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MatPlus.Net Forum Endgame studies A belated christmas present (ARVES 25 AT, 1st prize)
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(1) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Dec 27, 2014 23:21]

A belated christmas present (ARVES 25 AT, 1st prize)

(= 13+7 )

Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe
ARVES 25 AT, 1st prize
White wins

1.Rb3+ Ka4 2.Ra3+ K:a3 3.f8Q+ c5 4.b:c6 e.p.+ Ka4 5.Qb4+! K:b4 6.B:c3+ K:c3 7.0-0-0! g1Q! 8.R:g1 Rc2+ 9.Kb1 Rb2+ 10.Ka1 Kc2! 11.d8R! B:d8 12.g8S! Bb6 13.h8B! wins

Another life dream of me has come true after the fivefold knight promotion in the pawn endgame. We have here a complete Valladão with AUW. I celebrated this masterpiece with champagne!
(Read Only)pid=13078
(2) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Dec 28, 2014 08:00]

Simply superb!
(Read Only)pid=13079
(3) Posted by Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen [Sunday, Dec 28, 2014 11:41]

Wonderful! There is amazing flow through out the solution.

So, Siegfried. What is the next record to be achieved in studies?
(Read Only)pid=13080
(4) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Dec 28, 2014 15:21]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [14-12-28]
Sergiy Didukh has a differing view, so I feel liberty to post the link here.

Sergiy Didukh wrote me per e-mail:
As I stated in the article I agree with Afek that 3 first studies are the best in the tourney. What I don't like in the 1st prize are:
1. Ba8
2. Allumwandlung is not and never was a synthesis of equal ideas - promotion to Q is simply too ordinary.
3. Valladao is and always was a synthesis of "accidental" ideas (they are not parts of any common plan)

But I like the position after move 6 (without Ba8)

Well, Steffen, on your question, it depends on what you are willing to do... the Babson still is unsolved...
(Read Only)pid=13081
(5) Posted by Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe [Sunday, Dec 28, 2014 20:27]

Thanks a lot for the compliments!

I don't know Russian, so I can't read what Sergiy has written about on his blog. However, I would like to comment on the use of Ba8. Obviously, the technical Ba8 is unfortunate. Perhaps Sergiy would have preferred a different version:

(= 11+8 )

This was the first correct version I found. The solution is 1.f8Q+ c5! 2.bxc6+ Qb4 3.Qxb4+ Kxb4 4.Bxc3+ Kxc3 5.0-0-0 etc. The original sacrifices are lost, but there is no technical Ba8. However, there is one other hidden difference. The main line continues with 5...g1Q, but there is the important sideline 5...Rc2+ 6.Kb1 Rb2+ 7.Ka1 Kc2

(= 9+5 )

8.Rd2+! Kc1! 9.Rxb2 Bd4 10.a3 Bxb2+ 11.Ka2 g1Q 12.g8Q Qxf2

(= 7+4 )

In this position, 13.d8Q? Bd4+! 14.Kb3 Qc2+ 15.Kb4 Qc5+ 16.Ka4 Qxc6+ is a draw by perpetual checks. There is only one way to win:

13.Qg5+ Kd1 14.Qg3!! Qxg3 15.d8Q+ and the computer demonstrates a win in all lines. However, the position is still complicated. For example, after 15...Kc2, White cannot play 16.c7? Qe1! 17.c8Q+ Bc3:

(= 6+4 )

In spite of his extra queen, White has no win. He must play 18.Qxc3+ Qxc3 19.Qb6 Qc4+ with a draw by perpetual checks.

Instead of this, White had to find 16.Qb6! which is winning.

While the move 14.Qg3!! could easily be the highlight of a separate study, I didn't want such a complicated line that has no relation to the study's main idea. Remember, we are talking about a sideline starting at move 5! With Ba8 present, it is easier to refute 5...Rc2+. The Qg3 idea is still possible (and more obviously winning), but White can also play 13.d8Q, since there is no perpetual checks when c6 is covered. Furthermore, there is 12.c7! instead of 12.g8Q:

(= 9+4 )

Now Ba8 gets into play, so 12...Kc2 is met by 13.Be4+. There is no stopping White's pawns here.

I spent some time deciding whether it was worth adding Ba8. In sum, I considered that the initial sacrifices and the less complicated lines after 5...Rc2+ made it worthwhile.
(Read Only)pid=13082
(6) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Dec 28, 2014 20:35]

I would have preferred that "new", i.e. old version you presented now! Beautiful!
(Read Only)pid=13083
(7) Posted by Sergiy Didukh [Sunday, Dec 28, 2014 21:20]

Thanks, Geir Sune, for explaining the reasons why you added Ba8. The line with Q-sacrifice is a little difficult but also nice. So, it's Ok for me. I thought you added Ba8 just to have a bright introduction with Q-sac and en-passant. It's really hard to choose one of the versions. If that 'German' synthesis of Allumwandlung and Valladao has to be shown in a study, I'd prefer the version you sent to the tourney (with Ba8).
But I don't like Allumwandlung and Valladao, that's why I start liking your study only after move 6 - and Ba8 is superfluous there. So, for me the decision is easy. I'll remember the position after move 6 and consider it a great achievement.
(Read Only)pid=13084
(8) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Jan 8, 2015 16:59]

In reply to posting (5):

However, according to my analysis, also 10.a4 wins here. The win is more complicated then, but still there, as in the final position of the sideline (with pawn a4 instead a3) a tablebase win is executed: 16.-Bc3 17.Qb3+ Kd3 18.Q:c3+ K:c3 19.h8Q+ Kb4 (the difference!) 20.Qd4+ Ka5 21.f6 f2 22.Qc5+ K:a4 23.Qc4+ Ka5 24.c7 f1Q 25.Q:f1 Qh2+ 26.Kb1! Qh7+ 27.Ka1! Q:c7 28.Qf5+ Kb4 29.Kb1! Qg3 30.Kc2 Qe3 31.Kd1 and White eventually wins.
(Read Only)pid=13118
(9) Posted by Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe [Sunday, Jan 18, 2015 20:48]

Looks like you are right. I never went deep into the analysis of a4, since a3 seemed more natural and I didn't want to use it as a second main line anyway.
(Read Only)pid=13158

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MatPlus.Net Forum Endgame studies A belated christmas present (ARVES 25 AT, 1st prize)