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(301) Posted by Valery Liskovets [Tuesday, Nov 14, 2023 17:48]

Very, very sad news...
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(302) Posted by Joost de Heer [Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023 07:56]

Very sad news.
(Read Only)pid=25477
(303) Posted by shankar ram [Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023 13:18]

Most distressed...
My first contact with him was in the early 80s, during the heady days of the big Madrasi article in feenschach in 1983.
He attended a few of the WFCC virtual meetings during the pandemic years, with audio only.
And in the last one, when the meeting was closing, he spoke up to wish me, saying " friend of 40 years...".
A tireless editor and flag bearer for fairy chess.
Things won't be the same...
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(304) Posted by Valery Gurov [Friday, Nov 17, 2023 14:13]

Berndt was a wonderful person and my friend... We spent so many wonderful minutes at the congresses! Rest in peace.
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(305) Posted by Michael McDowell [Sunday, Nov 19, 2023 17:21]

Another sad loss. Colin Sydenham died on 15th November at the age of 85. Colin came late to problems, being 36 when his first problem was published. In his personal collection he related that he had no history of playing or following chess until the Spassky v Fischer match, and it was the two-movers published in a newspaper column that kindled his interest. He quickly established himself as a highly competent composer, gaining the IM title in 2001. He served as BCPS President from 1989 to 1991, and was a lawyer by profession.

An example of a type of problem in which Colin specialised, the duplex helpmate:

Colin Sydenham
1st Prize, Probleemblad 1993

(= 5+10 )

Helpmate in 2 Duplex

B> 1.Sd5 Sxc5 2.Sxb4+ Sb7
W> 1.Sd5 Sxe4 2.Sxe3+ Sg5
(Read Only)pid=25486
(306) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Monday, Nov 20, 2023 02:23]

Another heavy loss for the British chess composition and for all of us who knew Colyn in person.
A kind and quiet gentleman, he came too late and left our company too early, switching to other time-consuming passions
(such as old Greek poetry, if I remember well).
I had regretted when he left #2, but then the way he made duplex h#s shine came as a tru compensation.
Later on he left h# too, unhappy about the treatment of duplexes, as explained in the book he luckily managed to finish.
(Read Only)pid=25489
(307) Posted by Marián Križovenský [Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023 22:25]

Today I learned the very sad news that Bedrich Formánek left us forever at the age of 90.
I spoke to him just four days ago and he was feeling good...
(Read Only)pid=25493
(308) Posted by Neal Turner [Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023 14:06]

And the sad news keeps coming.
Just days before the Fujairah Congress I happened to acquire a book, and at the meeting I ended up chatting with the author.
Nothing special maybe, except that the author was Bedrich Formánek and the book, 353 Šachových Problémov, had been published in 1957 - 65 years earlier!
A gentleman, who wasn't afraid to explore the lighter side of chess problems, he will certainly be missed.
(Read Only)pid=25494
(309) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Thursday, Nov 23, 2023 00:00]

In Fujairah he looked ever young and ever smiling, now taking with himself another part of history of chess composition.
Sad days for all of us.
(Read Only)pid=25495
(310) Posted by Mikhail Khramtsevich [Sunday, Dec 17, 2023 19:35]

Белорусская шахматная композиция понесла тяжелую утрату. На 77-ом году жизни скоропостижно скончанся выдающейся активист советской и белорусской шахматной композиции Николай Иванович Бельчиков (12/05/1947 - 15/12/2023). Светлая память и глубокий поклон уважения к этому жизнерадостному и очень энергичному человеку. Нам очень будет его не хватать...
(Read Only)pid=25615
(311) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023 14:39]

Печальная новость... Заочно познакомился с Николаем Ивановичем когда был школьником и приобрел у него первый шахматный штамп. Храню его. Однажды несколько лет назад был у него в гостях в Борисове. Душевный человек.
Мои искренние соболезнования его родным и близким, белорусским композиторам.
(Read Only)pid=25623
(312) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Sunday, Dec 31, 2023 17:06]

Aleksandar Popovski (28.04.1932 – 28.12.2023)

Sad news came from North Macedonia at the end of this year. Several generations of well-known Macedonian chess composers lost their most deserving teacher, organizer, editor, composer and friend Aleksandar Popovski (28.04.1932 – 28.12.2023).

Popovski was founder of the most influential problem chess columns and magazines in Macedonia since 1950, when he initiated the first thematic tournaments in the journal "Radio Skopje". Later on, a new wave of composers was attracted by his highly popular column in "Mlad Borec", where informal tourneys were added to thematic ones. His next steps were to establish chess problem magazines "Novi Temi", and, years later, the "Falanga".

The legacy of "father of Macedonian chess composition" was based on his exceptional working abilities and devotion, but also on his high position in the society. Aleksandar Popovski was a well-known writer of poetry and prose, editor, journalist and publisher in the world of literature.
(Read Only)pid=25652
(313) Posted by Frank Richter [Saturday, Jan 6, 2024 19:52]

Just read on selivanov:

Gennadi Kosjura (12/11/1955-30/12/2023)
(Read Only)pid=25661
(314) Posted by Joost de Heer [Monday, Jan 8, 2024 22:12]

And just read on Facebook:

Федерація шахів Одеської області, ОШШК та КДЮСШ з глибоким сумом повідомляють, що на 87 році після тривалої тяжкої хвороби пішов з життя відомий шаховий композитор, заслужений майстер спорту, гросмейстер та міжнародний арбітр з шахової композиції, чотириразовий чемпіон світу з шахової композиції у складі команди СРСР та чемпіон світу у складі команди України, триразовий срібний призер чемпіонату світу у складі команди України, багаторазовий чемпіон та призер України з шахової композиції в особистому та командному заліку, переможець та призер численних національних та міжнародних конкурсів, головний редактор журналу "Проблеміст України", дитячий тренер ГОРДІАН Юрій Маркович (24.03.1937-08.01.2024) та висловлюють щире співчуття, його рідним, близьким та його учням.

The Chess Federation of Odessa region, OSHK and KDYUSŠ announce with deep sadness that, at the age of 87 after a lasting serious illness passed away a famous chess composer, honored master of sports, grandmaster and international chess composition arbiter, four-time world champion in chess composition in the team USSR and world champion in the team Ukraine, three-time silver medalist of the world championship in the team of Ukraine, multiple-time champion and medalist of Ukraine in chess composition in personal and team ranking, winner and medalist of numerous national and international competitions, chief editor of the magazine "Problemist Ukraine", children's coach GORDIAN Yuri Markovych (24.03.1937-08.01.2024) and express sincere condolences to his family, loved ones and his to the students.
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(315) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Tuesday, Jan 9, 2024 01:19]

Terrible loss ... Yury was a blessed soul, much more than just a great member of our society.

Only two weeks ago some of us received his New Year's greetings as always, without any comments about his health.
When asked to hear or see each other, he replied he had already prepared for leaving us, by giving away his
huge chess library and the rights for his website. And he sent his good wishes again...

It was a great luck to get to know Yury in person. While trying to get back to Ukraine from European Youth Chess Championship 2008,
together with a 12-years old chess pupil, he had to go through Belgrade. Anatoly Vasilenko connected us,
and we organized a meeting in chess club, where he brought a high quality cognac - a gift for his 70th birthday.
During this memorable time we heard about his basketball career, his father-composer Mark, and many other unknown to us facts.
I remember Milan reconstructing and showing some Yury's #2, recalling them better than Yury himself.

Since then on, there was no year without his magazines, videos, birthday cards and New Years wishes. Until the last one.
May this good man rest in peace.
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(316) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024 22:33]

Stanislav Juříček 28.2.1952-25.1.2024. Vsetin, Czech Republic

Rest in peace
(Read Only)pid=25734
(317) Posted by Vlaicu Crisan [Wednesday, Mar 6, 2024 16:25]

ARVES reports sad news: the British composer, editor and author John Beasley passed away (15.2.1940 - 3.3.2024).
I remember him for the excellent endgame column from the French magazine diagrammes and the fairy condition Optional Replacement Chess.

One of his jokes from diagrammes: while explaining to the maid what the word "cook" means in chess composition, she swiftly answered: "Ah, la cuisine anglaise!"
Simply unforgettable.
(Read Only)pid=25799
(318) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Wednesday, Mar 6, 2024 21:53]

There were so many special moments with John.
It's impossible to forget his silent generosity in helping composers in financial troubles,
or the way he directed Belfort WCSC 1994, with naked feet and flute to play in the breaks.
When Noam Elkies won Tel Aviv WCSC 1996 by storm, John was more fascinated by the way Noam
was singing and whistling another voice at the same time...
Great times, great character.
(Read Only)pid=25800
(319) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Thursday, Mar 7, 2024 00:30]

Incredible. Just a month ago, I was corresponding with him to prepare the new edition of his little jewel : "A Book of Bedtime Pawn Endings".

A man who works passionately for what he loves shouldn't die, should he?

Requiescat in pace.
(Read Only)pid=25801
(320) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Thursday, Mar 7, 2024 14:58]

John was an incredibly kind, gentle and talented man.
I remember
Of course the self-sacrifice with which he prepared and carried out the WCSC in Belfort in 1994
of his recorder duet with Markus Johannes Ott in Messigny
of his research on the very difficult finals in “who loses wins” (qui perd gagne)
the way he talked about learning Czech
and so many other precious moments
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