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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018
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(81) Posted by Valery Gurov [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 15:17]

Dear friends!
You can go to Sochi, you can not go.
But stop to write nonsense about Russia, RFC, etc.
Otherwise the feeling is created that the chess composition is a concourse of "idiots" :-)
(Read Only)pid=16396
(82) Posted by Valery Gurov [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 17:02]

Спасибо за понимание! Давайте жить дружно и любить друг друга!!!
(Read Only)pid=16398
(83) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Friday, Mar 23, 2018 01:11]

If Evseev knows the estimate of the competition in Moscow, why does not write, what was planned to spend 25000 euros? Why not write that in this estimate it was planned to include all visa costs of participants and transfer participants from the airport to the hotel, the most beautiful hall of the hotel Cosmos (Гостиница%20Космос%20Банкетный%20зал& The answer is simple-he did not see this estimate and does not know how to organize events. For Federation this small money. And for the sponsors too. But sponsors give funding only through the Federation. I wanted to make a holiday for the participants of the European championship. Now the holiday itself organized Evseev and the company.
(Read Only)pid=16399
(84) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Friday, Mar 23, 2018 04:56]

@Dragan Stojnić, @All

In post 86 a "Report by Mr.Selivanov" is mentioned. This is the first such mention in this topic and I have never heard about something like this (concerning ECSC issue) earlier.
What is it? A document, an email, some oral story? Is it possible to see it?
(Read Only)pid=16400
(85) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Friday, Mar 23, 2018 08:18]

Whatever Georgy or Andrej say, and I believe their viewpoints reflect their best efforts, the responsible is RCF, because it was its delegate who presented the offer to organize ECSC. And for the outsiders it does not matter that RCF has internal struggles or changes of responsible people, in the end the result matters.

What is the result? Until now it seems that it might become a fiasco of ECSC. Very short list of registered participants, significant part of them actually not having any official solving credentials, open declarations of a few leading countries (as far as chess solving competitions are concerned) to skip participation... being the delegate or even official of WFCC, I would be really worried. Is there any way to avoid the fiasco?
(Read Only)pid=16401
(86) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Friday, Mar 23, 2018 14:10]

1.Recall the director of ECSC only 3 months before event was very unreasonable and unscrupulous move by RCF. Next, transfer to 2000km remote city was more unreasonable decision.

2.Mr Selivanov reported here to Moscow was ready to be organizer ECSC. We believe to him as official ECSC director, which has trust by WFCC delegates.
Unholy move by Filatov against Selivanov only because their miscellaneous opinions probably is main reason for massive protest.
So, many people not wish to participate in this farce.
If Evseev and RCF ment to have achievement if organize cut-ECSC without leading European solving nations, it is poorly.

3.In my opinion, the best exit from scandalous situation is: WFCC delegates at meeting in Ohrid to solve question ECSC for 2018.
(Read Only)pid=16402
(87) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Mar 27, 2018 12:10]

i am sorry to inform that slovakia decided not to send solvers to the ecsc in sochi.

the main reasons are exactly those two already mentioned by georgy in his post (76):
1. significantly higher traveling costs (when compared to moscow)
2. seemingly the championship will not be considered official (teams of at least 7 countries required)
(Read Only)pid=16413
(88) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Mar 28, 2018 12:00]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [18-03-28]

[removed, see below]

German solvers who want to fly to the ECSC in Sochi are asked to send a short e-mail to Axel Steinbrink to inform him about it.
(Read Only)pid=16414
(89) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, Mar 28, 2018 13:09]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [18-03-28]

I think that this is completely inappropriate to publish results of German Championship in this thread about ECSC. There are 50+ WSC tournaments and if everyone starts publishing results here it will be impossible to follow up on this thread. This post looks like a spam. There are results from all WSC tournaments published at . Also if there is no thread about something you can start a new thread.
(Read Only)pid=16415
(90) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018 11:58]

where can be seen the list of participants?
(Read Only)pid=16435
(91) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018 12:44]

Perhaps 14th ECSC in Sochi 4-6.5.18 will be transformed to European Solving Cup.
(Read Only)pid=16436
(92) Posted by Torsten Linß [Wednesday, Apr 11, 2018 08:46]

Will there be an official statement by RCF or WFCC about the fate of the competition?

Is it cancelled or has it just quietly died?
(Read Only)pid=16446
(93) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Wednesday, Apr 11, 2018 12:39]

"European Solving Cup" is idea from RCF. Let wait registration deadline 15.4.
(Read Only)pid=16449
(94) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Thursday, Apr 12, 2018 10:16]

Will there be an official statement by RCF or WFCC about the fate of the competition?

Is it cancelled or has it just quietly died?

On April 3, I informed the organisers that the solvers have decided to boycott the event (the following countries have confirmed that they will not participate neither as teams nor as individual solvers: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine - the list represents the 90% of countries that participated in last year’s championship.)

This does not mean we are canceling the event. It only means that it will not count as an official championship. The RCF and the director should not stop the preparations.
(Read Only)pid=16457
(95) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Apr 15, 2018 17:14]

Dear Harry,

with all due respect, I demand a complete investigation into everything that happened here, and I demand that consequences will follow to ensure this does not happen again. I propose a special task force of the WFCC be created for investigation with full powers to ask organizers, solvers, etc. and receive all materials about the ECSC.

Best regards,
(Read Only)pid=16466
(96) Posted by Oleg Efrosinin [Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 06:51]; edited by Oleg Efrosinin [18-04-17]

As I understand it, the boycott was organized due to additional costs in the form of 100 euros, the flight Moscow-Sochi? A very convincing position! For reference: in Sochi there was three meals a day, and in Moscow only breakfast. I.e. the amount was partially offset by...
(Read Only)pid=16478
(97) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 08:03]

А где стандартное нытье про "европейские ценности" и про отмену туров коопматов и самоматов?
(Read Only)pid=16479
(98) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 13:24]

(74 No diplomacy.
The result of the work of Director of the championship mr.Evseev
Site -
(Read Only)pid=16482
(99) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 13:52]

The link is not working. Is that the point made?
(Read Only)pid=16483
(100) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 14:14]

I wanted to show that the tournament will not be organized.
It is strange that the Director of the tournament is not officially recognized this.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018