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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Good Companions Quick Tourneys (deadline: 15-Feb-2010)
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(1) Posted by Dan Meinking [Thursday, Dec 3, 2009 23:21]; edited by Dan Meinking [09-12-06]

Good Companions Quick Tourneys (deadline: 15-Feb-2010)

Chess Friends,

The "Good Companions" hereby announce the following formal Quick-Composing Tourneys. This announcement will appear in the Jan-Mar 2010 issue of "StrateGems", which will be published in early January. We're letting problemists know ahead-of-time, via email and internet, to give them more composing time.

Section A:

Parry-series movers of any type (see article in StrateGems, Jul-Sep 2009, p. 150). No fairy pieces
or additional fairy conditions. In a parry-series mover, the series-side may give check during the
series; when checked, the idle-side must immediately parry the threat; and after a check-and-parry,
the series-side continues the series. Limit 3 entries per composer.

Entries to Gianni Donati: Judge: Dan Meinking. Deadline: February 15, 2010.


Dan Meinking & George P. Sphicas
StrateGems 2009
pser.h#14 (3+2) C-

5.g1Q 6.Qg2+ e4 7.Qb2+ Kc7 8.Qh2+ e5 9.Qh7+ Kc8 10.Qf5+ e6 11.Qc5+ Kd8 12.Qg5+ e7
13.Qg8+ e8Q 14.Qg1 Qe2#

Dan Meinking
StrateGems 2009
pser.s#11 (6+8) C-

1.Bb1 2.Be3+ Kh5 3.Bc1 5.Bxe2+ Kh4 6.Bd1 8.Bf2+ Kh3 9.Bg1 10.Bh5 11.Rg4 (zz) Rxg1#

Section B:

Proof games in which a piece (not a pawn) undertakes a significant journey without capturing, and then is captured. No fairy pieces or fairy conditions. No limit on the number of entries per composer.

Entries to Dan Meinking: Judge: Gianni Donati. Deadline: February 15, 2010.


Gianni Donati

PG in 11.5 (15+15) C+

1.e4 d5 2.Bb5+ Bd7 3.c4 d4 4.Sc3 dxc3 5.d4 Bc6 6.Bf4 Sd7 7.Qd2 Bd5 8.O-O-O Be6
9.Kb1 Bg4 10.Rc1 Bd1 11.Ka1 Ba4 12.Bxa4

12/06/2009: A promoted piece may also be thematic, even if captures occurred upon or before promotion.

Tourney announcement and PDF documents available at:
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(2) Posted by [Saturday, Dec 5, 2009 15:28]

1)A program for parry-series is it implemented?
2)A parry-serie ending with stalemate is it permitted?
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(3) Posted by Cornel Pacurar [Sunday, Dec 6, 2009 00:38]

A Popeye feature request was submitted on September 26th (, and probably the Popeye development team is working on it. Hopefully, it will be implemented soon!
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(4) Posted by Dan Meinking [Sunday, Dec 6, 2009 12:45]

Paul & Cornel,

(1) The Popeye team is aware of Parry Series. However, we do not know if Popeye will be "updated" for Parry Series before the tourney closing. We have assembled a team of "human testers", just in case.

(2) Yes, stalemate finales are acceptable. See the "examples" PDF file on this page:


(Read Only)pid=4406
(5) Posted by [Thursday, Jan 7, 2010 07:46]

A good exemple of a thematic proog game is a recently 2nd Prize by M. Caillaud (Phenix 1998):
1.e3 b5 2.Bc4 b4 3.d3 b3 4.Sd2 bxa2 5.b4 g6 6.Bb2 Bg7 7.Qc1 Be5 8.Bxe5 d6 9.Qa3 Sd7 10.0-0-0 a1=B 11.Be6 Bc3 12.Sc4 Be1 13.f3 Bg3 14.h4 Bf4 15.h5 Bh6 16.hxg6 Bf8 17.g7 d5 18.gxf8=S dxc4. Captured B-Pronkin after a long journey.
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(6) Posted by Dan Meinking [Friday, Jan 8, 2010 04:57]

Thank you, Paul! Of course, please let us know if you find further thematic examples.

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(7) Posted by Joost de Heer [Sunday, Jan 10, 2010 11:55]

The popeye-team has done a first implementation of the pser-stipulation.

A windows 32-bit binary, and the source code (for people who want to compile) are available on

Example (taken from the SG 47 article):

Author Dan Meinking
Origin Strategems 47
Protocol C:appsschakenFancypy.txt
White Kh6 Sd5
Black Pg3 Ph3 Pg2 Ph2 Kg1
Stipulation pser-h#6
Option Variation move NoBoard

Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.54 (512 MB)

1 (Kg1-h1 Time = 0.092 s)
2 (Kg1-f1 Time = 0.209 s)
3 (Kg1-f2 Time = 0.477 s)
4 (h2-h1=Q Time = 1.813 s)
1.h2-h1=Q 2.Kg1-h2 3.Qh1-c1 + Sd5-f4 4.Qc1-c6 + Sf4-e6 5.Qc6-c1 + Se6-g5 6.Qc1-h1 Sg5-f3 #
5 (h2-h1=S Time = 1.962 s)
6 (h2-h1=R Time = 1.993 s)
7 (h2-h1=B Time = 1.036 s)

solution finished. Time = 1.064 s

[Please take note that I am NOT a member of the Popeye development team. If things don't work, or if you find bugs: Contact the Popeye team. The feature request page about pser-problems is
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(8) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Sunday, Jan 10, 2010 21:09]

Option Variation move NoBoard

"option inteillgent" can be indicated for pser-h# and pser-h= stipulations; this should result in significant speedups in positions with not too many pieces.

[NB: option variation isn't meaningful in series stipulations]
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(9) Posted by Geoff Foster [Sunday, Jan 10, 2010 22:24]

Thanks very much for this, but Option Intelligent doesn't seem to be supported:

Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.54 (797 MB)
Intelligent Mode only with h#/=, ser-#/= and ser-h#/=, with a limited set of fairy conditions and without fairy pieces.
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(10) Posted by Joost de Heer [Sunday, Jan 10, 2010 23:24]

When I compiled this this morning, Thomas hadn't added intelligent support yet. Now he has. New binary has just been created.

The 'variation' option was added by Fancy.
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(11) Posted by Dan Meinking [Wednesday, Jan 13, 2010 19:43]

Popeye v4.55 is now available:

To solve Parry Series help-selfmates (white makes n-1 moves, with black parrying to help, leading to a s#1), code the stipulation as "phser-s#n". All other Parry Series are keyed as "pser-*".

Thank you again, Thomas!
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(12) Posted by Dan Meinking [Saturday, Jan 16, 2010 12:40]

FYI -- I have updated the Popeye testing status for Parry Series originals which appeared in SG47 (StrateGems, Jul-Sep 2009). Updated PDF can be found here:

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(13) Posted by Joost de Heer [Saturday, Jan 16, 2010 14:49]

FYI 2: My webserver had a harddisk crash, so my webserver is temporarily down, so Popeye can only be downloaded from sourceforge at the moment.
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(14) Posted by Dan Meinking [Tuesday, Feb 2, 2010 09:17]

Just a quick reminder that the deadline, Feb 15th, for these QCTs is fast approaching. Here's a Parry Series morsel to get the creative juices flowing.... :-)

DM original
(= 3+4 )

pser-hd#7 C+

That reads: "parry-series help-directmate in 7". White makes a series of moves, Black parrying to HELP, leading to a directmate. In Popeye (v4.55), the stipulation is "phser-#7". Solution copied below in case you wish to solve.

Complete tourney details here:

If anyone knows of other published examples of the Proofgame section theme, please send them to my attention: dmeinking {AT} roadrunner <DOT> /c/o/m/.


--Dan M.

solution: 1.Bf1 2.Rc4+ Sc7 3.Rg4 4.Ba6+ Bb7 5.Bf1 6.Bh3 7.Rg8#
(Read Only)pid=4639
(15) Posted by Kevin Begley [Wednesday, Feb 3, 2010 16:21]; edited by Kevin Begley [10-02-03]


Nice problem, but I'm not fond of the stipulation label (pser.hd#n).
Tell me (again?), why isn't this better labeled: pser.h#n.5 ??
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(16) Posted by Dan Meinking [Wednesday, Feb 3, 2010 17:16]

Good question! I chose help-directmate because white is making the series, and white mates. I was trying to follow the help-selfmate protocol, where the "forcing" side begins -- even though the interim sequence is "helpful" rather than "defensive".

Thomas just emailed that he prefers "phser-#7" (Popeye's notation) vs. "pser-hd#7". Some day I'll get it right. :-)
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(17) Posted by Joost de Heer [Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010 23:23]

I just got this mail from Gianni Donati on the retros mailinglist. If someone knows (or is) the composer, please contact Gianni.

Greetings friends!

This email does not relate to retros but I'm hoping someone who reads this can help me out of the following difficulty.

I am a controller for a "Good Companions" quick-composing tourney in two parts. One of the parts sought "parry-series" problems. (Dan Meinking is the judge for that part.) I have been unable to find any trace showing the authorship of one of the entries, which is a pser-h#4, 2 sols. (Kh2,ka5) The problem itself is in the file I sent the judge, but the composer's name is no longer in my email files, as far as I can tell. If you composed this problem or know who did, please write to me as soon as possible.


Gianni Donati
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(18) Posted by Dan Meinking [Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010 23:34]

Good news: Our award is nearly complete!

Bad news: We ran into some 'technical difficulties'. The original email for a Section-A (parry series) entry seems to have vanished! We wondered if some MatPlus reader might claim it?

The stip reads: "pser-h#4 2 solutions (5+8)". If this problem is yours, please re-send in its entirety to director Gianni Donati, email: gianchess /A/T/ aol DOT com. And please copy me: dmeinking /A/T/ roadrunner (etc. etc.).

The entire award is done (both sections), except for this one detail. But... we need to assign the correct author name(s) for this nice problem before we can publish. :-)

Thanks for your help!

--Dan (and Gian)
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Good Companions Quick Tourneys (deadline: 15-Feb-2010)