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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Felix Sonnenfeld Centenary Tourney
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(1) Posted by Marcos Roland [Monday, Mar 29, 2010 14:54]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-04-06]

Felix Sonnenfeld Centenary Tourney


To commemorate the 100th birthday of the great Brazilian composer Felix Alexander Sonnenfeld (March 18th 1910 – Feb 12th 1993) a theme-tourney is announced:

A Helpmate in 2 is required showing the following theme:
A white or black piece 'A' stands, at a certain stage, on the intersection square ('x') of two line pieces 'B' and 'C'. 'B' and 'C' can be both white, both black, or mixed colours (black & white). In both phases 'A' moves away from square 'x', opening the lines of 'B' and 'C' simultaneously and landing on different squares in each phase. Then, in phase 1 the thematic line of 'B' (only!) is closed again by any move of White or Black, whereas in phase 2 the same happens to 'C'.

a) Acceptable are set-play, multi-solutions, variations (e.g.,, duplex and any kind of twinning except zeroposition. No fairy pieces/conditions.
b) Pawns are allowed as thematic pieces.
c) The opening and closing of the thematic lines may occur on any move.
d) 'B' is not supposed to close the thematic line of 'C' on square 'x' and vice-versa.
e) An anticipatory closing of any line to be opened later is permitted.
f) A cyclic execution with more than two phases is allowed. When the lines of n (thematic) pieces are simultaneously opened then at least one of these lines must be closed again in each phase.
g) Doubling (or multiplying) of the theme is allowed.

Judge: Uri Avner
Closing date: Dec. 31th, 2010

Please submit your entries (either by email or airmail letter) to:
Marcos Maldonado Roland – Rua Senador Vergueiro, 56 apt. 1101
22230-001 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil


Ricardo Vieira & Mario Figueiredo
UBP – Colonelli Jub.Ty – 1982
4th Honourable Mention
(= 5+7 )

(= 5+7 )

H#2 2 solutions (5+7)

1.Sc6 Le3! (Tf4?) 2.Dc7 Tf8#
1.Sg6 Tf4! (Le3?) 2.Te8 La5#
(Read Only)pid=5136
(2) Posted by Ricardo de Mattos Vieira [Wednesday, Jun 23, 2010 18:38]

Please notice that the Director of the Tourney has a new home address:

Marcos Maldonado Roland
Rua Justiniano da Rocha, 201 apt. 304
20551-010 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil

His email address continues the same:
(Read Only)pid=5519
(3) Posted by Marcos Roland [Friday, Sep 17, 2010 01:52]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-09-17]

Dear friends,

Until now, I've received problems of the following authors:

Andreas Schönholzen (2)
Emanuel Narvon
Stephan Milewski
Vladimir Koci (3)
Klaus Funk
Christer Jonsson
Jacques Rotenberg
Israel Tzur (2)
Viktor Syzonenko

If you have sent me a problem and your name is not in the list above, please, let me know.

Marcos Maldonado Roland

(Read Only)pid=5885
(4) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Sep 19, 2010 20:30]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-09-22]

“In common with all biographies, the really interesting parts are omitted of course!”( Arthur Erskine Ellis)

Felix Alexander Sonnenfeld, son of Rudolph Sonnenfeld, an Austrian engineer, and Wilhelmine Dorothéa Kuhne Sonnenfeld, German, was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in March the 18th, 1910. He had two sisters, Elizabeth Sophie and Sophie Margareth.

In 1943, he married to Odete Alves. They had only one daughter, Valeria, born in 1944.

Until the first half of the sixties, Felix was an accountant for a private company in Rio de Janeiro, and a chess amateur. But since then he became a professional judge and organizer of overboard chess.

Felix learned chess from his father at age ten, and soon became interested in solving. He began to compose problems in the late twenties. One of his first problems was the following h#6, composed in 1927:

(= 2+4 )

1.g1=B d4 2.Bh2 d5 3.Bc7 d6 4.Ke4 dxc7 5.d5 c8=Q 6.d4 Qf5#.

Felix was a key figure in all areas of Brazilian chess. In 1938, he participated actively in the process of affiliation of the Brazilian Chess Federation (of which he was the Technical Director for 22 years) to FIDE. He also participated in the foundation of the Chess Federation of Rio de Janeiro, in 1944, and of the Guanabara Chess Club, in 1958. In 1960, he was a founder partner of the Brazilian Union of Problemists, being its President for 14 years. He was Brazilian Solving Champion in 1938, 1948 and 1953, and Brazilian Composing Champion for the period 1966/1985.

Felix was International Judge of FIDE both for overboard chess and composition of helpmates. He was the arbiter of eight Brazilian Chess Championships and dozens of international tournaments, including the Petropolis Interzonal of 1973, won by the Brazilian Grandmaster Henrique Mecking. He was one of the judges of the helpmates section for the FIDE Album of 1971-1973. He was the organizer and director of six Brazilian championships of solving and five of composition.

Sonnenfeld has composed about 2,500 problems, according to his estimation. He composed helpmates, selfmates, direct twomovers, threemovers and a few moremovers, a few endings and a few fairies. But his favorite genre was the helpmate, in which he contributed with several original themes and ideas, and won the major part of his more than one hundred distinctions in international competitions. He was first place in the h#3 section of the International Team-Match of Chess Composition of 1967-1971, and also first place, jointly with Mario Novis, in the h#2 section of the II WCCT (1980-1983).

In the II Meeting of Solidarity of Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1971, Felix Sonnenfeld was acclaimed “Primus Interpares”, for his outstanding participation in the three sections: 2nd prize in the #2, 1st prize in the h#2, 4th prize in the h#2 and 1st prize in the s#2. In 1991, at the PCCC meeting in Rotterdam, he received the title of FIDE Master of Chess Composition. Maybe he would have achieved more, if he had sent to the judges of FIDE Albums part of his excellent production before 1955.

Besides all of his achievements, Felix Sonnenfeld was a leader and friend of all Brazilian composers. A generous character, he was successful in both assembling the experienced problemists and stimulating the beginners. A very charming and humorous person, his fine stories delighted everyone who seated with him in a bar or at one of the tables of the Guanabara Chess Club, where he used to go almost every afternoon in the seventies and eighties. Besides Portuguese, his native tongue, he could speak English, Spanish, French and German. In German he and the famous, beloved Estonian Grandmaster Paul Keres used to talk in Petropolis, 1973, at the Interzonal, after Keres finished his game of the day, when they would spend hours at the board seeing dozens of problems, for the joy of so many fans gathered around the table…

When Felix died, in February the 12th, 1993, in Miguel Pereira, a small town near Rio de Janeiro, all of us felt like losing a dear friend and second father. Rest in peace, old master.

In another post, I’ll present a selection of Sonnenfeld’s problems.
(Read Only)pid=5911
(5) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Sep 19, 2010 22:21]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [10-09-19]

Thanks Marcos for the informative write up. I know that he was a prolific and talented composer. Other details of his chess life are new to me. He seems to have played an important role in the development of chess in Brazili.
(Read Only)pid=5914
(6) Posted by Marcos Roland [Monday, Sep 20, 2010 02:10]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-10-07]

For seeing the solutions (only the keys) pass the mouse between brackets

1) "Horse Racing"
BCF 1955 - 1st HM
FIDE Album 1955-1956

(= 6+8 )

Solution: (1.Se2)

2)"O Globo" 1966
Thematic tournament
1st prize
FIDE Album 1966-1968

(= 10+7 )

Solution: (1.b4)

3) Brazilian Composition Championship 1958/1959

(= 12+8 )

Solution: (1.c6)

4) II Meeting of Solidarity - Skopje 1971
2nd prize
FIDE Album 1971-1973

(= 10+11 )

Solution: (1.Df7)

5) IL Due Mosse 1957
1st HM

(= 6+6 )

Solution: (1.Sc6)

6) With Mario Novis Filho
Brazilian Composition Championship 1958/1959

(= 9+7 )

Solution: (1.Se6)

7)F.W. Nanning Memorial
Probleemblad 1958-1959
2nd place

(= 7+7 )

Solution: (1.Sf3)

8) Problem 1958 (version)

(= 7+8 )

Solution: (1.Ke5)
(Read Only)pid=5922
(7) Posted by Marcos Roland [Wednesday, Sep 22, 2010 04:26]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-10-07]

For seeing the solutions pass the mouse between brackets

1) Boletim da UBP - 1993

(= 4+2 )

Solution: (1.Kh1:1...h6 2.b8=L h5 3.Lh2 h4 4.Sg3 hxg3 5.Lg1; 1...h5 2.b8=T h4 3.Sg1+ Kg3 4.Tb2 h3 5.Tg2+)

2) With Almiro Zarur
II Meeting of Solidarity - Skopje 1971
1st prize
FIDE Album 1971-1973

(= 8+11 )

Solution: (1.Sc3? Ld3!; 1.Sc5? Lg6!; 1.Sd6? Tc3!; 1.Sg5? Lf5!; 1.Sf6! ~ 2.Df2+)

3) Brazilian Championship of Composition 1960-1961
1st place
Novi-Temi, 1974
2nd prize
FIDE Album 1974-1976

(= 9+8 )

Solution: (set: 1...exd4#; try: 1.Ta8?: 1...Ld7 2.Td8; 1...La4 (a6,e8) 2.Txa4 (a6,e8);1...Lc6!; real: 1.S4b3! cxb3 2.Dxd3+ Td4 3.Se4)

4) Brazilian Composition Championship 1958-1959
1st place
FIDE Album 1959-1961

(= 8+5 )

Solution: (1.Le2 (th. 2.Lxh5)Lg6 (1...Lf5 2.Txc8+ Lxc8 3.Lf3+ etc.)2.Ld1 Ld3 3.Lxh5 Lf1 4.Lg4 Ld3 5.Lf3+ Le4 6.h5 Ld5 7.Le4 Lc6 8.Ld5 Lb7 9.Lc6)
(Read Only)pid=5939
(8) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Sep 26, 2010 03:53]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-10-07]

For seeing the solutions pass the mouse between brackets

In this selection I was assisted by Ricardo Vieira and Almiro Zarur.

1) Arguelles Jubilee 1962
3rd-4th prize
FIDE Album 1962-1964

(= 5+11 )

Solution: (set play:1...Tg5? 2.Sg4 Tc5? A?; 1...Lf5! 2.Se4 Le6# B!. real play: 1.Sd1 Tg5! (1...Lf5? 2.Tc2 Le6? B?) 2.Tf2 Tc5# A!)

2) With Ricardo Vieira, Mario Figueiredo & José Figueiredo
Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1979
FIDE Album 1977-1979

(= 9+9 )

Solution: (1.Sxe4 Se3 2.Sexf6+ Sc2#; 1.Sxf6 Sg7 2.Sfxe4+ Se6#)

3) Santiago Memorial 1963
1st-2nd prize
FIDE Album 1962-1964

(= 4+10 )

Solution: (1.d5 Tb1! (1...Ba6? 2.Sd2 Se2+?) 2.Sd2 Sb5#; 1.Sg4 La6! (1...Tb1? 2.Bd2 Sb5+?) 2.Bd2 Se2#)

4) With Enguelberto Berlingozzo
Figueiredo Memorial 1981
1st prize

(= 6+11 )

Solution: (1.Sf4 Dc2 2.Sd5 Te4#; 1.Se1 Df5 2.Sc2 Td4#; 1.Sxc5 Dd4 2.Se4 Tc2#)

5) With Mario Novis
2nd WCCT 1984
1st place

(= 9+9 )

Solution: (1.Tc4 Sbd4! (1...Sd2? 2.? Sc4#) 2.Tb4+ Td5#; 1.Td5 Sd2! (1...Sbd4? 2.? Td5#) 2.Td3+ Sc4#)

6) Magyar Sakkelet 1969

(= 4+1 )

Solution: (1.Kd3 Lb4 2.Kc2 Lf5#; 1.Ke3 Tg1 2.Kf2 Lc5#; 1.Kd5 Tb7 2.Kc6 Lf3#)

7) Die Schwalbe 1974

(= 3+4 )

Solution: (1.Td6 Df3 2.Le6 Lf6#; 1.g4 Dg6 2.Ld5 Ld6#; 1.Lh7 Lxg5 2.Le4 Lf4#)

8) Clube de Xadrez Guanabara 1986
1st prize

(= 3+3 )

Solution: (1.Se6 Dd6 2.Sg5 Lg6#; 1.Lh3 Lf3 2.Lg4 Le4#; 1.Lf3 Dg7 2.Le4 Lg4#)

9) Match Brazil-Italy 1961
2nd prize

(= 5+5 )

h#2 b) Kd5 goes to e7
Solution: (a) 1.Sc4 Lf6 2.Sb6 Lc6#; b) 1.Sf8 Lc6 2.Sg6 Lf6#)

10) Deca Tourney 1937/1938
1st prize

(= 6+7 )

Solution: (1.Le5 Lc8! 2.Tg4 Sf5#; 1.Le7 Tc8! 2.Lc2 Sc4#)

11) With José Figueiredo
Israel Problemist Association 1964
1st prize

(= 6+6 )

Solution: (1.Sxb3 Sb5 (1...Se6?;1...Sf3?) 2.Scd4 Sd6#; 1.Sc4 Se6 (1...Sb5?; 1...Sf3?) 2.Sd4 Sc5#; 1.Sb7 Sf3 (1...Sb5?;1...Se6?) 2.Sd4 Sd2#)

12) Novi Temi 1962
1st prize

(= 4+7 )

h#2 b) Kd3 goes to d4
Solution: (a) 1.Sc2 Sf3 2.Sc4 Sc5#; b) 1.Sd5 Sf2 2.Sc4 Sb3#)

13) Schach-Echo 1976
FIDE Album 1974-1976

(= 8+13 )

Solution: (1.Lxd2 Lf1 2.Lxg5 Lh3#; 1.h6 d3 2.hxg5 dxe4#; 1.Se6 Sg6 2.Sxg5 Sh4#; 1.Txg3 Tb1 2.Txg5 Tf1#)

14) With José Figueiredo
IL Due Mosse 1962
1st-2nd prize
FIDE Album 1962-1964

(= 8+12 )

Solution: (set play: 1...Lc3 2.d2 Sany#; real play: 1.d2 Lc3 and: 2.La7+ Sb6#; 2.Ld6+ Sxd6#; 2.Sf6+ Sxe5#; 2.hxg1=L+ Se3#; 2.d1=S Sd2#; 2.Db2 Sxb2#; 2.Da3+ Sxa3+; 2.Da5+ Sxa5#)

15)With José Figueiredo
Die Schwalbe 1965
1st prize

(= 6+10 )

Solution: (1.Sg5 Sf2 2.Kf4 Sg2#; 1.Sd4 Sg2 2.Ke4 Sf2#)

16)With José Figueiredo
II Meeting of Solidarity Skopje 1971
1st prize

(= 4+11 )

h# 2 b) Pc2 goes to c3 c) Pf7 goes to c3
Solution: (a) 1.Lg8 Da3 2.Le3 Ld3#; b) 1.fxg6 De1 2.Kd3 De4#; c) 1.Lxe3 Le8 2.Kd3 Lb5#)

17) Europe Echècs 1971
1st prize

(= 5+6 )

h#2 b) Kd4 goes to c2
Solution: (a) 1.Se4 Lb3 2.Le5 Le3#; b) 1.Tf3 Le3 2.Sb1 Lb3#)

18)With José Figueiredo
Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1966
2nd prize

(= 4+8 )

Solution: (1.Sg7: 1...Sg6 2.Se8 Sh7#; 1...Sc8 2.Se6 Sd7#)

19) Phénix, 1993

(= 6+4 )

h#2 b) Ke2 goes to f5
Solution: (a) 1.Dxb5 Tf6 2.Dd3 Te5#; b) 1.Txb5 g3 2.Te5 Bd3#)

20) Valadão Monteiro Tourney 1969
2nd HM

(= 6+14 )

Solution: (1.Lg7 Lf5(1...Lc4?) 2.Tf6 Lxe5#; 1.Ta7 Lc4(1...Lf5?) 2.La6 Lxa5#)

21) With Ricardo Vieira
Probleemblad 1988
FIDE Album 1986-1988

(= 6+10 )

Solution: (1.Tb7 Tg4 2.Tb2+ Le4#; 1.Td5 Txf2 2.Te5 d5#)

22) With Ricardo Vieira
Die Schwalbe 1986
FIDE Album 1986-1988

(= 8+13 )

Solution: (1.Tc5 Sg6 2.Kxd6 Dxb6#; 1.Dc4 Lf5 2.Kd4 Lb2#; 1.Le4 exf7 2.Kf4 Sg6#; 1.Df5 Sxd5 2.Kxe6 De4#)
(Read Only)pid=5983
(9) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Sep 26, 2010 13:13]

Why no solutions?
(Read Only)pid=5988
(10) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Sep 26, 2010 16:46]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-09-26]

I'll put the solutions, dear seetharaman.Next week.
(Read Only)pid=5992
(11) Posted by Marcos Roland [Monday, Oct 4, 2010 06:10]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-10-07]

For seeing the solutions pass the mouse between brackets

1) Ajedrez Mágico, 1970

(= 3+3 )

Solution: (set play: 1...Sd5 2.Sb6 Ke4 3.Sd7 Sd8#; real play: 1.Qd5+ Ke3 2.Sd6 Sd4+ 3.Ke5 Sd7#)

2) Die Schwalbe, 1992

(= 2+3 )

h#3 b)Qd6 goes to d3 c)Qd6 goes to e5
Solution: (a) 1.Tg5 Kh3 2.Kh5 Sd3 3.Dh6 Sf4#; b) 1.Kh6 Sd1 2.Dh7 Se3 3.Tg6 Sf5#; c) 1.Kh7 Se4 2.Dh8 Kh5 3.Tg7 Sf6#)

3) Aachener Nachrichten, 1978
(= 4+5 )

Solution: (1.Tb2+ Sf3 2.Tb7 Sxd4 3.Tc7+ Sc6#)

4) Boletim da UBP, 1989

(= 3+9 )

Solution: (1.Db8 Se2 2.Tb7 Sxd4 3.Tb1 Sc2#; 1.Dh7 Sxf3 2.Lg6 Sd2 3.Lg1 Sb3#)

5) With Enguelberto Berlingozzo
Brazilian Championship of Composition, 1958-1959
1st place

(= 4+2 )

Solution: (set play: 1...Sa3 2.Tb1 Sc4 3.Tb4 Sc3#; real play: 1.Ta3 Sd6 2.Tb3 Sc4 3.Tb4 Sc3#)

6) With José Figueiredo
Israel Problemist Association, 1965
1st prize

(= 3+11 )

Solution: (1.Lb3! Sef7 2.Sed5 Se6+ 3.Kc4 Sd6#; 1.Tf4! Sgf7 2.Sbd5 Sc6+ 3.Ke4 Sd6#)

7) Inedit, 1975

(= 6+15 )

Solution: (1.Db5+ Sb4 2.Df5+ e4 3.fxe3 e.p. Sd3#)
(Read Only)pid=6101
(12) Posted by Marcos Roland [Monday, Oct 4, 2010 06:29]; edited by Marcos Roland [10-10-07]

For seeing the solutions pass the mouse between brackets

1) "The elevator"
Probleemblad, 1972
1st prize
FIDE Album 1971-1973

(= 3+9 )

h#4 b)Pc7 goes to h2 c) Na6 goes to b2 d) Pc5 goes to h2
Solution: (a) 1.Ka4 Kg1 2.Db2 Tc3 3.Sb4 Txc5 4.Ka3 Ta5#; b) 1.Ka4 a3 2.Db3 Tf6 3.Sc7 Txe6 4.Sb5 Ta6#; c) 1.Ka5 a4 2.Db4 Tf7 3.Sc4 Txc7 4.Sb6 Ta7#; d) 1.Sc5 a4+ 2.Ka6 a5 3.Db5 Tf8 4.Sb7 Ta8#)

2) Europe Echècs, 1961

(= 2+2 )

h#4 2.1...
(1.Kf5 Kf8 2.Kg6 Ke7 3.Kh7 Kf6 4.Kh8 Kg6#; 1.Lh7 Kh6 2.Kf7 Kg5 3.Kg8 Kf6 4.Kh8 Kf7#)

3) Magyar Sakellet, 1980
5th HM

(= 3+8 )

h#4 2.1...
(1.Lg4 Lg8 2.Tf3 Sc3 3.Se6 Se4 4.Tf4 Lh7#; 1.Sg6 Sf4 2.Ta6 Lf1 3.Tf6 Se6 4.Le4 Lh3#)

4) Stela Polaris, 1970
FIDE Album, 1968-1970

(= 7+2 )

(1.Kxc4 Te5+ 2.Kb3 La6 3.Kc2 Tb5 4.Kd3 Tb2#)

5) Die Schwalbe, 1971
3rd HM

(= 5+7 )

(set play: 1... Tf4+ 2.Ke5 Tf2 3.Kd4 Te2 4.Kc4 Te4#; real play: 1.Sf3 Tb4 2.Ke5 Tb2 3.Kd4 Te2 4.Kc4 Te4#)
(Read Only)pid=6103
(13) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Wednesday, Oct 6, 2010 21:30]

While it was obvious that wPc4 was missing in h#4 no.4, (diagram is now corrected), h#4 no.3 does not look that easy to correct.
(Read Only)pid=6139
(14) Posted by Marcos Roland [Wednesday, Oct 6, 2010 22:48]

Thank you, Nikola, for your comments. Now I think h#4 nº 3 is corrected: I put a rook in place of the BPe5. Until tonight (in Brazil...)I'll have checked the other problems, hopefully there aren't other mistakes.

(Read Only)pid=6141
(15) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Thursday, Oct 7, 2010 00:08]

Oops, it was too easy and very elegant, I guessed something was missing.
(Read Only)pid=6143
(16) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Thursday, Oct 7, 2010 07:14]

the n.4 seems antipated :

Rudolf Queck Shach 1951

(= 6+3 )

1.R×d4 Tb5+ 2.Re3 Ff6 3.Rd2 Te5 4.Rc3 Te2‡
(Read Only)pid=6146
(17) Posted by Marcos Roland [Thursday, Oct 7, 2010 11:47]

Oh my God, Jacques! Nor Felix nor the judges of FIDE Album noticed that. The position now I see in PDB is:

Rudolf Queck
Schach 03/1951

(= 6+2 )


Curiously, Felix composed at the time another h#4 with the same idea, but using a knight rather than a rook:

Felix Sonnenfeld
Probleemblad 1970
1st HM

(= 7+2 )

Solution: 1.Kxc6 Sd6+ 2.Kd7 La8 3.Ke6 Sb7 4.Kd5 Sd8#.

And again, now I see, nor Felix nor the judges noticed this problem was anticipated by the same Rudolf Queck, in Schach 02/1953:

(= 8+9 )

Solution: 1.Kxc5 Sc4+ 2.Kb4 La7 3.Kc3 Sb6 4.Kd4 Sa4#

Sad story! Thank you, Jacques.
(Read Only)pid=6150
(18) Posted by Administrator [Monday, Apr 18, 2011 15:00]

At a request of Marcos Roland I am glad to present you the award:
(Read Only)pid=6868
(19) Posted by Administrator [Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011 07:52]

Marcos has just sent the final award of the Felix Sonnenfeld Centenary Tourney, after the claims.
One problem was added to the award.

(also downloadable from DL Archive)
(Read Only)pid=7526

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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Felix Sonnenfeld Centenary Tourney