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MatPlus.Net Forum Fairies New fairy condition: Countercheck Madrasi
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(1) Posted by Arpad Rusz [Sunday, Dec 16, 2007 18:20]; edited by Arpad Rusz [07-12-17]

New fairy condition: Countercheck Madrasi

I was wondering if the following condition was used before:

Countercheck Madrasi - a checking move is illegal if there is a countercheck with a piece of the same kind (leaving both kings in check).

Árpád Rusz
(= 7+9 )

Countercheck Madrasi

1.Ra5! Zugzwang
1.-Bb2 2.Rd5#
1.-Rb2 2.Be5#
1.-Nd7 2.Ne6#
1.-b5 2.c3#
(Read Only)pid=1789
(2) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Sunday, Dec 16, 2007 21:50]

I was wondering if the following condition was used before:

Not that I know of.

Countercheck Madrasi - a check is illegal if there is a countercheck with a piece of the same kind

This needs some elaboration, I think. When you write "check" and "countercheck", do you mean "move delivering (counter)check"?

In this position:
(= 3+2 )

Is the c2 pinned, or can he expose his own king to the a4 because the c8 has a "check"?

And in this position:
(= 3+2 )

Is g7 a legal check (i.e. does the "countercheck" ~ (with check by the ) count)?
(Read Only)pid=1791
(3) Posted by Arpad Rusz [Sunday, Dec 16, 2007 22:17]; edited by Arpad Rusz [07-12-16]

In your first position Rc2 is pinned, in the second position Bg7+ is illegal.
You can not expose your own king to check (as in the first position) even in the following conditions:
(= 2+3 )

1.-Rh1+ is a legal move!
(Read Only)pid=1792
(4) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Monday, Dec 17, 2007 00:47]

This condition is a nice idea!
I think that it can offer some interesting possibilities.

(= 4+10 )


Perhaps too long to be correct...
(Read Only)pid=1793
(5) Posted by Arpad Rusz [Monday, Dec 17, 2007 01:15]; edited by Arpad Rusz [07-12-17]

In the following position 1.Be5?? is an illegal move as black would annihilate both checking units by 1.-Bd4. But 1.Ba5 is a legal move!

(= 3+3 )
Countercheck Madrasi

(= 2+4 )
Countercheck Madrasi

In the second position the only legal move for white which gives check is 1.Qd4+! as 1.Qa1+?? would be followed by 1.-Qe3+!
1.-Qg7+ - which also gives countercheck - doesn't proves illegality as only one king remains in check!
(Read Only)pid=1794
(6) Posted by Guy Sobrecases [Wednesday, Dec 19, 2007 08:52]

Sorry Arpad. I made a mistake.

The h=7 would rather answer to another condition:


A checking move is illegal if it leaves the possibility to the opposite side to countercheck with a piece of the same kind than one (at least) of the checking pieces (leaving both Kings in check, or not).
(Read Only)pid=1797

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MatPlus.Net Forum Fairies New fairy condition: Countercheck Madrasi