solver in group: GeneralBCPS weekend 2010 in group: GeneralComposition in the USSR in group: GeneralBCM Problem Index in group: GeneralMost problems by one composer in an award in group: GeneralRobin Matthews in group: GeneralE.J.Tchélébi in group: GeneralLu Citeroni in group: GeneralWartons in group: GeneralNew website in group: GeneralT.H.Willcocks 100 in group: GeneralGamage commemoration in group: GeneralWCSC etiquette in group: GeneralY flights in group: GeneralRelated composers in group: GeneralLoyd in group: GeneralCorrect names wanted in group: GeneralSir Jeremy Morse in group: GeneralHigher degrees of black correction in group: GeneralVersions of a helpmate in group: GeneralThe "Which Route" theme in group: GeneralTerminology in group: GeneralJunior solving competition in group: GeneralSpelling check in group: GeneralTerminology in group: GeneralDouble check in a model mate in group: GeneralTimothy Whitworth studies in group: GeneralThe origins of the $100 theme in group: GeneralLongest composing career in group: GeneralConstruction task in group: GeneralStrateGems July 2020 in group: GeneralChess problems of P.C.Thomson in group: GeneralTemplar theme in group: GeneralDatabases and accuracy in group: Internet and ComputingECSC 2010 Composing Tourneys in group: CompetitionsBCPS 2012 tourney in group: CompetitionsUkraine 2012 in group: CompetitionsPoorly run tourney in group: CompetitionsC. J. Morse Award for 2-move Tasks and Records in group: Competitions15th Warsaw Solving Grand Prix 2016 composing tourneys in group: CompetitionsBMJC COMPOSING TOURNEY: “NEWOTNYS” in group: CompetitionsArthur Willmott tourneys in group: CompetitionsCorrect source? in group: TwomoversUrania theme in group: TwomoversMutate reconstruction in group: TwomoversMiniature task? in group: TwomoversKeres two-mover in group: TwomoversThings are not what they seem... in group: ThreemoversForgotten Whyatt problem? in group: ThreemoversKnights galore in group: ThreemoversCooked Pugachev in group: ThreemoversSource details wanted in group: ThreemoversLiburkin systematic manoeuvre in group: Endgame studiesTest your composing imagination in group: HelpmatesAdventure in recomposition in group: HelpmatesConstruction task in group: MiscHavel source wanted in group: MoremoversBob Wade in group: Retro/MathSource details wanted in group: Retro/MathK.A.K.Larsen mini-selfmate in group: Selfmates