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MatPlus.Net Forum Moremovers Incarceration of knight
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(1) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Monday, Aug 29, 2011 18:40]

Incarceration of knight

Browsing through heaps of magazines, I have just found the following moremover.

Emil Klemanic
1st Prize Mihalco 50 JT C 1.12.2007
(= 11+12 )
#7 (11+12)

1.Be4! th. 2.Qd3#
1...Se1 (knight moves to position, where he will be immobilized)
2.Rg2! th. 3.Bg3#, Bh4#
2...Bxg2 (g2 is blocked)
3.Sg3! th. 4.Qe2#
3...gxf3 (f3 is blocked)
4.Bxb1! th. 5.Se4#
4...d3 (d3 is blocked)
5.Qc4! th. 6.Qf4#
5...c2 (c2 is blocked)
6.Qc5!! th. 7.Be3# - and Se1 is unable to unblock e1, thanks to blocking of all four potential moves.
(Read Only)pid=7198
(2) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Aug 29, 2011 23:35]

Should wK start at g6? Otherwise 1.Bg6 or 1.Bh7 seem to wield the same power as 1.Be4!.

At any rate, a very nice "complete block" problem! :-)
(Read Only)pid=7200
(3) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 10:07]

The B has to control f3
(Read Only)pid=7221
(4) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 10:13]; edited by Nikola Predrag [11-08-30]

1.Be4! guards wPf3, otherwise 2...d3! or 3...d3! refute the threats (as Jacques pointed in the meantime).
(Read Only)pid=7222
(5) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 12:34]

A collection of the (few) other problems on this theme would be nice !
(Read Only)pid=7223
(6) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 12:59]

Actually, it was the theme of Mihlaco JT - incarceration of a piece that actively entered the square where it is immobilized. 2nd Prize was by Michail Marandyuk, incarcerating two pieces in one lineof play, if I remember correctly from the magazine.
(Read Only)pid=7224
(7) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 17:31]

I think specially of incarceration of knight - from 1 to 8 squares.
Of course, incarceration of Rook or Bishop are interesting too.
Are there incarcerations of Q ?
(Read Only)pid=7228
(8) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 20:38]

Does everyone, of course, remember this problem? (see WinChloe 40614)

Chervony girnik 1977
1° Prix
(= 9+13 )


1.Re8! [2.Rxe4‡] Sxd2 2.Sg2 [3.Be3+ Kc4 4.Rc8‡] f1=S 3.Bxd6 [4.Be5+ Kc4 5.Rc8‡] Sgf3 4.Bb4 [5.Bc3+ Kc4 6.Rc8‡] b1=S 5.Bc5+ Kc4 6.Rb8 [7.Rb4‡] Sb3 7.axb3‡
(Read Only)pid=7232
(9) Posted by Dan Meinking [Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 23:34]

@George: Another great example. And new to this composer.

@Jacques: I believe Burger & Matthews won 1st Prize in Chess Life 1986 (?) with a #5, as I recall, where a bQ gets incarcerated along the h-file. (Obviously, a couple of squares were blocked by Pawns in the diagram.) My memory is hazy on the details. If anyone has Matthews' book, I'm sure you'll find it there.
(Read Only)pid=7238
(10) Posted by Bojan Basic [Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 08:58]


You probably think of the following problem:

Robin Charles Olivier Matthews & Robert Eugene Burger
Chess Life 1987
1st Prize
(= 9+12 )
#5 (9 + 12)

Solution (hidden below):

 1.Kc3-b2 ! threat:
     2.Se2-c3 +
          3.Rd3-d4 #
          3.Rd5-d4 #
     2.Rd3*b3 threat:
          3.Rd5-d4 +
              4.Se2*g3 #
          3.Rd5-d3 threat:
              4.Rd3*e3 #
              4.Rd3-d4 +
                   5.Se2*g3 #
              4.Kb2-c2 zugzwang.
                   5.Se2-c3 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #
                   5.Be6-d5 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #
                   5.Rd3*e3 #

And here is another example of bishop and knight incarceration:

Александр Фёдорович Феоктистов
VII Всероссийский конкурс 1972
2nd HM
(= 8+13 )
#5 (8 + 13)


 1.Kd7-c7 ! threat:
     2.Qb8*b6 #
     2.Qb8-e8 threat:
          3.Qe8*c6 #
          3.e3*d4 threat:
              4.Qe8*c6 #
              4.Qe8*c6 +
                   5.Qc6-a4 #
                   5.Qc6*b6 #
              4.Qe8*c6 +
                   5.Qc6-a4 #
                   5.Qc6*b6 #
              4.Qe8*c6 +
                   5.Qc6-a4 #
                   5.Qc6*b6 #
          3.Sg7-f5 threat:
              4.Sf5-d4 #
              4.g2*f3 threat:
                   5.Sf5-d4 #
                   5.Qe8*c6 #
              4.Qe8*f7 zugzwang.
                   5.Qf7-c4 #
                   5.Sf5-d4 #
                   5.Sf5-d4 #
                   5.Sf5*d4 #
                   5.Sf5-d4 #
                   5.Sf5-d6 #

(Read Only)pid=7241
(11) Posted by Dan Meinking [Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 09:35]

@Bojan: Thanks, yes that's the one I had in mind. A classic! So the bR+bB are trapped, not the bQ. Told you my memory was hazy. :-) Your Feoktistov quote is also a gem.
(Read Only)pid=7243
(12) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 13:45]

I had a scheme for 5 and even 6 blocking black moves for the incarteration of bS but the computer-testing of #9 seemed eternal to me (#7 took more than 1 hour) and after the closing date of Oto's JT I forgot about it. I hoped that the simplicity of that #7 with 4 active blocks offers some possibilities for more, because of the already present Pawn-blocks at c5,d6,f6,g5. So anyone interested may try to force these Pawns to play to these squares in a longer solution.
4th Prize Mihalco 50 JT C 1.12.2007
(= 10+13 )
1.Txe4 Sxe4! 2.Sfd2!
(2.Sxc3? Sxc3 3.La6 Sf2!)
2… cxd2! 3.Sc3!
(3.Tf2+? Txf2 4.g4+ hxg3ep 5.Lb5(5.Sc3 Tf4!) Sec3!(5…Sb6? 6.Le8 Sxd5 7.Ld7#))
3… Sxc3! 4.Tf2+! Txf2! 5.g4+! hxg3ep! 6.La6 ~ 7.Lc8#
(Read Only)pid=7245
(13) Posted by Frank Richter [Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 14:40]

Gustav solves this #7 in approx. 5 minutes, so I suggest to ask Olaf Jenkner for a license and then to built the #9 ...
(Read Only)pid=7246
(14) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 15:07]; edited by Nikola Predrag [11-08-31]

Go-ahead, I'll be happy to see it, my equipment was not the best 4 years ago and was not improved since. The introductory W+B move were required in the particular tournament but for the thematic immobilization by incarceration (after immobilization by pinning) it is not necessary. So one move less, with spare wR(c4), wQ and another wB might help in this.
(Read Only)pid=7247
(15) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Friday, Mar 30, 2012 14:06]

Actually the #5 by RB& RCOM was one of problems given for solving at Slovak Open Championship in solving in 2004, I have written about it:

Also, as noted in the PDB (ProbID='P1051582'), this problem was also used in Dutch Solving Championship 2002.

Seemingly solving judges liked such manoeuvres.

Another mildly interesting point is the accolade attached to the problem. Bojan gives the 1st Prize, PDB gives the 1st Prize, my writing from 2004 gives the 2nd Prize. My source was surely one of triple (paper with solved problems given after the round to participants, WinChloe, RCOM's book), but I do not remember which one exactly.
(Read Only)pid=8188
(16) Posted by James Malcom [Friday, Nov 1, 2019 15:56]; edited by James Malcom [19-11-01]

Grigory Popov has recently achieved the blockage of 6 fields of a Black knight:

Grigory Popov
Superproblem, 10/31/19

(= 12+14 )

An article, in Russian, can be found here (Google’s page-translator thing really helps):
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MatPlus.Net Forum Moremovers Incarceration of knight