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MatPlus.Net Forum Selfmates Which version would you prefer? Schwalbe 4/2011 14796
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(1) Posted by Sven Hendrik Lossin [Saturday, Dec 29, 2012 12:11]; edited by Sven Hendrik Lossin [12-12-29]

Which version would you prefer? Schwalbe 4/2011 14796

A composer often has to decide which version he likes to publish. I'd like to show you some examples now and then if you are interested in that kind of stuff.

(= 10+12 )

Schwalbe 4/2011, Sven-H Loßin, dedicated to Frank Richter
In this selfmate in 11 white has to decide after 1.Qh4 Ba3 whether the bPc7 and bRb6 will be eliminated by the bishop or the queen. Try: 2.Qe1? Bb2 3.Qe6 Ba3 4.Qc8 Bb2 5.Qxc7 Rb7!!
Actual play: 2.Bxc7 Bb2 3.Bd8 Ba3 4.Bxb6 Bb2 5.Bd8 Ba3 6.Qg3 Bb2 7.Qxd6 Ba3 8.b5!! with a decisive self-pin, when 3.-Rb7 is rejected by 4.Qxf6 (4.Bxf6?) 4.-Bxf6 5.Bxf6 Rg7 6.h7! ~ 7.Bxg7

There is another version of that which changes nothing but the variation after 3.-Rb7 and makes it full length:
(= 10+13 )

Now after 3.-Rb7 it goes full length 4.Bxf6+ Bxf6 5.Qxf6+ Rg7 6.Ne7! ~ 7.Ng6+ hxg6 8.hxg7+ Kh7 9.g8Q+ Kh6 10.Qh7+ Kxh7 11.Qg7+ Qxg7# (quiet knight move just to sacrifice this piece in sixth move and disturbing mass on g7 after eighth move that needs to be removed).
I liked this variation but Hartmut Laue, who is certainly full of wisdom when it comes to selfmates, advised me to take this one because the role of the wNc6 is too thin at all while the Bf5 always guards h7. And it needs two extra pieces of which one (wPf5) only avoids a very late dual.

Now it is up to you. What are your experiences with those decisions which version of problem you want to publish? How do you solve them? And what do you think about this piece I showed you?
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MatPlus.Net Forum Selfmates Which version would you prefer? Schwalbe 4/2011 14796