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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Schwalbe n#/e.g. (202nd Theme Tourney)
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(1) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 14:16]

Schwalbe n#/e.g. (202nd Theme Tourney)

This one came just flying in :-)

Quote from a lousy OCR-ed scan, typos pending:

Turnier zum 70. Geburtstag von Gerhard Josten: Matt & Remis
= 202. Thema-Turnier der Schwalbe
Aus Anlaß des 70. Geburtstags des Studienkomponisten Gerhard Josten am 3. Mai 2008
schreibt die Schwalbe ihr 202. Thematurnier aus. Gefordert sind Originalaufgaben,
in denen a) Weiß am Zug mattsetzt (orthodoxe Mattaufgabe) und
b) Schwarz am Zug remisiert (Studie).
Es werden drei Preise zu 150, 100 und 50 Euro nach Ermessen der Preisrichter
ausgesetzt. Preisrichter sind Ralf Krätschmer für den Teil der Mattaufgaben
und Gerhard Josten für den Teil der Remis-Studien. Die Ergebnisse beider Richter
werden zusammengefaßt. Je näher die Einzelbewertungen für das Matt und das Remis
beieinander liegen, umso höher erfolgt die Gesamtbewertung einer Komposition,
um eine Gleichwertigkeit beider Teile zu honorieren. Gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten
sind erwünscht.
Einsendungen sind spätestens bis zum 31. März 2008 per Email (wenn möglich als pgn-Datei)
beim Tumierleiter Michael Roxlau ( einzureichen.

English summary: On the occasion of the 70th birthday of the endgame composer
Gerhard Josten "Die Schwalbe" announces its 202nd thematic tourney. Required
are problems in which a) White to move mates (direct mate) and b) Black to move draws
(endgame study).
Three prizes are offered with 150, 100 and 50 Euro. Judges are Ralf Krätschmer
for the part of the problem and Gerhard Josten for the part of the endgame study.
Both results will be summarised. The closer the single results for the problem
and the study are lying to each other, the higher the overall ranking of the
composition will be in order to guarantee the equivalence of both parts.
Joint compositions are welcome.
Entries should be sent by email (pgn-file if possible) to the tourney director
Michael Roxlau (email see german text) by March 31st, 2008.


P.S. A more complete version I ULed here:
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(2) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Jun 20, 2007 10:31]

The announcement is also available at:
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(3) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Friday, Jun 22, 2007 00:02]

The example displayed in the announcement:

B G. Laws
"The Chess Problem", 1887(= 8+10 )
a)#3, b) Black to play,=

It would be curious to know more about it's appeareance. "It appeared as a #3" is all that is informed - when and who discovered the Study with black to play?! - It's already accepted (for instance in Harold V. d. Heijden CD) !? - The name of the composer (or discoverer) of the EG and date should not be quoted too!? (And -as if was not enough with the questions...) Other known examples?!

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(4) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Friday, Jun 22, 2007 13:33]

Well, since I worked as end lectorate for Gerhard Josten's
new book on the theme, I can answer a few of your questions.

- Josten had the idea to combine e.g./n# and coins the
name "Duplum" for it. Don't ask me what gave him the
inspiration; of course I could mail him personally.
- After that, he scanned hundreds of studies from the
van der Heijden database for more examples.
I guess he found that the Laws problem worked as
black e.g. *then*. (Not exactly a brilliant e.g.,
but he didn't expect to find motherlode anyway.)
So the found solution will probably be by himself.
- Here is another example listed by him:
Rinck, Magyar Sakkvilag 1948, Ka6 Sb4 Sc6 - Ka8 Re4 Rh7 (=)
is a #15 if Black begins. (Dual-free up to 4th move)
- In fact, as always :-) me myself and I was first:
See problem #2 there. Yup, it was *consciously* composed
as a "Duplum" way back then. (Because the white 2# part was
so utterly lame :-)

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(5) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Thursday, Jun 28, 2007 13:22]

Thank You, Hauke - the idea is quite interesting and bearing to sheer experimentation - by the way, 'en passant' - following position is an Endgame, black to play has an unique move not to (at least) lose at once
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(6) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Friday, Jun 29, 2007 11:47]

Mr. Nalimov says otherwise ;-) (Re7 -23)

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(7) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Friday, Jun 29, 2007 17:14]

Dear Hauke: As I wrote 'en passant', black to move had a single way not to lose at once - later I realized that white can win advancing with the King and black can not improve his situation to approach to 'b7' with his own King in time to reach the draw - but some interesting lines can arise... if it was a real game, I would play with black further some moves to wait for a mistake... (a little of topic, but - do You know Roland Kammer in Hamburg?! - we played in an Open and the Game was quite interesting - some day I will submit it to an on-line source...) Zalmen
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Schwalbe n#/e.g. (202nd Theme Tourney)