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MatPlus.Net Forum General Construct the longest ser-x with a Black homebase
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(81) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 11:28]

(= 6+16 )

ser-s=24 (C?)
(Read Only)pid=22657
(82) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 11:51]


(ser# only)
(Read Only)pid=22658
(83) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 13:06]

Try for ser#15:
White Kb5 Se1
Black all 16 in homebase
1.Sd3 2.Sc5 3.Sxb7 4.Sxd8 5.Sc6 6.Sxb8 7.Sc6 8.Sxa7 9.Sxc8 10.Sb6 11.Sxa8 12.Ka6 13.Kb7 14.Kc8 15.Sxc7# (C-)
(Read Only)pid=22659
(84) Posted by Frank Richter [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 13:13]

Cooked in 13 with duals: 7.S:d7 8.Kc6,Sb6 9.K:c7,S:a8 10.Sb6,Kc6 11.S:a8,K:c7 12.K:c8 13.Sc7#
(Read Only)pid=22660
(85) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 14:02]

Re (81) - I have no chessboard at the hand, but something like gxh7-hxg8R-Rxg7-Rxf7-Rf6-Rb6 Bxb7-Bf3 Rxb8-Rb7 Ka5-Ka6 Bd6-Bxc7-Bb6-Bxa7 b6 a4-a5 Bh5+ Rxh5= seems to work?
(Read Only)pid=22661
(86) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 14:08]

But maybe +wPh6 could help?

Of course not, then original cook quoted in (72) works.
(Read Only)pid=22662
(87) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 14:12]

Perhaps +wPh6 will help. Who knows.

Also it's possible to shorten the problem to 23 moves:

(= 6+16 )

(Read Only)pid=22663
(88) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 15:34]

Michael Schreckenbach
(= 3+16 )

ser-s#16 C+

1. Kc5 2. d4 3. d5 4. d6 5. dxc7 6. cxb8=R 7. Rxa8 8. Rxa7 9. Rxb7 10. Rc7 11. Kb6 12. Ka7 13. Rb7 14. Rb8 15. Ra8 16. Sc7+ Dxc7#
(Read Only)pid=22664
(89) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 16:59]

I have scheme
(= 8+16 )

ser-!=24 C?
My solution- 3.h6 4.hg 5.gh8B 6.Bf6 7.Bxe7 8.Bxd8 9.Bxc7 10.Bxb8 11.c7 12.Rc6 13.Ra6 14.Rxa7 15.Ra8 16.Ba7 17.Rd6 18.Kd2 21.Ka5 22.Ra6 23.Kb6 24.a5= (C?)

With +White Qa2 maybe can ser s=25:
solution as previous plus 25.Qxf7+ Kxf7=
(Read Only)pid=22665
(90) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 17:38]

Time for a fourth interim balance:
Current records are:

ser-s# .16 .... Michael Schreckenbach
ser-s= .21 .... Michal Dragoun (C?)
Ser-h# .11 .... Michel Caillaud/Arno Tüngler
Ser-# ...11 .... (starter) Arno Tüngler
Ser-!= ..20 .... Michal Dragoun (C?)
Ser-!# ..10 .... Joost de Heer
Ser-!# MMM 14 .. Joost de Heer
Ser-!# MMM 14 .. Frank Richter

There are a lot of Michls in the list.
(Read Only)pid=22667
(91) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 20:41]

ser-s=25 has a cook:

1.-5.gxh8B 6.Bf6 7.Bxe7 8.Bxd8 9.Bxc7 10.Bxb8
11.c7 12.Rc6 13.Rb6 14.Rxb7 15.Bdxa7 16.Rd6
17.Kd2 18.Kc3 19.Kb4 20.Ka5 21.Ra6 22.Kb6
23.a5 24.Qxf7+ Kxf7=

Of course there is no determination because white can first play Bdxa7 and then Rcc6-Rb6-Rxb7.

I am wondering if this position is correct:
(= 10+16 )

ser-s=25 (C?)
(Read Only)pid=22668
(92) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 23:07]

White Ke1 Qd2 Rb6 Ra4 Bd4 Bh3 Pa3 b5 c6 h2
Black 16 in homebase

sol. 1.Bg2 6.gxh8B 8.Bxe7 9.Bxd8 10.Bxc7 11.Bxb8 12.c7 13.Bxb7 14.Bxa8 15.Rb7 16.Bxa7 17.Qd6 21.Ka5 22.Qa6 23.Kb6 24.Ra5 25.a4=
(Read Only)pid=22669
(93) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 23:31]

Dragan Stojnić
(= 10+16 )


sol. 1.Bg2 6.gxh8B 8.Bxe7 9.Bxd8 10.Bxc7 11.Bxb8 12.c7 13.Bxb7 14.Bxa8 15.Rb7 16.Bxa7 17.Qd6 21.Ka5 22.Qa6 23.Kb6 24.Ra5 25.a4=

Adding a knight on c4 and a pawn on f6 could make a ser-s=26.
Does it work?
[EDIT] No, see post (97)
(Read Only)pid=22670
(94) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 06:23]

(= 10+16 )

ser-!=27 (C?)
(Read Only)pid=22671
(95) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 06:26]

@(93) Olaf, can you should solution of ser-s=27. I cannot see it. How do you stop wPe6?
(Read Only)pid=22672
(96) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 08:14]

I meant Pf6, sorry.
Maybe it is not necessary to stop him, because wPh2 ist left.
The last 9 moves of my version are C+ .
(Read Only)pid=22673
(97) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 08:19]

@Olaf, can you please show diagram. I am confused now about this version with wNc4. Not sure what is your position but I think it's incorrect. I was checking some positions on my own with wPf6 and I figured out there is no determination of moves. But without seeing your position I cannot tell you what is wrong. It will be nice if you show initial position diagram.

If I understood well your proposal I think that problem is incorrect. There is no need for white Bishop to capture bPe7 in this position. Instead white just gives check on the last move Nd6+ exd6=. This position cannot be correct. Unless I missed some completely different solution with wNc4.
(Read Only)pid=22674
(98) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 08:40]

Yes, you are right.
My version does not work.
(Read Only)pid=22675
(99) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 10:41]

Try for ser s#17
White Kg5 Qg1 Rf6 Rh4 pc2 f4 g4 h5
Black all 16

my sol. 1.Kf5 3.g6 4.Qg5 5.Qh6 6.Qxg7 7.Qxh7 8.g7 9.gxf8B 10.Bh6 11.Bg5 12.h6 13.Rh5 14.Bh4 15.Kg5 16.Rf5 17.Qxg8+ Rxg8#
(pc2 stay because cook with Qb1-g6)
(Read Only)pid=22676
(100) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Mar 25, 2022 10:47]

@Dragan, I noticed you are not showing diagrams in your posts. It's very easy to do it. Do "edit" of your message and then hit the blue question mark at the bottom of text box. There are instructions on how do this. Basically you just enclose F + FEN position with a double squared brackets. This way everyone has to enter your diagrams manually. Or at least put the FEN notation so that we can easily create the diagram from the FEN position.
(Read Only)pid=22677

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Construct the longest ser-x with a Black homebase