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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Christmas Tourney
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(1) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Friday, Dec 14, 2007 15:17]

Christmas Tourney

Initiated by Michel Caillaud, a Christmas tourney is organized in parallel to the International Solving Contest 2008. The theme chosen by the judges is a fairy condition, created by Frederick H. Von Meyenfeldt:

ELLIUORTAP, (or Lortap Chess –anti patrol Chess-)

A piece can capture only if it is not controlled (by a piece of its side).

Example :
Frederick H. Von Meyenfeldt
Probleemblad 1989
(= 8+7 )

Elliuortap (Lortap Chess)

1…S~ 2.Kç4‡

1.Se5! blocus
1…S×ç2 2.Kç5‡
1…Sb3 2.Sç3‡
1…h5 2.Sf3‡
1…f×e5 2.Kç4‡
1…K×e5 2.Bd4‡

Other fairy conditions and pieces are accepted.
The « Elliuortap » fairy condition cannot be tested with Popeye, but is implemented in Winchloé.
The controller is a happy user of Winchloé, and the composers are welcome to send their problems for testing.

Section 1: All kinds of problems except Retros and Proof-games. Judge: Jacques Rotenberg
Section 2: Retro problems and Proof-games. Judge Eric Pichouron.

Send to the controller:
Guy Sobrecases :

Closing date : January 20th, 2008.

The awards will be announced at the end of the ISC, on January 27th, 2008.
(Read Only)pid=1782
(2) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Dec 14, 2007 16:43]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [07-12-14]

Can you clarify for me this scenario? If we add bPa4 does bS from b3 (after variation 1...Sb3) still guards bKd4 or not? Since now the bSb3 is guarded by his own bPa4 is this knight powerless or not? Sorry if this looks like dummy question but this is the first time that I hear for this condition.

Thanks. Misha.
(Read Only)pid=1783
(3) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Friday, Dec 14, 2007 17:27]

Dear Misha,

Thank you for your interest. Yes, one consider that with a bPa4+bSb3, the bKd4 cannot capture.

You are right: with a bPa4, the bSb3 would not control d4, since the bSb3 would be guarded by the bPa4 (fortunately the bPa4 would not be guarded by the bK: we would obtain a vicious circle, and a Lortap-Larsen effect!).

In the definition of Lortap or Patrol Chess, one should perhaps rather talk about "observation" than control...

Best wishes.
(Read Only)pid=1784
(4) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Dec 15, 2007 00:56]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-12-15]

Yes, let's assume that Lortap-Larsen effect :-)

What then?

wRb1 Rg1 Bb7 Bg7
What pieces can capture?
What's the answer with wKe1?

In my opinion, no pieces should capture in both cases (same as with "normal" pins)
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(5) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Saturday, Dec 15, 2007 10:20]


Your example without a wKe1 is clear and nice. I also think that no piece can capture.

In your example with a wKe1, I did not see the specificity. How do you justify that the wRs cannot capture, since they are not observed by any w unit?
(= 5+3 )

Thank you.

(Read Only)pid=1786
(6) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Dec 15, 2007 10:40]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-12-15]

Of course, they all should be on the 2nd row, sorry. First I had it on the corners but noticed the pieces have no field to capture without breaking their line to another one.

It should be as follows with the knights as placeholders for a black piece (doesn't matter which, I guess). So assume white isn't in check and let's see this with and without Ke2

(= 4+10 )

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(7) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Saturday, Dec 15, 2007 18:26]


I agree with you: No w unit can capture, even if the line b2-g2 is closed. In this last case,
the wR is "observed" by the wB, even if this last one do not control it, since it is observed by the other wR, (even if this last R is observed by the other B, etc...)
That's a nice example showing this "Lortap-Larsen" effect.
An interesting challenge could be to build a twin problem
a)Lortap "observe" b)Lortap "guard"
I think that the judges could perhaps appreciate!

PS: In spite of the Larsen effect, we made the same kind of twinning with Peter Harris some time ago with Madrasi and Isardam a)"observe" b)"guard". So, this must be possible also with "Lortap". Good luck! :-)
(Read Only)pid=1788
(8) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Friday, Dec 21, 2007 20:52]

Many thanks to Stephen Emmerson, who has implemented the "Lortap" fairy condition. The downloadable version of Popeye which includes the condition is not yet available, but Stephen kindly offers the possibility to use this link to his PC:

This allows a maximum testing time of 30 secondes, which is enough for most of the problems. The link is available on the afternoon, and in the evening.

The downloadable version should be available in a few weeks. Meantime, please be so kind not to harass Stephen for long problems testing, especially during this Christmas period!
Thank you for him.

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(9) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Monday, Jan 14, 2008 21:30]

One week before the deadline.
So far, 57 entries in both sections + 84 cooked problems...
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(10) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Sunday, Jan 20, 2008 13:05]

Thanks to Stephen Emmerson and Thomas Maeder, the Popeye version, including the "Lortap" condition is downloadable (see internet and computing section of the Mat Plus Forum)
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(11) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Monday, Jan 21, 2008 22:38]

Thanks to Stephen Emmerson and Thomas Maeder

The merit for this one goes to Stephen alone.
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(12) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 09:31]

Many thanks to the autors, judges, and also to the webmasters who have favoured a large information of the announcement.

84 entries in the Section 1 (22 cooked problems)
105 entries in the section 2 (but...72 cooked problems so far)

This week is the last "burn-in", and preliminary judgement process.

The preliminary Awards list will be announced on Sunday, during the ISC held in Paris. The winners will be edited on at the beginning of next week.
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(13) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Sunday, Jan 27, 2008 22:05]

I am wondering if some of the Paris participants can give us some preliminary results? Perhaps results without diagrams until PDF file is ready.
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(14) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Sunday, Jan 27, 2008 23:03]

I'm back from Paris.
I'll let Guy tell you more, but here are some results

Administrator's note: Guy Sobrecases subsequently signalled that there are some errors in the information below.

Section 1 (no retro)
1 Prize Maryan Kerhuel #2
2 Pr Vlaicu Crisan & Paul Raican hs#3
3 Pr Miodrag Mladenovic & Jural Lorinc s#2
Not less than 9 MH (Cheylan*4, Caillaud, Gouze & Sobrecases, Crisan*2, Sobrecases alone)
and 20 commended (Vieira, Caillaud, Lorinc*2, Sobrecases*5, Hornecker & Sobrecases, Muller*3, Faybish & Sobrecases, Gouze & Sobrecases, Raican, Wassong, Quah and even myself *2 !)

Section 2 (PG and retro)
1 Prize Michel Caillaud & Nicolas Dupont (SPG 20,0)
2 Pr Dupont (SPG 12)
3 Pr Dupont & Caillaud (SPG 11)
4 Pr Raican (SPG 12,5)
4 HM (Wassong*2, Sobrecases, Caillaud&Dupont)
6 commended (Dupin, Faybish*4 + one with sobrecases !)
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(15) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Monday, Jan 28, 2008 07:08]

Axel, thanks for information.
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(16) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Monday, Jan 28, 2008 09:08]

Thank you Axel for this preliminary results, despatched to the attendees of the French ISC 2008 in Paris.

The full results will be available very soon, in a nicer form, and with diagrams.
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(17) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Monday, Jan 28, 2008 20:52]

Results of the French Composition Tourney, held during the ISC 2008

Section 1:

Section 2

Section 1:



Maryan KERHUEL, dédicated to Theodor Steudel, 1° Prix

Vlaicu CRISAN & Paul RAICAN, 2° Prix

Miodrag MLADENOVIC & Juraj LORINC, 3° Prix


Yves CHEYLAN, 1° Mention d'Honneur

Yves CHEYLAN, 2° Mention d'Honneur

Michel CAILLAUD, 3° Mention d'Honneur

François GOUZE & Guy SOBRECASES, 4° Mention d'Honneur

Vlaicu CRISAN, 5° Mention d'Honneur

Yves CHEYLAN, 6° Mention d'Honneur

Yves CHEYLAN, 7° Mention d'Honneur

Guy SOBRECASES, A la mémoire de la dinde, 8° Mention d'Honneur

Vlaicu CRISAN, 9° Mention d'Honneur

Michel CAILLAUD, 10° Mention d'Honneur

Guy SOBRECASES, « Bonne année », 11° Mention d'Honneur


Ricardo VIEIRA, Juraj LORINC, Siegfried HORNECKER, Dieter MULLER,
Itamar FAYBISH, Axel GILBERT, François GOUZE,

Section 2:



Prix spécial

Michel CAILLAUD & Nicolas DUPONT
1° Prix

Nicolas DUPONT
2° Prix

Nicolas DUPONT & Michel CAILLAUD
3° Prix





Michel CAILLAUD & Nicolas DUPONT


Jacques DUPIN

2° Recommandé

3° Recommandé

78 - Roberto OSORIO

5° Recommandé

6° Recommandé

7° Recommandé
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(18) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 14:06]

The most beautiful joint creation, during this tourney, has not been listed by the judges: you will find this superb jewel at the end of the results of the section 1.

Section 1:

Eric Victor CRISAN was born on January 14th, 2008. The French Tourney is dedicated to him.
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(19) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 09:13]

The 2°HM of the section 2 is C+. Thanks to Michel Caillaud and Itamar Faybish.

The 4th Prize of the same section is under test by the supercomputer of Siegfried. Thank you!
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(20) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 16:26]

It's no "supercomputer". In fact, I'll need a parameter for popeye in case it hangs up so I won't need to wait four more days for testing things already tested.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Christmas Tourney