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MatPlus.Net Forum X-Files: Anticipations 2# Special Prize Mat Plus 2009
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(1) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Tuesday, Jul 26, 2011 13:34]

2# Special Prize Mat Plus 2009

I just read the report. Marjans special immediately gave me a deja-vu.
I can't give any source (our local herring wrap newspaper never gave
any source when reprinting). 2nd, the position was a bit different
but still very similar. I have no idea whether the judge knows - he
already mentioned many similar positions and may be adressed to the
perfect economy. Neither do I remember whether the position I saw
ages ago showed a Ruchlis - but it definitely showed TWO king moves
(1 try, 1 sol) in zugzwang position.
Before we go on a wild goose chase, maybe the judge (Dragan) could post
the most similar problems here? If I find the deja-vu amongst them,
I can close my case. (It's the right of the judge to praise small
improvements or damn vague similarnesses, I've seen both in my own
2# career...)
P.S. And no, the problem I mean surely isn't Marjans 1st version,
I even believe it's older than Marjan himself :-) I possibly might
find the exact position in one of my desks.

(Read Only)pid=7114
(2) Posted by Administrator [Tuesday, Jul 26, 2011 14:31]

Hauke, when you say "Marjan" do you mean "Milan"? :-)

Here is the extract from a syrvey on Idel Ruchlis published in Mat Plus Review 9-10/2009:
Perhaps you'll find there what you are looking for.

By the way, problem No.58 was quoted few years ago in an article in "Die Schwalbe" with writer's (don't remember the name) suggestion to add the black Pg3 and have the one-mate-short zugzwang in initial position and a tempo-try like 1.Rh3? a3! which repeats the set play.
(Read Only)pid=7115
(3) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Wednesday, Jul 27, 2011 11:17]

<slaps repeatedly with trout> Yes, of course. Marjan had the first,
you had the special. All those nastily similar Slavic names are
soooo confusing :-)

OK, thread can be closed, as the problem reprinted in my newspaper
WAS your No. 58 (WITH Pg3). A very fine problem indeed and now I finally
know whom credit is due. (Bugs me why I don't remember the SCHWALBE reprint.)

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MatPlus.Net Forum X-Files: Anticipations 2# Special Prize Mat Plus 2009