I have seen both the mainplays of (A) and the captures on f4 in (B) described as "secondary Schiffmann" (in the latter case not by me!).
Could someone give a proper definition of the term with an example or two?
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(2) Posted by Uri Avner [Wednesday, Feb 14, 2007 19:41]; edited by Uri Avner [07-02-14]
I would not call what happens in both examples as "secondary Schiffmann".
On the other hand, what happens in the following Cacciari problem can be seen as such.
From a Correction point of view 1...Bxe5 can be seen as random arrival, 1...Qxe5 and 1...Sxe5 - as arrival corrections. These corrections can easily be defined as "secondary Schiffmann defences" against the secondary threat 2.Se7.