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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 52nd WCCC
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(1) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Friday, Jul 17, 2009 14:50]

52nd WCCC

This is just to remind you all that we are a little less than 3 months away from the 52nd WCCC in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
We've been working hard to make this a special event and we hope that all participants leave the 52nd WCC Congress with the desire of coming back someday.

The official website is:
and the announcement can be downloaded from:
Subscriptions are open until August 30th.

The following links may help those of you who would like to give the Portuguese language a try, the first one is specially suited for the occasion: ;)

But don't worry if you don't learn the basics of the Portuguese language in time! There will plenty of English and Russian speakers on the Congress to help you out.

The Congress email is: but if you have any problems to get in touch with us or is not receiving a reply to your email please feel free to get in touch with the organization on the following alternative emails, and, or through the MatPlus forum.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Rio de Janeiro!
(Read Only)pid=3968
(2) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Saturday, Jul 18, 2009 03:26]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [09-07-18]

Из приглашения: "Бразильское Общество Проблемистов имеет честь пригласить ... композиторов и решателей посетить ... 33й чемпионат мира по решению шахм. композиций в Рио де Жанейро" (с).
Роберто, под эгидой какой международной федерации проводится чемп. Мира по решению шахкомпозиций в Рио де Жанейро? В календаре ФИДЕ такого турнира нет. Раньше, когда ПССС была одной из комиссий ФИДЕ, все чемпионаты мира по решению были легитимными и официальными. Теперь же, после реструктуризации ФИДЕ и ликвидации ПССС (Я понимаю, что тем персонам, которые были делегатами в ПССС, трудно осознать и признать то, что ПССС на данный момент не существует, но, на мой взгляд, это очевидный факт.), как я предполагаю, чемпионат в Рио де Жанейро не может считаться официальным чемпионатом мира (также как ECSC-2009 в Суботице, по моему мнению, не может считаться официальным чемпионатом Европы). Я пока не могу дать ссылки на международные соглашения в области спортивного права или законы Бразилии, но по российским законам международные турниры такого ранга должны быть зарегистрированы в международной федерации по этому виду спорта, а эти российские законы, очевидно, опираются на международные соглашения. По моему низкоавторитетному мнению, чемпионат решателей в РЖ должен быть переименован, либо должно быть достигнуто соглашение с ФИДЕ или иной ОФИЦИАЛЬНО ЗАРЕГИСТРИРОВАННОЙ международной федерацией по шахматам или шахматной композиции о том, что право провести решательский чемпионат мира 2009 предоставляется Бразильскому Обществу Проблемистов.

From the announcement: "The União Brasileira de Problemistas (UBP – Brazilian Problemist Society) has the honor and pleasure to invite all delegates of the FIDE Permanent Commission for Chess Composition (PCCC), national teams, individual chess composers and solvers to attend to the 52nd World Congress of Chess Composition and 33rd World Chess Solving Championship in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil."
Roberto, under aegis of what international federation will be hold the World Chess Solving Ch. in Rio de Janeiro? There is no such tournament in the calendar of FIDE Earlier, when PCCC was one of the FIDE's commission, all the world solving championships were legitimate and official. Now, after the re-structuring of FIDE and the liquidation of PCCC (I understand, that to those persons, who were delegates in PCCC, it is difficult to realize and recognize that PCCC at present does not exist, but, in my opinion, it is the obvious fact.), as I suppose, championship in RJ cannot be considered as official ch. of the world (also as ECSC-2009 in Subotica cannot, in my opinion, be considered as the official championship of the Europe). I cannot give the links to the international agreements in the field of the sports right yet or to the laws of Brazil, but under the Russian laws the international tournaments of such rank should be registered in the international federation by this kind of sport, and these Russian laws, obviously, lean on the international agreements. In my low authoritative opinion, the solving ch. in RJ should be renamed, or should be reached the agreement with FIDE or with another OFFICIALLY REGISTERED international federation of chess or chess composition that the right to hold the world solving ch 2009 is given to the Brazilian Problemist Society .
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(3) Posted by Kevin Begley [Saturday, Jul 18, 2009 07:16]; edited by Kevin Begley [09-07-18]

Perhaps I am missing the humor, but...
I don't understand how terms like "Official" and "Sport" can possibly be in the vicinty of "FIDE" and "World Championship."
But, let us not digress into FIDE's sad history...

We should be dancing a jig to the pipes of this impending seperation.

The point is, if you can, go enjoy the congress.
Compose your masterpiece, win all of the solving contests, and just ignore the politics, the awards, and the titles.

If you want some official keepsake, ask about this: "FIDE's last words: all I can offer you is this stupid tee-shirt."

Live like the planet's climate is in peril, and merrily cast FIDE's currency into the sea.
Show your former keepers that a lion's first purpose is to be in chase of greatness (rather than in feast upon it).

[edit: oops, I meant to say "...upon its carcass."]
(Read Only)pid=3971
(4) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Jul 18, 2009 09:12]

Earlier, when PCCC was one of the FIDE's commission, all the world solving championships were legitimate and official. Now, after the re-structuring of FIDE and the liquidation of PCCC (I understand, that to those persons, who were delegates in PCCC, it is difficult to realize and recognize that PCCC at present does not exist, but, in my opinion, it is the obvious fact.), as I suppose, championship in RJ cannot be considered as official ch. of the world (also as ECSC-2009 in Subotica cannot, in my opinion, be considered as the official championship of the Europe).

What's the issue? Let FIDE make ersatz tourneys if they want, with some players that are not even near the strongest ones. They did the same with OTB from 1993 to 2005 and no intelligent person would consider the winners of that as world champion. It was the last uproar of a extincting dinosaur. Now thanks to FIDE (Fucking up Important Decision Events) the once-again united world chess championship becomes more and more of a joke. It should be made back to the best of 24 games, not that short thing it is now. Of course, earlier on similar problems without FIDE arose when - for example - Lasker vs Schlechter was only 10 games. But that doesn't mean they did not also fail. At least the KO tourney bullshit was stopped. That was the worst idea of all time.

In short: Make the WCSC and ECSC and don't care about FIDE. Problemists will recognize it as world and european championships. Nobody should care about FIDE's opinions if they're different since they just wouldn't be accepted anyway by sane problemists.
(Read Only)pid=3974
(5) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Saturday, Jul 18, 2009 09:18]

Quote: The point is, if you can, go enjoy the congress. Compose your masterpiece, win all of the solving contests, and just ignore the politics, the awards, and the titles.
- I agree, but it is also very important to win some of chess composition alcochol-tourneys! :-))
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(6) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Saturday, Jul 18, 2009 10:23]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [09-07-18]

Kevin Begley: "I don't understand how terms like "Official" and "Sport" can possibly be in the vicinty of "FIDE" and "World Championship."

А я не понимаю, как можно это не понимать. В России шахматы - это официально зарегистрированный вид спорта, шахматная композиция - это официально одна из дисциплин шахмат, а решение шахкомпозиций - это, очевидно, один из видов программы этой дисциплины. ФИДЕ же это официально признаваемая МОК организация.
Кевин, а Вы хоть раз участвовали хоть в одном решательском турнире? Что-то в решательском рейтинг-листе я Вашей фамилии не нашел. Мой номер там 25 и, может быть, поэтому меня, в отличие от Вас, беспокоит статус чемпионата в RJ?
А в чемпионатах мира по составлению Вы хоть раз принимали участие? В результатах индивидуальных чемп. мира 2001-03 и 2004-06 Вашей фамилии также нет.

And I do not understand, how it is possible to not understand it. In Russia chess is an officially registered kind of sports, chess composition is officially one of disciplines of a chess, and the chess solving is, obviously, one of kinds of the program of this discipline. FIDE is the organization that officially recognized by Int. Olymp. Com.
Kevin, and did you though once participate though in one solving tournament? I have not found your surname in the solving rating-list. My number there is 25 and, maybe, therefore me, in difference from you, disturbs the status of the championship in RJ?
And did you although once take part in the world composing championships? In results of the individual world ch. 2001-03 and 2004-06 your surname also is not present.
(Read Only)pid=3976
(7) Posted by Kevin Begley [Saturday, Jul 18, 2009 14:26]; edited by Kevin Begley [09-07-18]

> In Russia chess is an officially registered kind of sports, chess composition is officially one of disciplines of a chess, and the chess solving is, obviously, one of kinds of the program of this discipline. FIDE is the organization that officially recognized by Int. Olymp. Com.

Yes, and so without FIDE, things are different for you how exactly (in your country)?
You act like you will not get paid anymore for solving/composing/playing chess?
If that's the case, hey, let me be the first to welcome you to the club!

> ...and did you ... once participate ... in one solving tournament?

No sir, not once; and, I have no plans to participate in solving contests any time in the future.

>I have not found your surname in the solving rating-list. My number there is 25 ...

Yes, I have seen your name on the solving pages... very impressive to reach the top 25!

> and, maybe, therefore me, in difference from you, disturbs the status of the championship in RJ?

You may have a healthy shot at winning...
And if FIDE should decide not to honor your result, tell me how this would diminish your accomplishment?
If you are given the WC Title in solving from the PCCC (or whatever the new name of that winds up), rather than FIDE, does it make you any less than the best?
Have not several of your countrymen held WC titles outside of FIDE?
Were they no longer considered athletes, or something?

I really am trying to understand -- why exactly do you need FIDE?

> And did you ... once take part in the world composing championships?

No sir, not once.
Though, I have lately been reconsidering my decision to not participate in this particular competition.

The dilemma here is, if I do participate, I should do so with the intent to win -- agreed?
And, if we all compose with the intent to win awards/titles, what injury does the art of problems suffer for it?

Have an objective look sometime at what the pursuit of awards has done to chess problems.
Grotesque, hideous perversions of beautiful paradoxes (which can barely be recognized, let alone be called "paradoxical" anymore) are what win international awards and titles.
It's like they bore down through kilometers of this artform's landscape, for a fast, cheap, dirty solution; and they left little behind but foul air and empty holes.

I always strived to avoid such a disaster, but lately my position has been shifting...
Lately, I have allowed myself to ponder the possibility of "green problems" -- economical and highly efficient problems, with the energy to drive home a big prize, without making footprints on the integrity of this artform.

Note: a wealth of such problems still exist, but they are becoming increasingly difficult to uncover.

If I can find enviornmental solutions, and be certain to avoid the routine awards-addiction, you may yet see my surname in that competition.

But, either way, it will not bother me in the slightest whether I can hang FIDE's bad name on one of my problems.

ps: good luck to you in the solving competition.
(Read Only)pid=3977
(8) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Sunday, Jul 19, 2009 05:51]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [09-07-19]

Sorry, Kevin, but I am not so good in English in order to discuss with you. I only want to get an answer from Roberto or an opinion of a person with good knowledges in the sphere of the international sports right.
(Read Only)pid=3979
(9) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Sunday, Jul 19, 2009 16:36]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [09-07-19]

Kevin Begley: "I don't understand how terms like "Official" and "Sport" can possibly be in the vicinty of "FIDE" and "World Championship."

Leontjev: "FIDE is the organization that officially recognized by Int. Olymp. Com."
From site IOC: "The International Federations (IFs) are international non-governmental organisations recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as administering one or more sports at world level"
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(10) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Tuesday, Jul 21, 2009 05:57]

Dear Alexander.

I see your points but it is my understanding that there are other threads better suited for this discussion on the Mat Plus forum.
I noticed that you've posted your questions to the, thread. It is better to maintain the discussion on that thread to avoid unnecessary dispersion and repetition.

Warm regards,
Roberto Stelling
(Read Only)pid=3987
(11) Posted by Joost de Heer [Wednesday, Aug 5, 2009 09:54]

For those who stay a bit longer in Brazil: directly after the WCCC, the world championship draughts will be held in Rio de Janeiro, first round is on 20 october.

More information:
(Read Only)pid=3995
(12) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Wednesday, Aug 5, 2009 19:36]

Do they still play this game? I thought it was "solved" a few years ago.
For more see: or
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(13) Posted by Marcos Roland [Wednesday, Aug 5, 2009 20:50]

Well, the draught's championship in Brazil will be played on the 100 squares board (10x10), each side having 20 pieces. The program developed by Professor Jonathan Schaeffer (Chinook) solved all the positions on the 64 squares board (8x8), each side having 12 peces. I think the 10x10 game isn't yet completely solved by computers.
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(14) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Friday, Aug 14, 2009 17:47]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [09-08-30]

Dear Roberto! Can I get some information from you about the UBP in this topic or I must ask my questions in another topic? Please, tell, does the UBP have any state registration, registration number, juridical address and statutes (regulation)? I found only few next information about the UBP: “at present presided by Leo Mano, established on 1960, is recognized by the Brazilian Confederation of Chess and by the FIDE through its commission (PCCC-FIDE)”. (c) (
(Read Only)pid=4008
(15) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Thursday, Oct 22, 2009 05:15]

Dear Alexander

> Can I get some information from you about the UBP in this topic or I must ask my questions in another topic?
> Please, tell, does the UBP have any state registration, registration number, juridical address and statutes (regulation)?

Yes, UBP was founded in 1960, has state registration, registration number, juridical address, statutes and recorded meetings. The only founder still living is Almiro Zarur.

> I found only few next information about the UBP: “at present presided by Leo Mano, established on 1960,
> is recognized by the Brazilian Confederation of Chess and by the FIDE through its commission (PCCC-FIDE)”.
> (c) (

Leonardo Mano is the current UBP President and I'm the Vice-President.
UBP is small today, if compared with the 70's and 80's but is in full compliance with Brazilian law.

Roberto Stelling
(Read Only)pid=4248
(16) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Thursday, Oct 22, 2009 05:19]

The awards for the WCCC tourneys are online. Check:

The only two awards missing at this point are Spisska Borovicka and ARVES that didn't make to the bulletin but will be included later on the road.
(Read Only)pid=4249
(17) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Thursday, Oct 22, 2009 09:21]

Roberto, are you going to publish problems from solving tourneys(open and WCSC)?
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(18) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Thursday, Oct 22, 2009 17:36]

Yes, once we get the green light from Axel we will publish the WCSC and Open problems without the originals.
At this juncture we're closing the 'awards stage' (everything but ARVES [waiting Marcel van Herck's approval] and Spisska [waiting for the award] were published) and will then wrap the bulletin up with all solving information including the problems!
(Read Only)pid=4260
(19) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Sunday, Oct 25, 2009 23:44]; edited by Roberto Stelling [09-10-25]

To those who are interested, the 52nd WCCC Bulletin is now online:
Suggestions and corrections are welcomed!
(Read Only)pid=4278
(20) Posted by Aliaksandr Bulauka [Monday, Oct 26, 2009 16:35]

The position of my problem (7TH TZUICA TOURNEY 2009, 1st Honourable Mention in 2nd Section) is wrong.
It is necessary to change places bKf8 and bQe8.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 52nd WCCC