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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 100 years of Slovak Chess Union C 29.6.2024
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(1) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Saturday, Jan 13, 2024 12:13]

100 years of Slovak Chess Union C 29.6.2024

Slovak Organization for Chess Composition (SOKŠ) in cooperation with Slovak Chess Union (SŠZ) announces international chess composition tourney 100 years of SŠZ in two sections:

For orthodox twomovers (#2) – judge Dragan Stojnić (Serbia), director Juraj Lörinc (
For endgame studies – judge Péter Gyarmati (Hungary), director Ľuboš Kekely (
Free theme in both sections. At most 3 compositions by one author per section (including joint compositions).
(Read Only)pid=25673
(2) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Saturday, Jun 1, 2024 12:51]

The last month before deadline. Good number (24) of #2 entries by 17 authors so far.
(Read Only)pid=25996
(3) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Friday, Oct 11, 2024 01:00]

Both preliminary awards are now published:

#2 -
studies -

They are open to claims till 11.11.2024.
(Read Only)pid=26289
(4) Posted by Anatoly Slesarenko [Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 17:34]

Great problem, Peter! Congratulations.
The problem of Marco Guida (3 prize) is totally anticipated by
(Read Only)pid=26290
(5) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 23:05]

Yes, similarity is unquestionable.
3rd Prize will be deleted from the award.
(Read Only)pid=26291
(6) Posted by Marco Guida [Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 15:45]

I agree that similarities in the matrix are definitely there; yet the system of effects I used to achieve the core Burmistrov combination is different and more subtle (interference of black lines vs. straight capture of black pawns). On the other hand, the predecessor adds a 3x2 Zagoruiko to the core Burmistrov combination, which is of course a plus. That said, as usual, no complaints at all whatever the decision of the judge is.
(Read Only)pid=26293
(7) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 19:27]

I can't resist the pleasure of showing here the "special Prize", once again Peter offers us a delightful historical achievement:

Peter Gvozdjak
special Prize
100 years of Slovak Chess Union tourney 2024
(= 11+10 )

1.Sf4? X [2.Qf3‡ A]
1…Q×f4 a 2.Sd5‡ B (Rc3?, Sc2?)
1…Qe5 b 2.Sc2‡ C (Rc3?)
(1…Qe4 2.Q×e4‡)

1.Se5? Y [2.Sd5‡ B]
1…Qf4 a 2.Sc2‡ C (Rc3?)
1…Q×e5 b 2.Qf3‡ A (Rc3?, Sc2?)

1.Rc3! [2.Sc2‡]
1…Qf4+ a 2.S×f4‡ X (Se5?)
1…Qe5+ b 2.S×e5‡ Y

Shedej-Lacny (named Dombro-Lacny in winchloe)
Zagoruiko 3x3 (in such a Zagoruiko 2x3 where all the threats are different it is in fact a 3x3 (you can for instance take 1...Ba3 as move "c")
anti-reversal paradox (x3 at least): 1.X x 2.Y# works but 1.Y x 2.X does not
super-focal queen who guards a mate on 3 different lines !
change in the defense motive 2x3 : each of the thematic moves 1...Qe5 and 1...Qf4 once controls the threat, once gives a flght, once gives a check
All in all the 8 white officers (K, Q, 2R, 2B, 2S) are involved in the matrix which is a super-rare feature
A problem extremely complex and nice which deserves a close analysis.
(Read Only)pid=26295
(8) Posted by Joose Norri [Monday, Oct 14, 2024 03:41]

Is the anti-Reversal really x3?
(Read Only)pid=26296
(9) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Oct 14, 2024 05:16]

@ Jacques
A great problem indeed.
But why special prize?
(Read Only)pid=26297
(10) Posted by shankar ram [Monday, Oct 14, 2024 06:01]

Also Vladimirov/Banny theme:

1.Sf4? 1...Qe5/Qf4
1.Se5? 1...Qe5/Qf4
1.Rc3! 1...Qe5/Qf4 2.Sxe5/Sxf4

1.A? 1...x/y
1.B? 1...x/y
1.C! 1...x/y 2.A/B
(Read Only)pid=26298
(11) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Oct 14, 2024 07:05]

Why « Special Prize »?
Well, I was not the judge.
If I understand what the judge wrote, there are « duals » in the tries, if black defend with weaker moves than the thematic ones.
In a sense, you can see these « duals » as defects, but you can see them also as quality :
The only black moves to be considered are the thematic ones, and it adds clarity (only 1…Qe4 appears once as side variation in a try) the other black defenses are « weaker » as underlined by these « duals ».
In the actual play there are only the thematic defenses, and no dual at all.
So personally, I don’t mind.

About Vladimirov (Banny) : these themes are initially defined by refutations of tries and not by variations.
The Vladimirov is with anti reversal paradox, the Banny without :
Vladimirov :
1.X? x! 1.Y y! 1.Z! x/y 2.X#/Y#
1.X? x! 1.Y y! 1.Z! x/y 2.Y#/X#

That’s why I prefer the term « anti-reversal paradox »
Why x3 ?
Twice 2.Rc3 is forbidden because the rook is pinned
Once because of a flight
and once because of the same flight and the same pin. This 4th I tend not to consider.
(Read Only)pid=26299
(12) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Oct 14, 2024 16:16]

Thanks Jaques for detailed educative explanation
(Read Only)pid=26303
(13) Posted by Joose Norri [Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024 10:26]

As I see it, 1.Sf4? Qe5 2.Rc3?? and 1.Se5? Qf4 2.Rc3? are not part of anti-reversal, because the Black Q-moves are not the same x as after 1.Rc3!. So it looks x2 to me. Am I overlooking something?
(Read Only)pid=26315
(14) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024 18:24]

You are right Joose, my mistake.
nor 1.Rc3 Qf4 2.Se5 nor 1.Se5 Qf4 2.Rc3 occur
(Read Only)pid=26316
(15) Posted by Joose Norri [Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 21:55]

Here we are very close to coining an unusually beautiful terminus technicus : the pseudo anti reversal.
(Read Only)pid=26330

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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 100 years of Slovak Chess Union C 29.6.2024