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(41) Post removed [posted on Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 17:49]

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(42) Post removed [posted on Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 18:27]

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(43) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 19:47]

Some personal thoughts about WFCC sanctions against Russia and Belarus:

The governments of Russian and Belarus have repeatedly used sport
events and sport successes to improve their image and that of their
countries. It is therefore justified that the sports community makes
it clear, among other things through sanctions, that it doesn't
tolerate the recent actions by these governments.

While chess composition considers itself an art rather than a sport,
the WFCC is also about sport, e.g. through its affiliation with FIDE
and by the practice of creating ranking lists etc.. And chess problem
solving is a pure sport obviously.

By deciding on the scope of the sanctions imposed by the WFCC, the
delegates must take care not to take some moral high ground. After
all, dark spots can be found in the recent histories of many countries
represented by us.

We all know about the open letter by 44 leading Russian chess players
[side note: not just one signatories is involved in chess composition,
but at least two - probably more] While these authors deserve our
greatest respect, we must not in any form require members of the chess
composition community from Russia and Belarus to publish similar
declarations. Like many others among us, I am lucky to have never
lived under a dictatorship; asking somebody who does to become a hero
seems very presumptuous and hypocritical.

What we may expect is that nobody publicly supports the current
atrocities, neither directly nor indirectly (e.g. by repeating

In turn, the big majority of the chess composition community of Russia
and Belarus who are not involved in the current war nor support it in
any way should be able to expect to be treated by us in a fair way.
(Read Only)pid=22525
(44) Post removed [posted on Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 20:35]

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(45) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 21:28]

I was a little shocked by Thomas Maeder's text, which contains some value judgments that, in my opinion, should be avoided here. I even believe that Thomas has exceeded the proper limits established by the administrator of this forum, to whom I address asking for his examination and consideration.

But I protest especially against a statement that insults the intelligence of others. I transcribe: "The governments of Russian and Belarus have repeatedly used sport
events and sport successes to improve their image and that of their countries. It is therefore justified that the sports community makes it clear, among other things through sanctions, that it doesn't tolerate the recent actions by these governments."

What strange logic is this? The sport politics of any government justifies the WFCC banishes any of its problemists?
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(46) Posted by Administrator [Sunday, Mar 13, 2022 23:03]

Dear chess problemists,

I appeal, again, to talk here only about chess composition and our organization.

More than 99.9% of chess players know almost nothing about problem chess. Creative work all of us is unknown to chess players as well, and doesn't make sense for others.

Our small field is very slippery. The discussion so far shows that. Therefore, let us first forget all the stories that are above and beyond us. Politics of states and military organizations, at all.

Mr. Gvozdjak protested against what Mr. Selivanov posted. That's Mr. Selivanov corrected, and the message of Mr. Gvozdjak becomes superfluous, and with it the message of Mr. Babic. So I'll remove them both.

The topic must be how to preserve our organization, how not to destroy ourselves.

I will be deeply disappointed if we manage to compose an helpselfmate (hs#) in which White will be WFCC

I will paraphrase the late Serbian patriarch Pavle, whom many members of my people see as a saint. On one occasion in the recent past, during the turbulent times in Serbia, in an attempt to reason with his compatriots, he said: "Let's be human, even though we are Serbs." So I will be free, hoping that together we can come up with something good for all of us, and say: "Let's be human, even though we're chess composers."
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(47) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Mar 14, 2022 18:29]

On a brighter note, my study with Didukh was reposted on Reddit by someone:

Maybe we can do something like setting up a small website with a selection of endgame studies and other compositions by composers from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, etc., to show the best works from composers from the war zone?
(Read Only)pid=22530
(48) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Monday, Mar 14, 2022 23:34]

Official FIDE advises:

March 14, 2022

Dear Sir,
with reference to a number of questions received from interested parties regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the IOC and FIDE in the activities of the WFCC, we would like to note the following:

1. The principle of non-discrimination is strictly enshrined in the FIDE Charter, which definitely means that it is impossible to arbitrarily exclude participants of the competition. The authorized body has the right to approve conditions for participants: usage of the flag of federation or usage of the FIDE flag, or (as provided, for example, in ECU's resolution) a condition of transfer to the FIDE flag in accordance with a simplified procedure approved by FIDE. We would also like to note that it is not recommended to notably change the rules for the participants of the on-going events or the events where both organisers and participants have already strong engagements in place.

2. Regarding the possibility and procedure for the participation of teams representing Russia and Belarus in team competitions. In the coming days, a similar issue will be considered by FIDE. We would recommend that the WFCC wait for the official decision of the FIDE Council and make its own decision taking into account the principles approved by FIDE.

3. Regarding exclusion/suspension of the membership of the above federations from the WFCC. FIDE has no right to make the assessment or recommendations on this matter instead of WFCC, however, it considers necessary to note that FIDE expects that any such decision will be made in strict accordance with the WFCC Charter and the established legal procedures, as well as approved by the authorized body.
Best regards,

Aleksandr Martynov
FIDE Legal Advisor
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(49) Post removed [posted on Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 00:43]

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(Read Only)pid=22532
(50) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 01:30]

War is a horrible thing.

Boycott or ban are also acts of war.
I refuse to be enlisted!
Neither by the BCPS nor by the WCCF.

You want to help ? Go an help Vladislav in his hospital.
You want to fight ? Go and fight!

I think that bringing war in our space is not far from being like bombing a hospital.
There are spaces dedicated to peace, to cares : don’t bring the war there!

No boycott in problem columns or in problem competitions, neither against individuals nor against a country!
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(51) Post removed [posted on Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 09:32]

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(52) Post removed [posted on Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 10:28]

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(53) Post removed [posted on Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 10:31]

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(54) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 10:41]

Among all the proposals made in name of BCPS, one is even more shocking (disgusting?) than the others :
“...(5) These proposals respond solely to Russian State conduct in Ukraine and imply no criticism by the WFCC of Russian or Belorussian problemists as individuals....”
This kind of nice sentences is probably said by many murderers too
(Read Only)pid=22538
(55) Post removed [posted on Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 13:24]

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(Read Only)pid=22539
(56) Posted by Marcos Roland [Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 17:14]

I believe that we all want, above all, this damned war to end as soon as possible. Above any sense of national pride, on either side, human solidarity calls for an end to hostilities, so that the suffering of the Ukrainian people ends.

But for the war to end as quickly as possible, I see no other way than negotiation. The parties must negotiate, and one of the parties involved is Russia, represented by its president Putin, who has been demonized, accused of being the only responsible for the conflict. In any case, Ukrainians must negotiate with Putin, as much as they hate him, I see no other way out.

Now, if the Ukrainians must seek to negotiate peace with the enemy Warlord, listen carefully to what he has to say, why on earth are we, members of an insignificant peaceful international organization of problemists, going to dig barricades between us?
(Read Only)pid=22542
(57) Posted by Jean-Marc Loustau [Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 18:47]

[to JR (54)]: Of course! There are many famous movies with this famous reply told by the murderer to his victim: "Sorry, nothing personal!"
(Read Only)pid=22543
(58) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022 23:36]

The following was the mail i sent to BCPS. Before reading just remember that that at least one Indian student was killed in the Russian attack and 20000 Indians were sufferring with no immediate scope for leaving the attacked cities and spending weeks in bunkers with food and space shortage. While a majority have been evacuated thanks to the help of neighbour countries, there are still many stranded and suffering.

"Dear Christopher Jones

Personally I condemn the atrocious attack of Ukraine by Putin and thousands Indians living there are also suffering. But......

I am very much disappointed and dismayed by the BCPS decision to prohibit Russian composers from The Problemist. This decision, I think, is wrong on several counts. .

1. FIDE has not banned Russians from participating in tourneys. (Only prohibited display of Russian flags - which is a reasonable means of protest)

2. I don't think British government issued any such directions to BCPS --- if so, please tell me. If there is no such direction from Government, this ban decision smacks of "one-upmanship"

3. Russian composers are not at all connected to or responsible for this Barbaric action by Putin. Even if any of them work in their army, they still cannot be blamed or punished for this condemnable attack by Putin and his Government. When Russian composers send their originals to us, they are not representing Russia, they just happen to reside there.

4. Is the BCPS going to return their subscriptions? Is it ok to take their money but not their originals.

5. It will result in long-term heartburn which will be difficult to heal. After all these composers are our friends.

6. Indian government has not yet openly condemned Putin and still appealing to him to go for talks and stop hostilities. So are you planning a similar ban on the handful of Indian composers too??

7. Content-wise --- The Problemist will suffer with lesser quality problems only appearing in our issues. No other magazine has so far taken such a drastic action.

My suggestion:
We can put an announcement in each issue "some members felt that we should not publish originals from the Russian/Belarus composers. We considered this proposal and decided that individual composers are not by any strech of imagination responsible for this condemnable action by the Russian Government and decided against unfairly penalising them" and continue as usual.

Please reconsider your decision"
(Read Only)pid=22546
(59) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022 03:01]

I write it here again, in case it got lost and buried in the other thread.

I will personally, with my family, offer assistance to any chess composer fleeing from the war to Germany. This includes all nationalities. Examples: If you are Ukrainian, you are welcome. If you are a Russian whose life is on the line because he spoke out against Putin, you are welcome.

The time has come to save people from the war, and I call to all other western European chess composers to also offer their full assistance to anyone who is willing to flee, regardless of where they come from.
Our small world now is broken. But it should still be whole enough that we will assist each other in times of need. And there is no greater time of need than when the life is threatened. We still have more that unites us than what divides us.
(Read Only)pid=22547
(60) Posted by Joose Norri [Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022 07:51]

Dear Seetharaman,

"7. Content-wise --- The Problemist will suffer with lesser quality problems only appearing in our issues. No other magazine has so far taken such a drastic action."

Our Finnish Problem Federation took the same decision last Wednesday. I resigned my post as studies editor, I can not comply with it. Our magazine is not on the same level as The Problemist, but that is irrelevant.
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