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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Riphey - 2007 (Oscar of chess composition)
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(1) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Thursday, Jul 19, 2007 15:25]

Riphey - 2007 (Oscar of chess composition)

We invite all chess composers for participation in competition "Riphey-2007" -
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(2) Posted by David Knezevic [Thursday, Oct 25, 2007 09:55]

I think this is a wonderful idea and that all composers should take part in it. It could be an opportunity for all of us to see the problems which are considered the best by the authors themselves.

I invite everybody who reads this post to submit his/her problems, and also to tell the friends to do it. It doesn't take much time - just prepare the diagrams and attach them to the email message. Don't forget that the closing date is November 1st 2007.

In order to underline my excitement with the "Riphey" idea, I will provide the complete "Mat Plus 2007" volume to randomly chosen participant in each of eight sections (that is: 8 completes). To keep the things fair and transparent, I will organize the public drawing in Belgrade chess club.
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(3) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Oct 25, 2007 10:56]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-10-25]

Ah, yes! Thanks for reminding me! At that time when it was published first I wasn't so excited with the diagrams thing (there wasn't your service). I still have problems (no pun intended) choosing my best two compositions (PS: I found, I had only 18 studies published in 2006, so it's ok).

Maybe you can open the "Make Diagram" service until November 1st for non-subscribers so they can participate, too?
(Read Only)pid=1611
(4) Posted by Administrator [Thursday, Oct 25, 2007 11:08]

Maybe you can open the "Make Diagram" service until November 1st for non-subscribers so they can participate, too?

There is already one (open) diagram service, you could try it:
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(5) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Thursday, Oct 25, 2007 11:10]

Riphey as in "Hey! This is a rip!"? :-)

(Just curious where the name comes from.
The talented Mr. Riphey? :-)


(Sorry for all the gruesome puns, but if I don't relieve stress
anyhow anywhere and that multo pronto, my head might explode.)
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(6) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Tuesday, Oct 30, 2007 14:39]

Riphey - the old name of the Ural mountains
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(7) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Nov 1, 2007 11:09]

Send your compositions now. Today is closing date and the director there is very friendly! :-)
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(8) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Monday, Jan 21, 2008 12:36]

Please, has anyone collected all entries and could provide them to me e.g. in one zipped file? Downloading them one by one is sooo tedious...
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(9) Posted by David Knezevic [Monday, Jan 21, 2008 13:29]

Please, has anyone collected all entries and could provide them to me e.g. in one zipped file?

I did. The zip is a pretty big file (6.64 MB), so I can keep it on the server for a limited time, say 2 weeks from now:

(link changed - see the note below)

My observation: Riphey is an excellent idea, but the execution must be MUCH improved, both in respect of submitting and evaluating the problems. Passing around the huge document(s) is quite a tedious! Interactive input forms are mandatory!

Admin note: Siegfried Hornecker kindly provided the mirror at:
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(10) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Monday, Jan 21, 2008 14:18]

Thank you, Milan!
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(11) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 20:35]

After 15 months, is there any information somewhere about the judgement?
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(12) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 21:12]

While very few judges participated in it - composers. Results will be in June 2009.
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(13) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Friday, Mar 27, 2009 09:27]

Thank you for your message.

These are bad news, but unfortunately no surprise.

As author, I did not receive any announcement. But I am a beginner, and I can imagine that all confirmed composers have received the announcement.
Since Oct, 30th, 2007, no news. A full black-out!

As editor, I did not receive ANY information at all. And I imagine that's the same for the other editors, as we are all listed in various websites (including the very good one of Jan Golha).

I think that this is better to admit that your process was unfortunately wrong. This is still time to correct it, rather that to publish an erroneous ranking, based on a small feedback (if any...).

Editors must now receive a clear and simple information if you want to get some feedback from them.

That means:

- The links to the competiting problems, classified BY SECTION, and sent to the concerned editors BY SECTION.
- A simple score sheet to send back to your attention.
- Give them one month, and be sure they'll be glad to participate!

If you need any help, please feel free to ask me.
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(14) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Friday, Mar 27, 2009 10:00]

Wait results in June. After leading of the first results new similar competitions for 2008, will be declared 2009
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(15) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Friday, Mar 27, 2009 11:26]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [09-03-27]

@AV Selivanov: What about a competition for 2007?

@Guy: You can still download the entries from my website.

PS: Ok, Guy, I made it clearer since you WANT to misunderstand. :-)
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(16) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Friday, Mar 27, 2009 12:41]

I did not check your website, but that's great performance to have on it some results that the organizer did not know himself this morning!
More seriously, and except any mistake, I think that you have reproduced on your website the entries list, already available on the Andrej's website for 15 months.

If I am wrong, that's a very good new.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Riphey - 2007 (Oscar of chess composition)