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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions The Fifth Belgrade Festival
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(1) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Wednesday, Apr 9, 2008 20:29]; edited by Marjan Kovačević [08-04-09]

The Fifth Belgrade Festival

Dear friends,
If you are thinking about coming to Belgrade, or having some doubts about it, I would be happy to know it as soon as possible.
A brief note would be useful to start planning mini-lectures and aproximate number of participants, too.
(Read Only)pid=2177
(2) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Tuesday, May 27, 2008 10:25]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [08-05-27]

There are some inexactitudes in the final table.
1) Wrong minutes are placed in some rounds. For example, Murdzia and, perhaps, Kovacevic solved moremovers quicker than Leontyev. However, it had no any importance for the distribution of places.
2) Round with helpmates is indicated as 4th, but it was the final 6th round. In the 4th round were selfmates.
3) Teams “LeMur” and “SNG” were taken off. On the closing ceremony, just during the rewarding, judge announced that it was a protest against participation in festival these 2 teams, consisting of 2 solvers from different countries, and that it was satisfied.
{From regulations of festival:
«5. Open Team Solving Championship
Teams (pairs) consist of two solvers participating in the Open Solving Championship of Serbia (Russia, Romania, Serbia, etc)».}
So, 2 teams at first received permission for participation in festival, were indicated in table during 2 days of competition, and then they were disqualified. Nevertheless, both of them are still in the table on the 2nd and 3rd places.
I think that decision about disqualification of 2 international teams from international festival by the reason of their internationality can become important for next competitions. Show it, please.

Итоговая таблица содержит несколько неточностей.
1) В некоторых раундах неверно указано затраченное время. Например, Мурдзя и, возможно, Ковачевич решили многоходовки быстрее, чем Леонтьев. Впрочем, это не имело значения для распределения мест.
2) Раунд кооперативов указан как 4й, но он был последним раундом, т.е. 6м по счету. В 4м раунде были самоматы.
3) Команды «ЛеМур» и «СНГ» были сняты. На закрытии, непосредственно во время награждения, судья объявил, что был протест против участия в фестивале этих 2х команд, состоящих из 2х решателей из разных стран, и что он был удовлетворен.
{Из регламента фестиваля:
«5. Открытый командный чемпионат по решению
Команды (пары) состоят из 2х решателей, участвующих в открытом чемпионате Сербии (Россия, Румыния, Сербия и т.д.)».}
Таким образом, 2 команды сначала получили разрешение на участие, указывались в таблице в течение 2х дней соревнования, а затем они были дисквалифицированы. Тем не менее, они все еще в таблице на 2м и 3м местах.
Я думаю, что решение о дисквалификации 2х интернациональных команд с интернационального фестиваля по причине их интернациональности может оказаться важным для дальнейших соревнований. Покажите его, пожалуйста.
(Read Only)pid=2325
(3) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Tuesday, May 27, 2008 23:02]

It is my duty to give the answer to the last question. From the First to the Fifth Belgrade festival Romanian team was present as official team of their country, supported by their Federation. The initial idea of having team medals, apart from individual ranking, was saved mainly because of their interest to participate. In other words, Romanian team is by now the greatest international suporter of the Belgrade Festivals.
After Romanian team protested, asking to give medals to official teams only, we had to make quick and unpleasant decision. I suggested we should accept the protest.
It is also interest of the organizer to have official concurency for Serbian teams, as a way of preparing for ECSC ans WCSC. On these lines we all would have been glad if there was team of Russia, with Selivanov and Leontyev. According to results, this team would have been on the second place.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions The Fifth Belgrade Festival