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(1) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 15:00]

WFCC solutions...

"Russia/Belarus nationals are not allowed at all to participate in the 11th WCCT. Compositions
of RUS/BLR nationals are not listed in the results booklet at all and no team result is applicable."
No comments... for this solutions.
(Read Only)pid=22739
(2) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 16:05]

Only cowards who cannot win in a fair fight do this.
(Read Only)pid=22740
(3) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 17:25]

Report on the voting on possible Russia/Belarus sanctions.
30.3.2022 (from WFCC site)

The WFCC should not make any statement regarding the publication of originals in independent
Russia/Belarus nationals are allowed to participate in the 2019-21 FIDE Album as composers,
directors, or judges.
Russia/Belarus nationals are allowed to participate in the 2019-21 WCCI as judges or composers
provided no signs of flags or country designations are shown for them in the results.
Russia/Belarus nationals are not allowed at all to participate in the 11th WCCT. Compositions
of RUS/BLR nationals are not listed in the results booklet at all and no team result is applicable.
The WFCC will continue its association with the 10thFIDE World Cup in Composing 2022.

1. Should solving tournaments organised in Russia and Belarus be excluded from the schedule of WSC tournaments?
[25] Yes
2. Would Russian/Belarus solvers participating in a tournament outside RUS/BLR without a country
designation (or under the FIDE flag) be eligible for WSC points?
[18] Yes
3. Should results of new solving tournaments organised in Russia/Belarus be included in the
calculation of solvers’ ratings?
[18] No

Individual solvers from Russia/Belarus are allowed to participate in ECSC 2022 if they appear
without country designations (or under the FIDE flag). No RUS/BLR team result is applicable.
Individual solvers from Russia/Belarus are allowed to participate in WCSC 2022 if they appear
without country designations (or under the FIDE flag). No RUS/BLR team result is applicable.

Do somebody may be happy after such epilogue?
WCCT is killed by chess problemists inquisition.
(Read Only)pid=22741
(4) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 18:19]

We Russians don't need such a WFCC if there is no Russia in it.
(Read Only)pid=22743
(5) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 19:44]
Now they are under sanctions
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(6) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 21:53]

Sad about Wcct-11 where they are already participants. Blocking them midway is unfair
(Read Only)pid=22759
(7) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 23:21]

This is a very sad day for chess composition.

EDIT: I have asked Harry and Steffen to let my Studies Subcommittee membership partially rest, i.e. as far as matters of WSC and WCCT are concerned, as I could not participate in those with a good conscience as long as those bannings are in effect.
(Read Only)pid=22764
(8) Posted by Kevin Begley [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 00:16]

We will all soon be reminded that chess problem spaces are no place for political debate.
I concur. Please send that message to the WFCC.

I was never a fan of their WCCT tourney, but I had no idea it could sink this low.
(Read Only)pid=22767
(9) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 00:46]

War is not politics. This is a crime against humanity.
(Read Only)pid=22768
(10) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 00:50]

Crazy liptonmania.
(Read Only)pid=22769
(11) Posted by Kevin Begley [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 02:09]

"War is the continuation of policy with other means." -Carl von Clausewitz.

If you want to try a chess problem composer for a crime against humanity alleged to have been committed by their government, you would be guilty of a crime against humanity.
That's not good politics.

If you want to go fight to save humanity, just ask your smartphone for directions to Ukraine.
If your phone is capable of properly directing you, it should clearly state: "your fight is not with some Russian chess problem composer."

If you actually believed the war crime stuff, you would not waste a breath on this nonsense campaign to encourage problem journals to inhibit chess problem composers from Russia.
You are storming the wrong beach entirely.

This is how cowards fight. They ask a bunch of people to gang up on one small person (or one small group of persons), and they pretend they are settling a score with some big bad wolf character.
And they tell themselves they did it all for the good of humanity.
Join the actual fight, or go home. Don't linger around looking for medals to pin on your chest for turning the cowardly chess composition editors against their own best interests.
(Read Only)pid=22773
(12) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 04:27]

The decision of the WFCC to remove the teams of Russia and Belarus from the 11WCCT grossly violates one of the basic principles of law: "The law does not have retroactive force", that is, it does not apply to competitions that started before the voting date. The delegates who voted for this decision are simply "illiterate idiots" (the term is not mine, but James Carville, Bill Clinton's campaign manager).
It could only be about 12WCCT. But then, it is very likely that 12WCCT will not be held under the WFCC sign.
(Read Only)pid=22775
(13) Posted by Valery Gurov [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 06:01]

@Kevin: Bravo!
(Read Only)pid=22776
(14) Posted by Anatoly Vasilenko [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 07:21]

Это могло быть только около 12WCCT. Но тогда очень вероятно, что 12WCCT не будет проходить под знаком WFCC.
Это не могло быть только 12WCCT. Тогда очень вероятно что Россия уйдет вслед за кораблем и исключать будет некого.
(Read Only)pid=22779
(15) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 07:22]

In Moscow in March/April one has the chance to listen to "Der Ring des Nibelungen".
I cannot avoid projecting the contents of operas on the current situation.
Everyone is so sincere, so true to himself, so determined to follow the rules and laws. Looking also for some small personal advantages should be OK, shouldn't it? Anything cannot go wrong, can it?

Currently, I am after "Siegfried". Valhalla castle is still strong, rainbow bridge is still attractive, but Wotan's spear is already broken. What awaits us in the future?
(Read Only)pid=22780
(16) Posted by Martin Minski [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 07:31]

Andrey Selivanov continues to hold solving tournaments for children (and adults) in Moscow. That's good. He does valuable work for the promotion of talent.
On the other hand, there are now Ukrainian children in my school. Children who didn't want to go to Berlin, who would rather live in peace in their homeland. The war has reached us all. Not to mention the terrible tales of Vladislav Tarasiuk.

Our delegates have a dilemma. There is no decision that fully satisfies all sides. The exclusion of Russia and Belarus from the 11th WCCT is a tough decision, but a clear sign against the war. We should all accept this decision. I don't think anyone can imagine that the Russian team will come on stage at the next congress and be awarded. How would a Ukrainian delegate who might have lost friends and relatives in the war feel?

I think no composition will be lost. Unconsidered compositions from the 11th WCCT may be published elsewhere. The art is not damaged.

I would have wished for a clear position on the war in Ukraine from the Russian delegate Andrey Selivanov, but he can't...
(Read Only)pid=22782
(17) Posted by Vitaly Medintsev [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 08:21]

I decided to contribute to the happiness of WFCC.

With this statement, I cancel my participation in the current WCCI.

Consider it a cancel culture in Russian :)
(Read Only)pid=22784
(18) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 16:09]

Vitaly, I understand your emotions in a human way, but in this situation, those who may not deserve it win.
(Read Only)pid=22790
(19) Posted by Vitaly Medintsev [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 16:29]

Andrey, it's not just emotions, it's a moral position.
And I don't care who wins.
Winning, losing, gaming/gamification are false goals of postmodern Western "culture" that make my stomach sick.
(Read Only)pid=22791
(20) Posted by Mikalai Sihnevich [Friday, Apr 1, 2022 16:55]

Should add my note about the quality of WFCC work during one month of discussion and voting of 30(!) delegates.

1. Should solving tournaments organised in Russia and Belarus be excluded from the schedule of WSC tournaments?
[25] Yes

Did anybody have a look into your own current WSC schedule? Nobody!
Belarus never registered its tournament for this WSC cycle.
To exclude non-existing tournament - 'good' decision.
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