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MatPlus.Net Forum X-Files: Anticipations Deutsche Schachzeitung |
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| | (1) Posted by Geoff Foster [Monday, Feb 2, 2009 05:12] | Deutsche Schachzeitung (= 2+4 )
R Dillmann, Erich Zepler and Laimons Mangalis
set play: 1...S~ 2.Qb3.
solution: 1.Qb7! Sb5 2.Qe4+ Sd4 3.Qb1 S~ 4.Qb3.
WinChloe gives the source as "Frankfurter General Anzeiger 1931". It also seems to have been quoted in "Problem" in December 1952. A mirror image of the problem appears in "Miniature Chess Problems from many Countries", where the author is given as R Dillmann, with a source of "Frankfurter Generalanzeiger 1937" (not 1931). There was an interesting letter from Laimons Mangalis (one of the composers) in "The Problemist" in January 1983, as follows:
"Some years before the war (unfortunately I can’t tell the exact year for as a refugee I had to leave everything behind in Riga, including my problems) I sent [this problem] to Deutsche Schachzeitung. To my astonishment, it appeared under the name of Dr E Zepler. Only then did I notice at the bottom of the page a note: 'The same position was received a fortnight later from L Mangalis in Riga’. It left me wondering – had the celebrated Dr Zepler sent it a fortnight later would there also have appeared a similar note at the bottom of the page? Most likely the problem would have appeared as Dr E Zepler and L Mangalis. Anyway, I was only an unknown composer from Riga."
Does anybody know the correct source? Does anybody have access to Deutsche Schachzeitung for 1931 or 1937? | | (2) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Feb 2, 2009 23:02] | I can confirm that it was quoted in Problem, December 1952 under all three names and with the source "Frankfurter Anzeiger, XI 1931", however, just to further confuse matters, it also appears in the 1952 book Figuren-Rundläufe im Schachproblem as Dillmann, Zepler and Mangalis, Frankfurter Gen-Anzeiger 24th April 1937. | | (3) Posted by Geoff Foster [Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 10:04] | I think that 1937 is the correct year, and 1931 was a mistake when it was quoted in Problem. Mangalis would have been 19 or 20 years old in 1931, and just a beginner as a composer. Also, why would Dillmann get credit if his problem appeared in 1937 and there was already a problem from 1931? Does anybody have access to Deutsche Schachzeitung for 1937? | | No more posts |
MatPlus.Net Forum X-Files: Anticipations Deutsche Schachzeitung |