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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 3rd Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2018
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(1) Posted by Ivan Denkovski [Monday, Apr 30, 2018 13:09]

3rd Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2018

General rules

The 3rd YCCC 2018 is open for U21 generation (born 1997 and younger). It includes three different thematic tourneys: Group A #2, Group B endgames, and Group C h= duplex. Each composer may send at most 2 entries per group. Joint works are not accepted.

All entries should be sent by email to the tournament director Julia Vysotska: not later than 20. July 2018. (The participants are kindly asked to send their recent photo of a better quality, together with the entries).

The prize-giving will be on 1. September 2018, 8 PM, during the Opening ceremony of the 61st WCCC in Ohrid. The three winners of each group will receive medals and certificates, and there will be the Cup for overall winner of the 3rd YCCC. Complete awards will be published after that, on the Congress website.

The most successful participant present during the 61st WCCC will earn place in the Solving Show competition, on 6. September, 9 PM.

The ranking for the overall winner will be according to the total number of points, on the following scale: 1st place in each group - 17 points, 2nd - 13, 3rd - 10, 4th - 8, 5th - 7, 6th - 6, 7th - 5, 8th - 4, 9th - 3, 10th - 2, and all lower placed entries - 1 point each.

Group A: Mate in two moves

Theme: "A long and hidden move"
The key prepares a hidden tactical combination, based on a long move by a white line-piece. This long move may be the key itself (Example 1), or a disguised mate (Example 2).
Judge: David Shire (Great Britain)

Examples 1-2

(1) Frederik E. Gamage
Falkirk Herald 1941
(= 12+9 )


1.Bc2!! (2.Qf5) 1...Be4 2.Bc1! (2.Qd2? Kf5!)
The variation 1...Be6 2.Qd2! (2.Bc1? Kf5!) is not entirely thematic, as it would be allowed by any move of Bf5.
The rest of the content presents some subtle play, too, but it is immeasurably enhanced by the key: 1...Sce6/Sde6 2.Qxd5/Sf7 (2.Re5? Kf6!) 1...Re6/Re5 2.g8Q/Rxe5. The key is pointed by the tries: 1.Bb1? Be4! 2.Bc1 Rd2! and 1.Bh3? Be4 2.Qd2 but 1...Sde6! (2.Sf7?).

(2) Arthur F. Mackenzie
Birmingham Daily Post 1901
(= 12+11 )


All Black's moves are set with mate except 1...d2.
1.Ba2! d2 2.Rb3!! etc.
1.Be6? exd4!

Both examples were made by great composers of their times, caring about that element of surprise that is lacking in so many modern problems. This tourney is a challenge for new generation to try their hands in the field of classical values.

Group B: Endgames

Theme: "Queen Sacrifice"
A win or a draw study with at least one queen sacrifice by White or by Black. The queen can give check or not, but the sacrifice move is not a capture. It is not important if the queen will be captured by the opponent (Examples 2 and 3) or not (Example 1).
The participants are kindly asked to send their entries as pgn files, if possible.
Judge: Martin Minski (Germany)

Examples 1-3

(1) Martin Minski
Yochanan Afek 64 JT 2016
4th honourable mention
(= 8+4 )


[1.c8Q? Bxe6+ 2.Rd5+ Bxd5+ 3.Kc2 Qc6+ 4.Qxc6 Bxc6 5.Sxe5 Bxg2! (5...Kxe5? 6.g3+-) 6.Bxg2 Kxe5=;
1.Rb4+? Ke3! 2.exf7 (2.c8Q Bxe6+=) 2...Qxf7+ 3.Rc4 Bxc7=;
1.Rxe5? Bxe6+=]
1...Kxd5 2.c8Q [2.exf7? Qf5!=]
[2...Bxe6 3.Qc5+ Ke4+ 4.Kb4/Ka3 Bxh2
5.Sf2+ Kf4 6.Qd4+ Kg5 7.Se4+ Kh6
8.Qh8+ Qh7 9.Qxh7+ Kxh7 10.Sg5++-]
[3.Qxe6+? Bxe6 4.Sxe5 Kxe5+ 5.Kc3 Bh3!= (or 5...Ke4 6.Kd2 Bh3!=);
3.Sf4+? Kd6+! (3...Bxf4? 4.Bc4++-) 4.Sxe6 Bxe6+ 5.Qxe6+ Kxe6=]
3...Kd6 4.Sxe5 Kxe5 [4...Qxe5 5.Qxf7+-]
[5.Qxe6+? Bxe6+ 6.Kc3 Bh3!= (or 6...Ke4 7.Kd2 Bh3!=);
5.Kb4? Qb6+ 6.Qb5+ Qxb5+ 7.Bxb5 Kd4!= (or 7...Bd5 8.g3 Kd4!=)]
(= 5+3 )

5...Qh3+!! (thematic)
[5...Qxc4+ 6.Bxc4+-;
5...Qd5 6.Qxd5+ Bxd5 7.g3+-;
5...Qf6 6.Qd4++-]
[6.gxh3? Bxc4=;
6.Qd3? Qxh2 7.Qd4+ Kf5 8.Bd3+ Kg5 9.Qg7+ Kh4 10.Qf6+ Kg3 11.Qf3+ Kh4 12.Qxf7 Qxg2=]
6...Bxc4 [6...Qxh2 7.Qf4+/Qd4+ Ke6 8.Bc4++-]

(2) Martin Minski
V. Sosyura-120 MT 2018
1st honourable mention
(= 8+6 )


1.Sc2 Qc3+
2.Kf1 Be5
[3.h8Q+? Bxh8 4.Se1 fxg2+=;
3.Qb1? Qd3+ 4.Kg1 fxg2 5.Qc1+ Kxh7=]
3...Qxe1+! (not thematic because it's a capture move)
[3...fxg2+ 4.Sxg2+-]
4.Kxe1 fxg2 5.h8Q+! (not thematic because it's a Pawn sacrifice)
[5.Qxd7? g1Q+ 6.Ke2 Qa1 7.Qxd5 Kxh7=]
5...Bxh8 critical move
6.Qa6+! Kg7 incarceration of the black bishop
[6...Kg5 7.f4++-;
6...Kh7 7.Qd3++-;
6...Kh5 7.Qe2+ Kh4 8.Qe7++-]
(= 5+5 )

7.Qf1!! (thematic) gxf1Q+
8.Kxf1 Kg6

(3) Árpád Rusz & Martin Minski & Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen
Magyar Sakkvilag 2017 1st Prize
(= 4+3 )


1.Ke8! [1.e8Q? Qh8#]
1...Qa4! battery
2.Kf8 [2.f8Q? Se5+! #1;
2.h8Q? Sd4+! 3.Kf8 Se6+ 4.Kg8 Qg4+ #3]
3.Ke8 Kb7!
[4.f8Q? Se5!-+]
[4...Qxh8+ 5.f8Q Qh5+ 6.Qf7 Qh8+ 7.Qf8=;
4...Qa8+ 5.Kd7 Qxh8 6.f8Q (6.e8Q? Qd4+ #2) 6...Qh3+ 7.Kd6 (7.Ke8? Se5 #3) 7...Qd3+ 8.Ke6=]
5.Qxe5! (not thematic because it's a capture move)
[5.Kf8? Sg6+-+]
[5...Qxe5 6.f8Q=]
(= 4+2 )

6.Qb8+!! (thematic)
[thematic try: 6.Kd7? Qc8+ 7.Kd6 Qc6# position X, mate with self-block]
7.Kd7 Qc8+
[7...Qc7+ 8.Ke6 Qc4+ 9.Kf6=]
8.Kd6 Qc6+ position X without the wQe5

Group C: Help-stalemate in >2 moves

Theme: "Duplex without promotions"
Help-stalemate longer than 2 moves, in duplex form, without promotions during the solutions. No fairy pieces allowed, neither additional fairy conditions. The existing problem bases contain a small number of thematic entries, mostly without interesting tactical contents and matching strategy. Among them, Example 2 is the only correct example longer than 3.5 moves. These facts should offer an open field for originality to the young composers.
Judge: Marko Klasinc (Slovenia)

Examples 1-2

(1) Torsten Linss
Ideal-Mate Review 1990
(= 2+3 )

h=3 Duplex

Black begins: 1.Bh5 f5 2.Bg6 fxg6 3.Kh8 Kxf7 =
White begins: 1.Kd6 Bf3 2.Ke5 f6 3.Kf5 Kf7 =
Two ideal stalemates.

(2) Robert Sharp
Probleemblad 2002
(= 2+2 )

h=4 Duplex

Black begins: 1.Kf4 Be4 2.Ke3 Bxf5 3.Kd2 Bc2 4.Kc1 Kc3 =
White begins: 1.Kd3 f4 2.Ke2 f3+ 3.Kf1 f2 4.Bf3+ Kxf3 =
Two ideal stalemates
(Read Only)pid=16550
(2) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Wednesday, May 2, 2018 13:59]

If you need the version in Russian, it is now on the same link, on the official website:
Please, reprint the announcements on your websites, and in magazines!
(Read Only)pid=16557
(3) Posted by Julia Vysotska [Tuesday, Jul 10, 2018 16:05]

Dear juniors, please pay attention to the deadline, 20. July 2018, for submitting your problems to the 3rd YCCC! Just 10 days left.
Being a director of this tournament, I'd like to invite you to send your problems one by one, not waiting for the last day to send all of them.
Please also note, that you may expect my response about receiving your problems the same or the next day, not later. If no reply, it means I haven't got your mail for some reason. If you have any questions, feel free to write me!
The announcement in English -

Дорогие юниоры! Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на срок посылки - 20 июля 2018 - Ваших задач на 3ий YCCC! Осталось 10 дней.
Являясь директором соревнования, хотела бы предложить Вам посылать задачи по мере готовности, не ожидая последнего дня для посылки всех сразу.
Также расчитывайте на мой ответ с подтверждением о получении либо в день отправки, либо, самое позднее, на следующий день. Если Вы не получили ответа, значит по какой-то причине Ваше письмо не дошло. Пожалуйста, пишите мне, если у Вас есть какие-либо вопросы!
Анонс на русском языке -
(Read Only)pid=16710

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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 3rd Youth Chess Composing Challenge 2018