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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 9th FIDE World Cup in composing
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(1) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Friday, Jul 30, 2021 14:38]

9th FIDE World Cup in composing

Preliminary awards (without name authors with diagrams!)
Three movers section
Selfmate section
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(2) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Friday, Jul 30, 2021 16:22]

Thank you Andrey, but why are the diagrams without names, at this point?
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(3) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Friday, Jul 30, 2021 19:08]

This is due to bad experience when the judge recognizes the author and makes contact with him. The names will be in the final award.
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(4) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Friday, Jul 30, 2021 20:10]

I see now that this detail is stated in the rules of the competition. Interesting approach! I guess we will have an additional reason to wait for the final results, other than the usual "no changes were made to the preliminary award".
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(5) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Saturday, Jul 31, 2021 01:37]

Narayanan has made a super-fast award! Kudos to him. However I couldn't understand why any judge would want to contact the composer after completing the award 🤔🤔
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(6) Posted by shankar ram [Saturday, Jul 31, 2021 10:19]

Yes. I would understand if it were a beauty contest! ;-)
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(7) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 16:52]

Super-fast, but immediately under heavy criticism:

See the first comment: "Да простят меня авторы задач и судья, но кроме второго приза и первого похвального отзыва смотреть здесь совершенно не на что. Отмеченные задачи - это уровень конкурса районной газеты в СССР 1920-годов. Второй похвальный отзыв - откровенная ...опа! Я не могу подобрать слов, как такую схему мог отметить судьи, выигрывавший трехходовый раздел на WCCT... Просто "ужас"."

My translation (surely not entirely precise): The authors of problems and the judge would excuse me, but except the second prize and the first commendation there is nothing to be looked at. Awarded problems have the level of regional journal in USSR in 1920s. The second commendation - *incomprehensible*. I can;t find words how such scheme could have been awarded by the judge who won the #3 section of WCCT. ... Simply "horror".
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(8) Posted by shankar ram [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 17:43]

Quite harsh. And the fact that the author of this criticism also seems to be a participant in the same tourney doesn't improve matters!
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(9) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 19:00]

The judges of the FIDE World Cup #3 change, but Sygurov's comment remains the same. Perhaps it is finally time for him to send the task that the judge may like, and not to send what he likes, Sygurov?
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(10) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 21:02]

Probably the first commend is by him and he expected a prize.
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(11) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 21:41]

Seetharaman, that seems to be rather unfounded accusation. In fact I think Alexandr understands orthodox threemovers and moremovers quite well, so I was hoping for some positive arguments about other awarded problems presented here, to give other opinions. I also do not think that being a participant of a tourney diminishes the right to criticize the award. I was dissatisfied with my own placement (or total non-placement) many times and sometimes I even voiced it. Why not? But then other can have different opinions and this might lead us to discussion about merits and demerits of individual works.

Is there anyone willing to give us an opinion on some awarded threemover, please? I would be grateful.
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(12) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 22:12]

I thank the judge for a good and high-quality award. Prize problems are the decoration of this contest. 1 prize -the best problem!
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(13) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 23:23]

@ Juraj. I was just offended by his unduly harsh comments. I thought that most of the problems in the award are of good content. If Sygurov can quote any anticipation from prior 1920 for the first and third prizes I will apologize.
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(14) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Monday, Aug 2, 2021 04:34]

Dear Kostas, the bad experience of judging 2020 is commented on here.
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(15) Posted by Joost de Heer [Monday, Aug 2, 2021 10:39]

As long as people think getting awards is the goal of composing you will have people complaining about any judgement.
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(16) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Monday, Aug 2, 2021 11:16]

Thank you Andrey. I had no idea about this discussion - I don't follow the studies very closely. It seems there has been a lot of controversy in the study sub genre, more than in any other genre. I don't know the reasons for that, but after reading some of the comments, I noticed a common logical fallacy: No judge is ever objective - there is not such a thing. The judge undertakes the difficult task of ranking the problems, using his/her own subjective criteria. Once the award is published, it is open for evaluation and criticism. In this case, we witness the clash of two, or more subjective views. I don't know who is right and frankly, I don't care. I find it appalling to go beyond the useful analysis and criticism of one's judging work and assign ill motives.

To the point, though. How does it help to keep the authors' names secret in the preliminary award? Would the discussion about the 2020 studies be less ugly, if the diagrams were kept anonymous for a month? In any case, these are the rules for the 9th FIDE World Cup. We will see how it works.
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(17) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Monday, Aug 2, 2021 16:46]

Gerhard Josten once wrote a polemics against prizes (I translated
it into English for him). Seems is was written on the beach with
the tide rolling in. Hell, I have an ego greater than Lucifer
himself but I never talk back to a problem judge, even if my
problem will be talked about in centuries still. (Hint: It won't. :-)
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(18) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Monday, Aug 2, 2021 22:25]

Don't mention Gerhard Josten!
He is a plagiator and does not know much about chess composition.
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(19) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Tuesday, Aug 3, 2021 01:51]

Juraj, you asked for opinions but you haven't given yours.
For me, preliminary awards without names seem as a real improvement and refreshment in the same time.
When names are hidden, we concentrate on compositions only, and we get a fun of guessing the names :)
As Kostas mentioned, this raises the interest for the final award, too.
Turning the question upside down, is there any advantage of seeing the names in preliminary awards?
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(20) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Tuesday, Aug 3, 2021 07:57]

Marjan, I don't understand orthodox threemovergenre so well that I would dare to assess the overall quality of the competition, neither the specific criticism aimed at some specific works. What I thought, when reading Alexandr's comment at Russian forum and Seetharaman's here? Wow, two comments differ considerably. So much praise and so much criticism at the same time. And most readers here will have no idea that the things might be seen so differently. Of course, with my active Russian being A2 at the best, I continued here (btw, is my translation precise enough?), especially as I felt that I am here on the positive side. Is anyone willing to single out some #3 from the award and point at its qualities in general context? I am sure the community would be happy to have a look at good threemover where the praise is deserved.

As far as missing names are concerned, I am indifferent. Name-guessing game is often played only by judges of anonymous tourneys and now we are offered the same (btw any guesses to be filed here? :)), on the other hand, I can understand some people might feel uncomfortable with such a change. Also, as an editor, I can hardly reprint the work without author's name from the preliminary award, so I have to wait for longer...

So there are various facets in the seemingly simple story :)
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 9th FIDE World Cup in composing