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MatPlus.Net Forum General PCCC should become independent of the FIDE
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(21) Posted by Uri Avner [Thursday, Feb 14, 2008 05:30]

What about the informal talks between sessions and the participation in subcommittees, to name only 2 major factors?
Anyway, the whole issue is still hypothetical. I would postpone the debate until this possibility becomes real.
At any rate, I understand your desire for Australia to become a full PCCC member, and I encourage you to do so – in the usual way.
(Read Only)pid=2006
(22) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Friday, Feb 15, 2008 19:21]; edited by Dejan Glisić [08-02-18]

Dear Juraj,
Your organisation is not under the roof of Chess federation - that´s why you are excellent in chess composition life. May I participate your tourneys if I am not member of my chess federation, If I am a "freelancer"?
(Read Only)pid=2009
(23) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Saturday, Feb 16, 2008 00:14]

@Uri. OK, you've convinced me! Of course what you mention is crucial, and would preclude video-delegates from being fully informed. So now I agree with you that voting rights ought to be withheld from them.

Thanks again for your encouragement; I'll try to get Australia on board.
(Read Only)pid=2012
(24) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 00:07]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [08-08-27]

I repeat once more:

(inappropiate parts removed)

Chess must become independent of politics: Once and for all time! Let chess not be corrupted!
(Read Only)pid=2667
(25) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 08:30]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [08-08-27]

Since Siegfried removed some political comments, I did same with mine comments.
(Read Only)pid=2668
(26) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 08:34]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [08-08-27]

I agree that all problemists are great persons!

Ok, I removed the inappropiate parts. Sorry!
(Read Only)pid=2669
(27) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 08:39]

Siegfired wrote:

Ok, I removed the inappropiate parts. Sorry!

I did the same with my political comments. Let's keep this as chess problem forum.
(Read Only)pid=2670
(28) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 08:46]

Let Milan delete the comments of today here and we'll be fine, I hope.

I sent a note, by the way.
(Read Only)pid=2671
(29) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 11:34]

:-) You can remove the political comments, but you can't get away from politics and politicians. They will always try to use chess and to get you under their control. And you can't remove the politicians! :-)
(Read Only)pid=2672
(30) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008 11:54]

Correction: You *can* remove politicians but
they apparently are Circe pieces. :-P

(Read Only)pid=2673
(31) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Friday, Aug 29, 2008 09:00]

Here's what Hauke is talking about, I guess...

(= 12+8 )

René J. Millour
Rex Multiplex 1983, 1st prize
Mate in 4

1.Rb1! [2.g8=S [3.Sf7‡] g1=Q+,g1=B+ 3.Rxg1+ Bg2 4.Sf7‡]
1…Kxh6 2.g8=S+ Kg7,Kh7 3.Rxa7+ Kh8 4.Be5‡
1…g1=Q+ 2.Rxg1+ Bg2 3.g8=Q Kf6/Kxh6 4.Be7/Sf7‡
-- 2…Kxh6 3.g8=Q [4.Sf7,Bf8,Qh8,Qxg6‡]
1…g1=S 2.Rxg1+ Bg2 3.g8=S [4.Sf7‡]
-- 2…Kxh6 3.g8=Q [4.Sf7,Bf8,Qh8,Qxg6‡]
1…g1=R 2.Rxg1+ Bg2 3.gxh8=R Kf6 4.Be7‡
1…g1=B+ 2.Rxg1+ Bg2 3.gxf8=B Kf6 4.Bde7,Bfe7‡
-- 2…Bxg7 3.Bf4+ Kxf4/Kf6 4.d3/e5‡
-- 2…Kxh6 3.gxf8=Q+ Kh7 4.Rxa7‡
(Read Only)pid=2676
(32) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 18:01]

Apologies to Mr. Millour. Here is the correct presentation he sent me:

In this problem, a WR must go down on 1st rank. Which R, that’s the question?

1.Ra1? Kxh6/a~ 2.g8S(+) K~7/g1QB+ 3.Rxa7+/Rxg1+ Kh8/Bg2 4.Be5/Sf7#
1... g1Q+ 2.Rxg1+ Bg2 3.g8S a~ 4.Sf7#, 2...Kxh6 3.g8Q Bg2 4.Sf7#
1... g1R 2.Rxg1(Rh8)+ Bg2 3.gxh8Q a~ 4.Sf7#
1... g1S 2.Rxg1(Sb8)+ Bg2 3.g8S ~~ 4.Sf7#, 2...Kxh6 3.g8Q Bg2 4.Sf7#
1... g1B+ 2.Rxg1(Bf8)+ Bg2 3.gxf8Q a~ 4.Bf4#,
2...Bxg7(g2) 3.Bf4+ Kxf4(Bc1)/Kf6 4.d3/e5#, but 2...Kh6! 3.gxf8Q+ Kh7 4.?

1.Rb1! Kxh6 2.g8S+ K~7 3.Rxa7+ Kh8 4.Be5#
1... g1Q+ 2.Rxg1+ Bg2 3.g8Q Kxh6/f6 4.Sf7/Be7# [3.g8S? stalemate]
1... g1R 2.Rxg1(Rh8)+ Bg2 3.gxh8R Kf6 4.Be7# [3.gxh8Q? stalemate]
1... g1S 2.Rxg1(Sb8)+ Bg2 3.g8S S~ 4.Sf7#, 2...Kxh6 3.g8Q Bg2 4.Sf7#
1... g1B+ 2.Rxg1(Bf8)+ Bg2 3.gxf8B Kf6 4.Be7# [3.gxf8Q? stalemate]
2...Bxg7(g2) 3.Bf4+ Kxf4(Bc1)/Kf6 4.d3/e5#, 2...Kxh6 3.exf8Q+ Kh7 4.Rxa7#

Norman Macleod: The Babson Task in a direct problem is already in itself a notable prowess, even in Circe, but what makes this problem really extraordinary is the remarkable try, with 3 promotions changed compared to the solution, and a refutation by far not evident.

(Read Only)pid=3304
(33) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 00:32]

If Karpov is about to candidate against Kirsan Ilyumzhinov as I read recently (if they are the only candidates), I support Karpov. With the book he wrote with Evgeny Gik ("Grossmeisterskij kompositziya" or the like) he knows about the importance of chess composition or should know.

There is no excuse if someone votes for Ilyumzhinov, who doesn't care about us.

Dear Andrey Selivanov, I hope you will vote for Karpov or also become candidate because with all due respect you are one of us and would, so I hope, fully understand our needs!
(Read Only)pid=5234
(34) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 08:51]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [10-04-24]

Siegfried wrote:
If Karpov is about to candidate against Kirsan Ilyumzhinov as I read recently (if they are the only candidates), I support Karpov. With the book he wrote with Evgeny Gik ("Grossmeisterskij kompositziya" or the like) he knows about the importance of chess composition or should know.

At the same time his PR used to be Dimitrije Bjelica (the biggest liar in a history of chess). Dimitrije Bjelica was showing at our national TV very known old endgames and telling that he played them on his own. Not one, but several of them. Although I do respect Mr. Karopov I do not understand why he was connected to this liar (unfortunately there is no any other word that I can use). I am afraid that if he becomes the president of FIDE that he is going to bring Dimitrije Bjelica and then it will be disaster.
(Read Only)pid=5235
(35) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 17:00]

I always proposed that Selivanov should become FIDE president. :-)
(Read Only)pid=5236
(36) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 23:34]

All people on top are liars or something like that.
Honest people fail during the hard way up.
In German it is "negative Auslese", I try an English
translation: "negative survival of the fittest"
(Read Only)pid=5238
(37) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 00:20]; edited by Ian Shanahan [10-04-27]

A more succinct (but much cruder) Australian expression for this, which I submit at some risk of deletion due to profanity, is: "Shit floats".
(Read Only)pid=5243
(38) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Thursday, Apr 29, 2010 09:05]

we have a number of famed composers, solvers in India. Our problems is participating in PCCC m ore actively are the same of Australia. I second Ian.
(Read Only)pid=5257
(39) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Sunday, May 2, 2010 06:19]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [10-05-03]

Olaf & Ian,

I completely disagree with this kind of sentences

@ Olaf : Are you so sure that you are on the top of nothing ??
@ Ian : you know, many things float, and the things you mean mainly sink - even in Australia !
(Read Only)pid=5271
(40) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Friday, May 7, 2010 04:59]

Hi Jacques. Well, yes, they sink eventually. But not until after causing a great stink and mess.
(Read Only)pid=5324

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MatPlus.Net Forum General PCCC should become independent of the FIDE