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(41) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021 21:58]

Thank you Olaf!
This cook seems easy to fix.
However, Zalmen, there are some objections
- I agree with Olaf (27) that the length of 17# for the content of the Golovkov is optimal
- the main thing I am trying to add is a third evacuation sacrifice that is an extension of the thematic content, it brings the length to 18# for thematic purpose. Also, to free e1 is slightly better than c1 because the king visits e1 only at the end of his trip.
- you say "...34b: seems ok, if You don't care for the trial after 17...Rxf6..." but in that case 17...Rxf6 is not a move to consider, it does not defend the threat.

- you say "...34a: should still close the d3-d8 line..." of course! I overlooked it! so perhaps :
(= 14+7 )

(Read Only)pid=20668
(42) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021 22:24]

The last 17 moves of all 3 problems (#40, #41) are C+.
A full test would be too hard.
(Read Only)pid=20669
(43) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021 22:36]

Thank you Olaf!
May I ask you also to test also the (30) b ?

Thank you very much!
(Read Only)pid=20670
(44) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 08:37]

The last 17 moves of problem 30b are C+.
A full test would be too hard.
(Read Only)pid=20671
(45) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 09:56]

Thank you!
(Read Only)pid=20673
(46) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 14:01]

A new video, a mate in 34 moves
(Read Only)pid=20674
(47) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 17:38]

@Jacques: D'accord (no problem);

@Olaf: Thanks again
(Read Only)pid=20676
(48) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 17:43]

(41) seems to be cooked by 1.Sd3! (and also perhaps 1.Sdf3!)
am I right ?
(Read Only)pid=20677
(49) Posted by Joost de Heer [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 18:30]

Getting rid of white material in order to beat a rambling rook has been done often, of course.

(= 10+8 )

A.V. Alexeev, Lelo 1970 (1st prize)

1. Qb1 Nc6+ 2. Rxc6 Ra8+ 3. Kxa8 Qb7+ 4. Kxb7 Rh7+ 5. Bg7 Rxg7+ 6. Rf7 Rxf7+ 7. Ne7 Rxe7+ 8. Bd7 Rxd7+ 9. Rc7 Rxc7+ 10. Kb8 Rb7+ 11. Kc8 Rc7+ 12. Kd8 Rd7+ 13. Ke8 Re7+ 14. Kf8 Rf7+ 15. Kg8 Rg7+ 16. Kh8 Rg8+ 17. Kh7 Rg7+ 18. Kh6 Rg6+ 19. Kh5 Rg5+ 20. Kh4 Rg4+ 21. Kh3 Rg3+ 22. Kh2 Rg2+ 23. Kh1 Rh2+ 24. Kg1 Rg2+ 25. Kf1 Rf2+ 26. Ke1 Re2+ 27. Kd1 Rd2+ 28. Kc1 Rd1+ 29. Kb2 Rd2+ 30. Ka1 Ra2+ 31. Qxa2
(Read Only)pid=20678
(50) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 18:47]

Indeed, 1.Sd3! and 1.Sdf3! are cooks. Gustav found the variations.
(Read Only)pid=20679
(51) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Friday, Feb 19, 2021 05:53]

A third sacrifice can be included in that sketch, extending the solution a pair of ply to #19 (shifted the key Knight to b8, as with it in e5 or c5 there're demolitions, and in b6 then 1.d3 is a cook

(= 14+6 )

(Read Only)pid=20684
(52) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Friday, Feb 19, 2021 18:20]

The last 18 moves of problem (51) are C+.
A full test would be too hard.
(Read Only)pid=20685
(53) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Saturday, Feb 20, 2021 11:46]

Dear Olaf, very kind of You posting yet that test. In this last diagram the most dangerous try is 1.f3. I'm still waiting for a Stockfish 'opinion' but found already this cute cook in my own progressive/selective partial tests (mate in 8 from 11.Kf2.

1.f3 Rxb8 2.Nc5 Rb5 3.Ne6 fxe6 4.Ra7+ Bf7 5.Rxf7+ Kg8 6.Rg7+ Kf8 7.Ba3+ Ke8 8.f7+ Kd8 9.Rg8+ Kd7 10.f8=Q Rxg5+ 11.Kf2 *

Best Regards
(Read Only)pid=20688
(54) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Saturday, Feb 20, 2021 11:56]

With a bNh8 looks safer

(= 14+6 )
(Read Only)pid=20689
(55) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Saturday, Feb 20, 2021 18:26]

Safer and more economical too.
The last 18 moves of problem (54) are C+.
A full test would be too hard.
(Read Only)pid=20693
(56) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Sunday, Feb 21, 2021 06:15]

Sure. Moreover, with the bNh8, there's no need of covering g5 with the wNe4, so it can go to d5. The wPd4 now is useless, so it can go to g2, and the Bishop back to the box... The key Knight can be shifted to another place (but not e5 due to a cook). wN from b8 to b6 is fine. And we're back to Jacques' first diagram in this thread (with a Knight in h8) 'Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose'...

@ Jacques: Your (29) #18 is a #19, with the humorous detail that the rambling Rook is captured with checkmate. The piece in h8 shall be a black Knight, and there's a very high possibility that the Problem is actually C+
(Read Only)pid=20695
(57) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Feb 22, 2021 11:06]

@Zalmen, I am not enthusiastic, I'll give soon more details.
In the meanwhile, a new video : with crosschecks by Gerald F. Anderson
(Read Only)pid=20699
(58) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Monday, Feb 22, 2021 14:28]

Great problem, great job, Jacques!
(Read Only)pid=20701
(59) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021 15:00]

Thank you Marjan
Here is an outstanding 13# by Milan Vukcevich
(Read Only)pid=20758
(60) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Thursday, Mar 4, 2021 19:47]

another outstanding problem by a not so well-known outstanding author : Marsil Gafarov

I am most interested in more details about Gafarov, if somebody knows...
also there is a difference in year of death : in Winchloe 1975, in written 1978
(Read Only)pid=20770

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