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MatPlus.Net Forum Helpmates Janos Csak - WCCT theme
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(21) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Jul 14, 2007 12:30]

The only problem here is the rule regarding anticipation that is illegal in itself since it contradicts the codex. Everyone should consider the WCCT files as an original publication in my opinion. This MUST change in next WCCT.

When (if...) I come to Rhodes I will try to speak about the codex anyway so I may as well try to change this but no promises here.

Best regards,
(Read Only)pid=1111
(22) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Monday, Jul 30, 2007 21:55]

Those of us who have seen the "Claims 8th WCCT - Entries" document recently distributed by WCCT director Hans Gruber may have noticed a new twist to our topic.

For problem G54, somebody offers as anticipation a problem published in ... The Problemist, May 2007 (without indicating the month, by the way)!

Not only did the composer probably not mention the fact that the WCCT theme is realised when submitting his problem (I can't imagine Stephen Emmerson including it if he had been aware); no, somebody is now trying to play tricks with the priority of G54 versus this problem.
(Read Only)pid=1194
(23) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Jul 30, 2007 22:17]

Of course the WCCT problem should be given priority and that guy either has a nice humor (however, very badly used since he should have told the whole plan to PCCC instead) or is a plagiarist (especially if his name is Raimondas Senkus or Andrejs Strebkovs). Well, just give him some condemnation and publish this behavior on an official website to show him this is not tolerated.
(Read Only)pid=1196
(24) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Monday, Jul 30, 2007 23:38]; edited by Harry Fougiaxis [07-07-30]

@ Thomas : and apart from this, I wonder how a Lacny can anticipate a complete Lacny... Btw, Csák's problem in Orbit (the one shown in the first post of this topic) is also claimed that it anticipates E20(!)

@ Siegfried : I'm afraid that you have not seen the two problems and you seem to somehow exaggerate for no reason. No one can probably understand why this claim was done, but you assume things that do not exist; there's no sign of a plan, plagiarism, bad humour, or whatever. It is quite common in WCCTs all sorts of claims (even quite unreasonable) to be sent in, that's why there is the next round of "replies to the claims".
(Read Only)pid=1198
(25) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Tuesday, Jul 31, 2007 00:21]

Thomas has written: "Not only did the composer probably not mention the fact that the WCCT theme is realised when submitting his problem (I can't imagine Stephen Emmerson including it if he had been aware);" - Do you realize how absurdly sounds a consequence of you statement? - >> an editor of a major magazine would not consider possibility that Anticirce twomover with fairy pieces could contain current WCCT theme << ?!

Thomas has also written: "no, somebody is now trying to play tricks with the priority of G54 versus this problem." Sorry, but as I see it, in the first place Lev Grolman is playing tricks with publishing his problems that did not make it into WCCT selections, despite the PCCC request. Very well done! In the second place it is PCCC with its absurd rules of publication/non-publication of WCCT problems. What if WCCT G54 does not feature in the award? Would it have priority as well?! For how long?!

Harry has written: "and apart from this, I wonder how a Lacny can anticipate a complete Lacny..." Yes, it can perfectly partially anticipate, if the mechanism for change between two phases is the same. Naturally, complete Lacny cycle has to show more and usually ordinary Lacny cycle is useful only for comparison.

Harry has also written: "No one can probably understand why this claim was done" The one who has made the claim is supposed to understand... :-)

Harry has finally written: "It is quite common in WCCTs all sorts of claims (even quite unreasonable) to be sent in, that's why there is the next round of "replies to the claims"." Yes, and that is fine.
(Read Only)pid=1199
(26) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Jul 31, 2007 03:54]

For problem G54, somebody offers as anticipation a problem published in ... The Problemist, May 2007!

Not only did the composer probably not mention the fact that the WCCT theme is realised when submitting his problem
no, somebody is now trying to play tricks with the priority of G54 versus this problem.

Sorry, but reading this looks like he did it intentionally! :-(
(Read Only)pid=1201
(27) Posted by Michael McDowell [Tuesday, Jul 31, 2007 13:24]

Much of the trouble under discussion arises from the absurdity that the WCCT is a tourney based on countries. This practically guarantees that there will be good problems composed which will not be entered because the composer's country has already reached its quota of entries. The PCCC's request for composers not to publish elsewhere until the WCCT award appears is simply unrealistic and, I think, unfair (for reasons I mentioned in a previous post).

The WCCT is probably unique for a formal tourney in that all of the entries are publicised before the award is made. I would imagine that most countries delay making their final selections until the last minute, so the easiest way out would be to consider all entries which appear in the booklet as published, with the closing date for entries as the date of publication. There would be few composers of non-selected problems who would be able to publish their problems elsewhere before the WCCT closing date, so in a case of similar settings the WCCT entry would almost certainly gain priority. It would also deal with the possibility of someone stealing a problem from the booklet. Of course it also means that unsuccessful WCCT entries could not be published elsewhere as original. I see no reason why this should be unacceptable. After the WCCT award is completed all of the entries could be publicised on the Web or distributed in a new booklet. There are plenty of precedents of sorts in 19th century tourneys and the British Chess Federation Tourneys, where awards would finish with a selection of unsuccessful problems which were "considered worthy of publication". The composers were presumably happy to be associated with the tourney, and not dismayed at not having a second chance to win an award.
(Read Only)pid=1203
(28) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Tuesday, Jul 31, 2007 14:22]

Yes, I totally agree with Michael. I was trying to suggest exactly that in some of my older posts (maybe even not in this thread), but probably I managed to be cryptic enough to avoid being understood. :-)
(Read Only)pid=1204
(29) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Friday, Aug 10, 2007 20:10]

an editor of a major magazine would not consider possibility that Anticirce twomover with fairy pieces could contain current WCCT theme

Let's see.

There were 16 problems in the fairy section of the May issue of The Problemist. That makes roughly 100 a year. Which is only a fraction of what Stephen is sent every year.

Apart from that, he writes a page of fairy glossary per issue, plus two pages of solutions and solvers' comments (including problems for comparison, anticipations etc.).

Apart from that, he has been the major contributor to Popeye for several years. I haven't checked, but I'm confident that a faire share of Stephen's work for Popeye was "inspired" by problems he wanted to check before printing.

I think that your expectations are way too high, Juraj.
(Read Only)pid=1224
(30) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Friday, Aug 10, 2007 20:16]

Much of the trouble under discussion arises from the absurdity that the WCCT is a tourney based on countries.

As absurd as it may seem, but there is no denying that the WCCT continues to be a big success and people are enthusiastic about it, even in countries like mine where the recent 12th place was a once in a lifetime event.

so the easiest way out would be to consider all entries which appear in the booklet as published

Exactly! Problems should be considered published as soon as they have been shown to the public.

Of course it also means that unsuccessful WCCT entries could not be published elsewhere as original.

Obviously. But that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be able to compete in informal tourneys.
(Read Only)pid=1225
(31) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Saturday, Aug 11, 2007 21:46]

Thomas: Well, I understand that Stephen is without doubt very busy with chess composition. After all, anyone showing willingness to help seems to be burdened by a lot of work quite swiftly. You know that well, Hans Gruber knows that well, Mike Prcic knows that well, bernd ellinghoven knows that well, ..., I know that well. Besides working for Pat a Mat (that includes work with originals, albeit just a half of Stephen's number is printed) I am running two chess composition sites (in Slovak and in English), do the judging and try to compose as much as possible.

But the theme we are talking about is not some theme. It is THEME OF WCCT, the only fairy WCCT theme for some years, worked almost to death by creme de la creme of composing public, talked about at national meetings... and PCCC expects from editors not to publish problems with that theme for some time. How PCCC can expect anyone to fulfil this wish, if THE PROBLEMIST editors and - what is worse - PCCC MEMBERS as editors do not do that? It is not only about Stephen, but also about other cases mentioned in this thread.

In my view the situation is unbearable and the solution was already suggested. Consider problems published in the first WCCT brochure. Michael McDowell has given good reasons for that.
(Read Only)pid=1229
(32) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Aug 11, 2007 21:52]

I just wonder what happens if Raimondas Senkus comes back, opens a website and publishes all WCCT brochure compositions as his own work there before the award is published. Will there be no WCCT then because he anticipated it all (this would be the case, as it is now)? Even while absolutely condemnable, there is nothing to stop him... as it is now he would get priority....
(Read Only)pid=1230
(33) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Saturday, Jul 10, 2010 16:46]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [10-07-10]

The last post on this topic was published in 2007. Did anything happen in PCCC afterwards? What is the present position? Perhaps this topic should go to General section.
(Read Only)pid=5577
(34) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Mar 26, 2011 07:28]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [11-03-26]

In reply to my own reply from 2nd May 2007, it was this study I had sent to Problem Paradise.

(= 8+8 )

Siegfried Hornecker
Problem Paradise, no. E031 (2007?)
White wins

1...Sf2! 2.Bxf2 Rb1+! 3.Rxb1 a2 4.Rc1! a1Q 5.Be3!!/i Qxc1+ 6.Bxc1 Kg1 7.Bxf4 h1Q 8.Bg3 Qh3 9.Bf2+ Kh1 10.Bc6 Qh2 11.f4+ wins

i - WCCT 8 studies theme, accidentally shown

And yes, we are still waiting for replies how the WFCC status on this is now.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Helpmates Janos Csak - WCCT theme