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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018
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(121) Posted by [Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 16:51]; edited by [18-04-19]

Of course, Pervakov who has voted and made a meannes with the others members of comission, is absolutely not involved here. :)

ECSC 2015 (Fomichev had to be the 4th in the team)

2 RUSSIA 40 60 43.5 180 20 300 28.7 139 30.5 236 33.2 150 195.9 1065
Evseev, Georgy RUS 15 20 14.5 60 6 100 15 39 12 80 11.6 50 74.1 349
Mukoseev, Anatoly RUS 15 20 14.5 60 10 100 7.5 50 13.5 76 10 50 70.5 356
Petrov, Andrey

WCSC 2015
6 RUSSIA 30 30 25 120 19 196 21.5 100 15 160 15.5 100 126 706
Mukoseev, Anatoly RUS 15 19 15 60 5 100 12.5 50 10 80 7.5 50 65 359
Pervakov, Oleg RUS 15 11 10 60 8 100 9 50 5 80 8 50 55 351
Petrov, Andrey

ECSC 2016
4 Russia
Mukoseev, Anatoly RUS 10,00 20 13,75 49 12,00 100 8,75 50 10,00 80 12,50 50 67,00 349
Viktorov, Evgeny RUS 15,00 20 12,75 60 10,00 100 10,00 50 10,00 80 7,50 50 65,25 360
Pervakov, Oleg RUS 15,00 19 10,00 60 12,00 100 10,00 49 5,00 78 5,00 50 57,00 356
Petrov, Andrey

WCSC 2016
9 RUSSIA 30 36 29 107 18 197 21 88 21.7 160 20 100 139.7 688
Mukoseev, Anatoly RUS 15 16 14 52 11 100 15 38 11.7 80 10 50 76.7 336
Pletnev, Dmitry RUS 10 20 15 55 4 100 5.5 50 10 80 10 50 54.5 355
Pervakov, Oleg RUS 15 20 10 60 7 97 6 50 7.5 80 0 50 45.5 357
(Read Only)pid=16511
(122) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 17:19]

Нет, не вся комиссия. Я знаю, даже кто и что сказал в обсуждении. Знаю, например, что Усманов предлагал дисквалифицировать меня пожизненно (и это незаконно!). Журавлев и Селиванов не голосовали вовсе. И гордиться введением незаконных санкций немного чести.
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(123) Posted by [Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 17:53]; edited by [18-04-19]

The document shows accurately - ALL members had voted for discharge.
Collective meanness...
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(124) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 17:58]

Журавлев вообще ни в чем не участвовал, Селиванов участвовал только в обсуждении. Ну, да - кто голосовал, те проголосовали все, хотя не имели полномочий вводить санкции. Это прерогатива (на 2015 год) только Наблюдательного Совета РШФ.
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(125) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 20:56]

Dear chess friends, I would like to kindly ask you to refrain from posting in Russian in this English-language forum (although I can read and understand Russian, many other members don't).

Additionally, as I have already hinted some time ago and I rephrase it now, it is really not in the interest of Russian chess composers and solvers if you air your dirty laundry here.

But if you really need it...
(Read Only)pid=16515
(126) Posted by Rauf Aliovsadzade [Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 21:22]

Fully in support of Juraj!
Nobody needs posts in Russian at this English language forum.Period!
(I'd like to kindly ask the Administrator to take care of that,will you?)
Also.Nobody needs to see the 'dirty laundry' (as Juraj justly mentions!) tossed in by some users.
(Read Only)pid=16516
(127) Posted by [Friday, Apr 20, 2018 12:14]; edited by [18-04-20]

'Dirty laundry'?? But we talked only about friendship and love. :)
Our comrade Dmitri Turevski gave us new intresting information that he is not a member of the comission of RCF since 2015. How and why has this happened? Really friendship and love with famous composers Vladimirov, Selivanov and other members of comission have ended?
May be, if we (all solvers) shall understand who is against whom on friendly terms in RCF, we'll understand why ECSC 2018 has been cancelled (broken)...
(Read Only)pid=16521
(128) Posted by [Thursday, Jul 12, 2018 20:30]; edited by [18-07-19]

The vote about Fomichev was in 2015, and friendship of Dmitri Turevski {corrected - "Tyapkin's" was a misprint} with members of the commission of RCF was finished at the same year. If Fomichev wrote truly here that Selivanov didn't take part in that vote, then Dmitri Turevski has committed a small crime - has forged the results of vote and the protocol. It could be strongly unpleasant to Selivanov., for example, in an interview to the brave journalist Surov Selivanov was indignant with falsification of the solutions of RCF. But in that case not the falsifier was kicked off from his post in RCF, but Selivanov :)
However, as the character of one ancient farce (the lawyer Pathelin) spoked in such cases - "revenons à nos moutons", i.e. to organizers of the ECSC 2018.
Siegfried Hornecker has demanded "a complete investigation into everything that happened here". What does he want to find out? What questions does "the investigation" have to answer?
For me is unclear, for example
1) Why Selivanov, who suggested earlier to copulate efforts, didn't copulate with Evseev; didn't explain to Evseev about the estimate as Evseev asked him, and didn't publish the estimate?
2) And what are they - "the technical reasons" due to which was cancelled the ECSC?
3) Why delegates of the WFCC have refused to go to the ECSC? They voted for Selivanov's proposal by their own hands, and his reputation is well-known in the chess world, and here was written about it many times also, so, delegates clearly understood that there can be some incidents with the ECSC in Russia ...
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(129) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Friday, Jul 13, 2018 20:16]

Well, the investigation has to answer:
A) Who is at fault, if anyone?
B) Who will compensate solvers and attendees who had financial losses by booking early and now having to book somewhere else or cancel?
C) How can this be prevented in the future?
D) What other reforms are necessary or useful to create financial security for solvers in case of such event venue changes?
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(130) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Wednesday, Jul 18, 2018 14:03]; edited by Vladimir Tyapkin [18-07-18]

David, I really hope it's an honest mistake and you confuse me with somebody else. I neither have any relation to the RCF nor did I signed any protocols on its behalf.
(Read Only)pid=16713
(131) Posted by [Thursday, Jul 19, 2018 12:47]

Exuse me, friends. It's my big and silly mistake. I meant Dmitri Turevski (not Tyapkin). This is clearly evident from the previous post - №127.
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(132) Posted by [Thursday, Jul 19, 2018 12:50]

@129 Right and clear questions, Siegfried, thank you. And what is your opinion on these issues?
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(133) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Friday, Jul 20, 2018 00:12]

Well, David. This is not about opinions, this is about information that only a thorough investigation can find out.
But if you want my opinion, I can give it only insofar as that I think this will have a negative impact on solving events unless at least the question D is solved.
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(134) Posted by Dmitri Turevski [Friday, Jul 20, 2018 09:42]


Andrey Selivanov did not take part in the voting and that is clearly reflected in the protocol.
When votes are cast via email the abstention must be expressed explicitly. Just read it, it's all there.

I'm expecting an apology.
(Read Only)pid=16717
(135) Posted by [Wednesday, Aug 15, 2018 10:40]; edited by [18-08-15]

Of course, the results of vote have to be clearly displayed in the protocol. Double interpretation is inadmissible, and it is clearly visible in the discussed protocol - ALL members of the commission listed in the protocol (including Selivanov) as uniform chorus have voted "pro". Just read it, it's all there -
However, for oral talkings and for discussions at Internet forums Selivanov didn't take part in this vote - he couldn't do harm to his old friend Fomichev, the coauthor of several compositions, isn't so? Friendship is above all! ;)
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018