Discussion board: Forum
Total number of posts: 310Author of 47 topics:Deutsche Schachzeitung in group: X-Files: AnticipationsSelfmate with royal battery mates in group: X-Files: AnticipationsArthur Mosely, 1 Prize, Northern Whig 1912 in group: X-Files: AnticipationsSentinels with neutral pawns (Sentinelles en Pion neutre) in group: GeneralRepublican Chess proofgame in group: Generalfamous selfmate cooked in group: GeneralIllegal Clusters in group: GeneralWilliam Shinkman in group: GeneralAre There Any? (Kriegspiel chess problems) in group: GeneralThe six-fold dentist in group: GeneralShumov study in group: GeneralBest #2 cross-check problems in group: GeneralKopaev & Loshinsky in group: GeneralW.B. Trumper in group: Generalreciprocal change mutate in group: GeneralTempo proof games in group: GeneralAlexandre Pikulik in group: GeneralDelay to September issue of The Problemist in group: GeneralRegistration on MatPlus Forum in group: GeneralZagoruiko in #2 or #3 in group: GeneralBring Out Your Dead (Chess Problems) in group: GeneralWhite duals in series-reflexmates in group: GeneralC. J. MORSE AWARD FOR 2-MOVE TASKS AND RECORDS in group: General17th International Solving Contest 2021 in group: GeneralPromotion to knight in group: GeneralEmil Luukkonen in group: GeneralKamikaze Circe in group: General65th WCCC website in group: GeneralPetko Petkov's chess archive in group: GeneralPopeye helpmates - White plays first in group: Internet and ComputingProof Games in group: Internet and ComputingMPDBS in group: Internet and ComputingWinChloe light in group: Internet and ComputingPopeye hint #1 in group: Internet and ComputingUsing Popeye for very quick testing of long help problems in group: Internet and ComputingPopeye performance in group: Internet and ComputingCaldas Vianna 4-mover reconstruction exercise in group: CompetitionsDawson Triathlon Memorial Tourney 2021 in group: CompetitionsBruno Preziosi in group: TwomoversStocchi theme in group: TwomoversArbejder Skak in group: TwomoversKoBul Kings - Lacny theme in group: TwomoversG.F.Anderson, 1 Prize, Il Secolo 1921 in group: TwomoversRequest for evaluation of chess problems in group: ThreemoversThe Obelisk in group: FairiesBror Larsson, Springaren 1947 in group: HelpmatesWalther Jorgensen #200 in group: Moremovers