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MatPlus.Net Forum Promenade Fairy condition: Partial (Partisan) / Impartial (Impartisan) chess |
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| | (1) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Apr 19, 2020 08:11]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [20-04-20] | Fairy condition: Partial (Partisan) / Impartial (Impartisan) chess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eAmxgINXrE
Inspired by a lecture by the late John Conway, and a discovery made by him and Richard K. Guy, I hereby introduce the Fairy Chess Conditions "Partial Chess" and "Impartial Chess" - or "Partisan Chess" and "Impartisan Chess", if those words would suit better - in FOUR types each.
In "Partial Chess", a move is illegal if [in addition to normal rules preventing a move]; and in "Impartial Chess", a move is exactly legal if:
Type 1: It is a move in short notation that would be legal for both sides in normal chess, were they to move (for example: Qd4, 0-0, Nf3 - obviously in "Impartial Chess" captures aren't possible except if also neutral pieces are on the board, which is the biggest flaw)
Type 2: It is a move in long piece notation (piece and move or capture with captured piece, or promotion) that would be legal for both sides in normal chess, were they to move (for example: P~, QxB, PxR, P=Q)
Type 3: It is a move in short piece notation (piece and move or capture) that would be legal for both sides in normal chess, were they to move (for example: P~, Qx; P~ includes P=)
Type "Two Boards" - which might be more suitable for practical play than for composition (but then obviously only im "Impartial Chess" as otherwise the starting position is a stalemate):
There are two chess boards, and on each the players have opposite sides (i.e. White on board 1 has Black on board 2). A move is exactly illegal/legal if it would be possible on both boards. Moves on both boards are executed at the same time.
While the description is complicated, I hope it is clear what I mean. Obviously, without neutral pieces, some of the conditions might not be suitable for any kind of mate problems or problems that reuqire captures.
It is my sincere belief at this point that the Impartial type "Two Boards" will allow for many interesting proof games. For example, after 1.e4 d5 / 1.d4 e5, on both boards all the four central pawns of both sides would be unable to move. After 1.e3 d6 / 1.d3 e6, all four central pawns still could move to the fourth (fifth) rank.
EDIT, 20 April 2020: Hans Gruber informed me that the word "Partisan" is already used in fairy chess. It essentially is an underpromoting backwards pawn. So another word must be found for my invention.
QUOTE Partisan: Zieht und schlägt wie ein Bauer, aber in Richtung der eigenen Grundreihe. Er kann von jedem Feld (und wiederholt) den Doppelschritt ausführen. Bauern und Partisanen können sich gegenseitig und untereinander en passant schlagen. Auf der gegnerischen Figurengrundreihe kann ein Partisan nicht geschlagen werden; auf der eigenen Figurengrundreihe wandelt er sich in L oder S um. | | No more posts |
MatPlus.Net Forum Promenade Fairy condition: Partial (Partisan) / Impartial (Impartisan) chess |