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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions News from Batumi
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(1) Posted by Sven Hendrik Lossin [Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013 09:55]; edited by Sven Hendrik Lossin [13-09-24]

News from Batumi

Yesterday there was the Open Solving Tournament in Batumi.
I am not there but I read on Selivanovs homepage that Ofer Comay and Arno Zude tied first place with 50 points out of 60.

Who has further news?
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(2) Posted by Branislav Djurašević [Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013 18:59]; edited by Branislav Djurašević [13-09-24]

On Selivanov site there are results after first day:

Below is Google translation into English:

Anatoly Mukoseev among the leaders after the first day of the World Cup
September 24, 2013

After the first day of the World Championship on 45 points out of 45 possible scored 4 solvers: Eddie Van Beers (Belgium), Casper Piorun (Poland), Bojan Vuckovic (Serbia) and Anatoly Mukoseev (Russia).

In the team competition in the first place is the Polish team - 90 points out of 90 possible. In second place - the team of Serbia - 86 points. Third place in the standings is the German team - 82 points. The Russian national team with 81 points is in 4th place.
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(3) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Wednesday, Sep 25, 2013 08:58]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [13-09-26]

I want to pay attention to the following. In the list of participants of WCCC my surname is specified. One of organizers answered me that registered me after Mr. Selivanov's letter with a request to register 8 Russian participants, including me. Thus I didn't ask and didn't authorize Mr. Selivanov to register me + as far as I know, Mr. Selivanov for a long time has no rights to act from the name of the Russian chess federation + the official invitation from RCF to support Russian team didn't arrived to me and, respectively, such agreement wasn't concluded.
It seems to me, organizers of W(E)CSC should approach more seriously further to registration of participants and to stop such provocations, and WFCC should develop and approve more accurate rules of registration in W(E)CCC. For example, to register applications only from authorized officers - in writing form with the press and the signature of the head of the national chess federation allocated with the corresponding rights or from the participant from his mail, recorded in the corresponding list of mails of chess composers and solvers which, certainly, only should be created.

The interesting episode happened before the ECCC 2008. From the list of its participants my surname suddenly disappeared. I planned to participate, but didn't ask and authorize nobody to register me, however, having seen myself in the list, didn't send the application. Organizers demanded to be registered before a certain date, and latecomers had to pay a penalty of 100 euro. In 2-5 days prior to extreme date I saw myself in the list, but in 3-4 days after extreme date I found out that I am not present in it.
I had to write the letter to the Turkish organizer with explanations and with a request to register me without penalty, and also with request to explain who did this (dirty and mean) trick. As a result, I was included without a penalty, but my question about the author of this mean trick remained without the answer...

Хочу обратить внимание на следущее. В списке участников WCCC указана моя фамилия. Один из организаторов ответил мне, что зарегистрировали меня после письма г-на Селиванова с просьбой зарегистрировать 8 российских участников, включая меня. При этом - я не просил и не уполномачивал г-на Селиванова меня регистрировать + насколько мне известно, г-н Селиванов давно не имеет полномочий действовать от имени Российской шахматной федерации + официального приглашения от РШФ выступить за Россию мне так и не поступило, и, соответственно, такого соглашения не было заключено.
Мне кажется, организаторам W(E)CCC следует в дальнейшем серьезней подходить к регистрации участников и пресекать такие провокации, а WFCC следует разработать и утвердить более четкие правила регистрации в W(E)CCC. Например, регистрировать заявки только от уполномоченных лиц - в письменном виде с печатью и подписью руководителя национальной шахматной федерации, наделенного соответствующими правами или от самого участника с его мейла, зафиксированного в соответствующем списке мейлов шахматных композиторов и решателей, который, разумеется, пока только предстоит создать.

Интересный эпизод случился перед ECCC 2008. Из списка его участников вдруг исчезла моя фамилия. Я собирался участвовать, но никого не просил и не уполномачивал меня регистрировать, однако, увидев себя в списке, не стал посылать заявку. Организаторы требовали регистрироваться до определенной даты, а опоздавшие должны были уплатить штраф 100 euro. За 2-5 дней до крайней даты я видел себя в списке, но через 3-4 дня после крайней даты обнаружил, что меня в нем нет.
Мне пришлось написать письмо турецкому организатору с объяснениями и с просьбой зарегистрировать меня без взимания штрафа, а также с просьбой объяснить, кто проделал этот (грязный и подлый) трюк. В итоге меня включили без штрафа, но мой вопрос об авторе этого гнусного трюка остался без ответа...
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(4) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Wednesday, Sep 25, 2013 22:26]

It seems to me, organizers of W(E)CSC should approach more seriously further to registration of participants and to stop such provocations, and WFCC should develop and approve more accurate rules of registration in W(E)CCC.

Please refer to the points 5.1 to 5.5 of the rules at
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(5) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Wednesday, Sep 25, 2013 23:30]

Points 5.1 and 5.3 have termin "country" and it looks strange in the context of it's use...
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(6) Posted by Branislav Djurašević [Thursday, Sep 26, 2013 00:26]; edited by Branislav Djurašević [13-09-26]

Thanks to Onkoud Abdelaziz and his open status on Facebook I heard from him about team ranking:
1. Poland, 2.Germany 3. Serbia. Tell us more please!
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(7) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Thursday, Sep 26, 2013 07:59]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [13-09-26]

There is almost no information about the results of WCSC but we can enjoy lovely photos from the opening ceremony with sleek faces of VIP officials -
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(8) Posted by Borislav Gadjanski [Thursday, Sep 26, 2013 22:29]; edited by Borislav Gadjanski [13-09-26]

WCSC, Batumi 2013

1. Piotr Murdzia, POL, 85.75
2. Arno Zude, GER, 84.50
3. Kacper Piorun, POL, 83.00
4. Aleksander Mista, POL, 82.25
5. Jorma Paavilainen, FIN, 80.00
6. Marjan Kovačević, SRB, 79.75
7. Bojan Vučković, SRB, 79.50
8. Piotr Gorski, POL, ind, 79.50
9. Michael Pfannkuche, GER, 78.00
10. Aleksandr Bulavka, BLR, 76.50
11. Dolf Wissmann, NED, 75.25
12. Eddy Van Beers, BEL, 75.00
13. Anatoly Mukoseev, RUS, 75.00
14. Araz Almammadov, AZE, 73.25
15. Marko Filipović, CRO, ind, 72.75
16. Abdelaziz Onkoud, MAR, ind, 72.50
17. Vidmantas Satkus, LTU, 72.25
18. Kari Karhunen, FIN, 72.00
19. Vladimir Pogorelov, UKR, 71.00
20. Mark Erenburg, ISR, ind, 71.00

1. Poland 178.50
2. Germany 162.50
3. Serbia 159.25
4. Finland 153.00
5. Russia 149.25
6. Ukraine 145.00
7. Lithuania 142.75
8. Belarus 142.50
9. Azerbaijan 142.25
10. Great Britain 142.00
11. Belgium 138.00
12. Netherlands 135.25
13. Israel 131.00
14. France 120.25
15. Slovakia 117.50
16. Georgia 114.75
17. Japan 114.50
18. Greece 88.50
19. Switzerland 81.50
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(9) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Friday, Sep 27, 2013 10:29]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [13-09-27]

Hey, unanimous guys from WFCC! Any mean and bad person can register another solver in your competitions without his consent? Why Selivanov's application with my registration was accepted? Does he look like a "country"? Does he play BY your rules or WITH them? Please, think about it!..
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(10) Posted by Eric Huber [Friday, Sep 27, 2013 21:26]

News from Batumi - about Composing Tourneys.
This year the congress organizers requested to receive tourney awards of 1-page length for the Congress Bulletin. Rather short, isn't it? Hopefully all awards will be available online in full version, sometime.

Here are two awards already available online:

Tzuica Tourney :
Vodka Tourney :
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(11) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Friday, Sep 27, 2013 21:43]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [13-09-27]

It's nice to see in the results of the WCSC - "Khandurin, Anatoli UKR unoff." (after the last 84th place).
So, to what points of the Rules you shall refer me, friendly guys from the WFCC?
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(12) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Saturday, Sep 28, 2013 02:07]

Gligor Denkovski was able to fit about 50 of his own retro compositions in one sheet of paper (both sides). I can't imagine how much information you can include in one page; perhaps, the names of the composers and maybe the diagram positions in fen notation and the solutions in very small fonts, but this is not something I would be interested in reading. Instead, we received by email, and it was made available here as well, the detailed award of Tzuica with interesting and instructive comments by the judges. This is something I am very interested in reading.

It is probably very hard to enforce, but I wonder whether future WCCC bulletins should comply with certain standards, provided, of course, that composing tourney organizers keep their awards within not very extensive length limits. I have not seen the bulletin, yet, but this is certainly not a good sign.
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(13) Posted by Abdelaziz Onkoud [Saturday, Sep 28, 2013 09:01]

Award 1° Azemmour : 60 entries.

6 Prize , 9 MH and 9 Rec

Participants and distinctions :

Abdurahmanovic Fadil (3=MH spéciale),Bakani Mustapha (40,41),Bourd Evgeni (6,7=1° Rec,8),Comay Ofer (46** Prix spécial),Costeff Gady (46**= Prix spécial),Einat Paz (46** Prix spécial,47=5°Rec),Erenburg Mark (44=7°MH,45),Garofalo Antonio (14) ,Gurov Valery (29*=6°MH,30=2°Prix),Hadzi-vaskov Georgi (53,54),Jonsson Christer (36),Klemanic Emil (52) ,Kopyl Valery (31*,37**=4°Rec),Kozyura Gennady (31*,37**=4°Rec),Kratschmer Ralf (39,48,49),Krivenko Valery (37**=4°Rec),Krizhanivsky Vasil (5=5°MH),Lind Ingemar (50=7°Rec,51),Manolas Emmanuel (17),Martin Luis Miguel (38),Muller Dieter (1,10,11=2°MH),Navon Emanuel (21=8°MH,22,23),Nefyodov Vladislav (56*=1°Prix),Pachl Franz (9),Paliulionis Viktoras (59,60=6°Rec),Pankratiev Alexandre (42,43),Parrinello Mario (19=3°MH,20=5 Prix),Parzuch Stefan (33), Retter Yosi (24,25),Riva Rodolfo (18=3°Rec) ,Rotenberg Jacques (2=Rec spécial,4), Semenenko Alexandre (56*=1°Prix,58=1°MH),Semenenko Valery (57=3 prix),Shamir Shaul (12=4°MH,13,15), Shorokhov Boris (29*=6°MH,30=2°Prix) ,Simoni Francesco (16=4 Prix),Syvaniemi Janne (55),Togookhuu Lkhundevin (34),Vysotska Julia (32=8°Rec) and Witztum Menachem (26,27=2° Rec,28).

Award with comments after ( see or
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(14) Posted by Eric Huber [Saturday, Sep 28, 2013 09:28]; edited by Eric Huber [13-09-28]

@ Kostas: Maybe I did not give enough details. The exact requirement of the organizers was "1 page long results with only main winners and without comments", which is a 'shortlist' rather than an 'award'.
Providing guidelines for publication of awards in WCCC Bulletins could be useful and would probably be well received, if this is not announced a few hours before the prize-giving ceremony.
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(15) Posted by Abdelaziz Onkoud [Sunday, Sep 29, 2013 03:22]

Award 1° Azemmour.
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(16) Posted by Sven Hendrik Lossin [Sunday, Sep 29, 2013 13:24]

I have just seen the results of the Solving Championship with the moremovers and selfmate section turning the tables in favour of Piotr Murdzia.

It seems as if the selfmates were no less than a catastrophe to the Serbian solvers with the team losing the second place to Germany, Vuckovic missing the possible first place and Marjan where the s#2 (!) stood between him and the second place.

Mista was also very close to winning. Murdzia needed a miracle in the last two rounds to defend his title and it happened.
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(17) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Monday, Oct 28, 2013 04:34]

An extended version of the Batumi bulletin is now available at the WFCC website:
It has some 60 pages more than the original bulletin that the Congress participants received in Batumi. Not knowing all the details, I think that it was compiled by Harry Fougiaxis, based on the original bulletin, with additional contributions by the organizers/judges of the various composing tourneys. Some of these awards were published online, soon after the end of the Congress, but many others appear in their complete form for the first time. The booklet has different diagrams and fonts, according to the diagrams used by each tourney director, but it definitely serves its purpose successfully.
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(18) Posted by Julia Vysotska [Monday, Oct 28, 2013 12:09]

Yes, the booklet was compiled by Harry Fougiaxis and added to WFCC website yesterday. Thanks to Harry we have all the information together, including composing tournaments!
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(19) Posted by Diyan Kostadinov [Friday, Nov 1, 2013 11:59]; edited by Diyan Kostadinov [13-11-01]

Some notes about the bulletin:

- there are several mistakes - for example in the list of participant delegates: Roberto Stelling (Brazil) were not in Batumi; I am not "Deputy", but the Bulgarian "Delegate" since GM Petko Petkov becomes a "Honorary member of WFCC" two years ago...

- about the award of the 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney - Geoff Foster sent me an improved version of his 1st-2nd Prize winner problem of secion B. You can see it in the following direct link:

You can see also photo and info reports from the congress in my website on the following direct links:

- part 1 (Batumi, WFCC session, the lecture by Marjan Kovacevich and Ofer Comay):

- part 2 (excursion, Solving show and WFCC closing session):

- Prizegiving ceremony:
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(20) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Saturday, Nov 2, 2013 08:25]; edited by Kostas Prentos [13-11-02]

Rewriting the bulletin and correcting all the mistakes of the original (there are many more) is outside the scope of this compilation. Even a perfectionist like Harry would not go through all that trouble to find and fix all the mistakes from the original bulletin. The whole idea was to have a bulletin the way it should have been, with the complete composing tourney awards, instead of just one page per tourney.

In my opinion, preparing a decent bulletin should be the obligation of the organizers, and before Batumi, most organizing teams found a way to present a booklet with the complete awards of the composing tourneys. I am aware of the difficulties of such a task, as I have participated in the preparation of 4 different bulletins for past WCCCs. As compromise, a bulletin like the one that was given in Batumi would be acceptable, provided that a few days later, the full version would become available online. Unfortunately, the flow of information from the official webpage of the Congress completely stopped after the end of the Congress. The judges who run a website, like Diyan, were able to publish their award, but many others did not have that possibility. The result was frustrating for many problemists, whether they were tourney organizers, or composers who sent their problems to the various tourneys held in Batumi.

In their defense, those who were responsible for the preparation of the bulletin, may have been overwhelmed by several very extensive awards. This could explain their decision to allow only one page per tourney. I hope that future WCCC organizers are better prepared for what should be one of their obligations, the Congress bulletin. It affects way too many people, to be treated lightly.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions News from Batumi