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MatPlus.Net Forum X-Files: Anticipations EG study or Blitz game? New plagiarism threats... |
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| | (1) Posted by Kevin Begley [Tuesday, Mar 10, 2009 00:29]; edited by Kevin Begley [09-03-10] | EG study or Blitz game? New plagiarism threats... Recently, the following position was entered into a problem-server's database, claiming the entrant had arrived at the position -- and the not-so-difficult solution (white draws) -- from a blitz game (against an opponent who shares the name of an OTB GrandMaster, though I find no record of such a non-GM player in the FIDE rating list).
Naturally, I am skeptical that such an opportunity would have presented itself in a game -- strange things do happen in blitz, but rarely with such economy!
(= 5+5 )
Anybody recognize this position from a study (perhaps the end of a study)?
The obvious threat here is that a hoax is created on one problem server, and it migrates to other servers -- perhaps even appears in print media -- and a few decades later, problemists are left to sort these matters out.
After finding the exact position online (, I forced a confession...
Unfortunately, the site given -- like so many others -- doesn't list the composer, publication, year, etc (or am I just language-challenged?). | | (2) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Mar 10, 2009 01:40]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [09-03-10] | (= 5+5 )
Willi Vollmer
Südwest-Schach 1950
1.c6+! Kxa7 2.Kg1! (2.Kg3? Ka8 3.Kxh3 Ba7 4.Kg4 Bd4 5.h4 Bc3 6.h5 Bxa5 7.h6 Bc3) 2...Ka8 3.Kh1 Ba7 stalemate
hhdbiii 44604 | | No more posts |
MatPlus.Net Forum X-Files: Anticipations EG study or Blitz game? New plagiarism threats... |