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MatPlus.Net Forum Selfmates Easy selfmate for smile - the same mate but three different pieces... |
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| | (1) Posted by Aleksey Oganesjan [Wednesday, Sep 9, 2020 16:26] | Easy selfmate for smile - the same mate but three different pieces... Aleksey Oganesjan
Moscow tourney, 2020
4th Commendation
(= 8+7 )
s#3 b)–Pf5
a) diagram:
1.R~? zz 1...g6 2.Qxd5 gxf5 3.Bb2+ axb2#, 1...gxf6!
1.Rb3? zz 1...gxf6 2.Rd3 fxg5 3.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...g6!
1.Rd8! zz
1...g6 2.Qxd5! gxf5 3.Bb2+ axb2#
1...gxf6 2.R:d5! fxg5 3.Qb2+ axb2#
[1.Qxd5? zz 1...g6 2.R~ gxf5 3.Bb2+ axb2#, 1...gxf6!]
b) –Pf5:
1.Rb4(6,7)? zz 1...g6 2.Qd3 d4 3.Rb2 axb2#, 1...gxf6!
1.Rd8? zz 1...gxf6 2.R:d5 f:g5 3.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...g6!
1.Rb3! zz
1...g6 2.Qd3! d4 3.Rb2 axb2#
1...gxf6 2.Rd3! fxg5 3.Qb2+ axb2#
[1.Qxd5? zz 1...g6 2.Rb5! axb5 3.Bb2+ axb2#, 1...gxf6!]
Change-play, white correction and play on the same square - in both twins. | | (2) Posted by James Malcom [Friday, Sep 25, 2020 15:25] | A very exquisite change of sacrifice play! Well done. | | No more posts |
MatPlus.Net Forum Selfmates Easy selfmate for smile - the same mate but three different pieces... |