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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018
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(61) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Saturday, Mar 10, 2018 17:48]

The official ECSC (intended at Moscow) 2018 is cancelled.
It is now welknown, many of leading European solvers WILL NOT participated on ILLEGAL ECSC at Sochi.
RCF contest in Sochi may be regarded only as RCF Open European Solving tournament, not ECSC.
Illegal transfer contest to Sochi is one more political impact against Western European Countries because sanctions to Russia.
We cannot support it!
I hope, on WFCC meeting at Ohrid, our delegates have to delisted Sochi event from ECSCs, as only right solution. Then, real ECSC may be at november or december 2018, after WFCC meeting!
My conclusion- Sochi contest is political game, unwellcome as such, and problemists do not have participate.
(Read Only)pid=16347
(62) Posted by Oleg Efrosinin [Sunday, Mar 11, 2018 06:59]; edited by Oleg Efrosinin [18-03-11]

Mr. Stojnic! There is a saying: "It's hard to find a black cat in a dark room if the cat is not there". Why look for policies where they don't exist? The transfer of the championship to Sochi is not related to politics, it is based solely on organizational difficulties and sincere desire of the Russian chess Federation (RCF) to hold the competition at a high organizational level. It will seem paradoxical to You, but in Sochi RCF has more opportunities to hold the competition at a high level, besides it is an Olympic city with excellent service. Tell me the countries where the state structure, which is the RCF, allocated money and showed interest in making the European championship a memorable event in the lives of every fan of chess composition? I urge colleagues to be sensitive to the situation and to make the European championship in Sochi was as memorable and strong at sports event. Take the example of our President of the WFCC! Let's not follow the Russian proverb: "To spite her grandmother frostbitten ears"! (Назло бабушке уши отморожу!) Oleg Efrosinin
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(63) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Sunday, Mar 11, 2018 08:54]

I do not agree with Oleg. Unfortunately, the Sochi championship is an irrational decision that does not take into account the interests of Russian participants and participants from other countries. And there is no official explanation why such a strange decision was made. It is the ambition of the Russian chess Federation officials, not the interests of the participants of the championship.
"The Russian chess Federation decided "to spite of the grandmother frostbitten ears".
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(64) Posted by Oleg Efrosinin [Sunday, Mar 11, 2018 12:10]; edited by Oleg Efrosinin [18-03-11]

What do You disagree with? With the fact that this is only a financial problem, not political? You, as the organizer of many tournaments know better than me that to carry them out needs money to rent, a decent hall prizes, judges, etc. In this case, the money allocated RCF. And taking into account the fact that the Russian chess championship will be held in Sochi, the costs can be combined. I think those who are calling for a boycott in this case it is necessary to recall the motto of FIDE. You can endlessly make claims to each other, and you can just try to find a joint solution. In the end, they offer to go not to Kolyma, but to the beautiful Olympic city of Sochi, to a first-class hotel and, hopefully, there will be a good cultural program. Let us remember that we live once, which means that we should not waste our energy on mutual reproaches and disputes. It is better to direct the forces for preparation for interesting wrestling and to rejoice of life!
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(65) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Sunday, Mar 11, 2018 13:20]

I agree with Mr.Selivanov. In order to decision by WFCC at meeting in Dresden only he has legitimicy to organize the official ECSC. One transfer from Kaliningrad to Moscow was alow, when host gave better conditions for participants.
In meantime, it became political game instructed by all-power RCF master Filatov, which punished Selivanov as his opponent and we know result- Moscow event was cancelled.
Next- Sochi as alternative was not accept by problemists from many European countries because ugly conditions. If we accept RCF decision as precept, then also other European countries can organized similar contests without WFCC authority? It would be chaos.
Only WFCC delegates have legitimacy to elect new host of ECSC(perhaps at Ohrid meeting?), not Filatovs RCF, not Harry Fugiaxis!
Event in Sochi may be only RCF open meeting, no more...
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(66) Posted by Dmitri Turevski [Sunday, Mar 11, 2018 17:09]; edited by Dmitri Turevski [18-03-11]

that the list of participants is at the link:

That is not the flag of Russia next to Danila Pavlov's name.

Edit: the flag image is properly updated now
(Read Only)pid=16361
(67) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Sunday, Mar 18, 2018 00:18]

The Serbian Chess Problem Society decided not to send its team or individual solvers to Sochi.
It was a bitter decision, but the course of events, and announced withdrawals of majority of the teams usually taking part in ECSC, predict this will not be an official competition.
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(68) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Sunday, Mar 18, 2018 06:38]

I will don't take part in Sochi's farce also.
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(69) Posted by Marko Klasinc [Sunday, Mar 18, 2018 10:27]

Slovenia will not participate as well.
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(70) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Mar 18, 2018 12:29]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [18-03-18]

At least four top teams not participating it seems: Poland, England, Serbia, Slovania....
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(71) Posted by Milomir Babić [Tuesday, Mar 20, 2018 01:19]

Why,why, why?
After this, in the least, the scandal, a thought is posed to a man: you do not need foreign enemies, with your own domestic ones. To ruin this kind of event, I believe it would not be possible for all foreign services together with the MI-5, MI-6, the CIA and more NATO, and that's it, you did it! Are these pests aware of what they did, when, not to mention others, Serbia, multiple winners, will no participate.
Milomir Babić
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(72) Posted by Panagiotis Konidaris [Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018 08:05]

I'm afraid that the Greek team will not participate either. Moscow was great. Sochi isn't.
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(73) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 06:46]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [18-03-22]


Why are you favoring chess over the board players on the list of participants. You listed IM, FM titles for some over the board chess players who never participated before at any official rated solving tournaments but at the same time one of the best solver ever and winner of multiple medals at ECSC/WCSC events Martynas Limontas is listed without GM title. Why are chess over the board titles more important than solving titles? In my opinion regular title should not be listed at all and only solving titles should be listed. There are many GMs in regular chess who are very bad solvers. Since this is the solving tournament the solving titles are more relevant to this event. I hope this does not reflect what will be the spirit of this ECSC. By the way Danila Pavlov holds IM solving title but you only listed his FM regular chess title. From this list it looks like German Kochetkov from Belarus is the strongest solver and in reality he does not have any solving title at all. The list would look much better if there is an official solving rating provided instead of regular chess titles.
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(74) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 07:35]

Clarifications (post 1 of 3)

Without diplomacy.
The current problem with the ECSC is by 95% created by Andrey Selivanov.
The RCF, supported by WFCC President, tried to save the event, but mainly have met suspicion, lack of understanding and resistance from potential participants.

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(75) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 07:39]

Clarifications (post 2 of 3)

Facts only.

The Russian Chess Federation (RCF) is the central body governing all aspects of chess in Russia, including the chess composition (composing and solving). Russian delegate in WFCC is appointed by the RCF and represents the RCF. At the time of the decision where to hold 14th ECSC, the delegate of Russia was A.Selivanov, who was also vice-president of the RCF.

Now a little of chronology:

1. In August 2017, Kaliningrad was given the right to host the 14th ECSC. All the activities in the organization were concentrated in the hands of A.Selivanov. No one of other Russian composers and solvers knew what was happening.
2. In October 2017, a message appeared about the transfer of competition from Kaliningrad to Moscow. An official invitation was promised to be published in December. Russian composers were still not in the know.
3. In December 2017, no official invitation appears. A.Selivanov promised to publish it around February 10th, 2018.
4. End of December 2017 – beginning of January 2018. A.Selivanov provided an estimate of expenses of 25000 euro to be paid by RCF (yes, this is a correct number of zeroes). RCF did not approve such expenses.
5. February 1st-3rd, 2018. Regular meeting of the Russian Chess Federation took place. Russian composers, who were interested, learned from the Internet about the conflict within the RCF. The meeting excluded A.Selivanov from the governing body of the Russian Chess Federation.
6. February 5th-6th, 2018. It turned out that except preliminary personal arrangement with the hotel, A. Selivanov had done nothing more to organize the event. In particular, the details were not coordinated with the RCF, the estimate cost being first of all. If this were done, then no problems would have arisen. (A.Selivanov still could hold the competition as a private individual using his own and/or sponsor funds plus participants' tournament fees. But this option did not seem to interest anyone.) The RCF asked A.Feoktistov for help, and he made a request to me.
7. February 8th, 2018. I send email to H.Fougiaxis informing him about the situation. At the moment conditions were not yet finalized, but the fact that RCF was only able to hold the event in Sochi was made known to him (I remind you once again, that original invitation in August was de facto submitted on behalf of the RCF). This transfer of the competition was caused by two reasons. First, in Sochi, the expected expenses of the organizers are ten times less than in Moscow. Second, the majority of RCF representatives during May 1st-11th are occupied by the large-scale chess event in Sochi, within which it is planned to also hold 14th ECSC. If this proposal would be acceptable in principle, I promised to prepare official invitation around February, 15th-16th.
8. February 9th, 2018. H.Fougiaxis agreed to this proposal in principle, mentioning that A.Selivanov informed him that RCF intends to organize the event.
9. February 16th, 2018. Official invitation together with covering letter from RCF was sent to H.Fougiaxis.
10. February 18th, 2018. Official invitation was published on WFCC site.
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(76) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 07:41]

Clarifications (post 3 of 3)

My opinion.

I want to note that I do not understand what caused the negative attitude in quite a number of posts. When there was a transfer of Meeting from Sofia to Rhodes, no one wrote about the "crushing machine" of Bulgaria, or Israel, or Greece and nobody was suspected in unnamed evil intentions. The announcement of that Meeting appeared 2.5 months before the event – just like now.

I see only two reasonable grounds to refuse to participate: high cost and unwillingness to participate without the official status of the tournament (that is, with less than seven teams). The first issue was discussed here quite actively, but no one has written that the cost is the main reason for the refusal. As for the second reason, registration does not require preliminary expenses: it is enough to send one email. If the country (or the individual participant) would like to only participate if the tournament has official status, he may just register initially. When the list of interested people is long enough, it will be time to purchase tickets for the plane and to apply for visa. (The visas by the request of Russian Ministry of Sports, in any case, may be only applied for at less than a month before the event.) So, even for those who have written about not coming there is still time to think it over.

And the last. It is unfortunate that, as a matter of fact, the planned 14th ECSC itself, as an event in chess composition, is pushed aside. It is extremely unpleasant for me that this seemingly neutral forum has become a tool for organizing an informal boycott of competition based on rumors and superstitions (with the adequate measure of crocodile tears added). The real situation was of no interest to anyone. So if this activity on disruption of the championship (I do not know by the way, for the sake of what) will be successful, do not forget look in the mirror when searching for the reason.
(Read Only)pid=16391
(77) Posted by Oleg Efrosinin [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 08:56]; edited by Oleg Efrosinin [18-03-22]

(79) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 06:46];

Players indicate their personal piece in FIDE. Chess solvers, alas, this compact personal representation no. Not to offend anyone, it is advisable nothing to indicate that the rating is put by the tournament organizers upon participation. But WFCC makes sense to create similar fide personal pages of solvers, at least.
List of participants as of March 22.
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(78) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 09:20]

Как счастливы библисты,
Их жопы вечно чисты...
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(79) Posted by Karol Gola [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 13:35]

(80) Posted by Georgy Evseev "The RCF, supported by WFCC President, tried to save the event..."
I think that WFCC is ought to establish a service medal "For saving ECSC 2018" and then award Evseev, Feoktistov and unnamed person Mr. Tkachev.
(Read Only)pid=16394
(80) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 14:53]

A report by Evseev is only technical part of story.
Stuck-up RCF president Andrey Filatov have all power in RCF,also his re-election was favoured by Russian politic and chess elite. Then he punished Mr. Selivanov as opponent(excommunication from RCF governing-body). Continue Filatovs haughtiness was political motivated transfer ECSC in Sochi, formal with RCF authority. It was yet once non-ethical move.
RCF is only instrument in hand of Russian political centres of power.
Reports by Mr.Selivanov and Mr.Evseev about situation are total different.
Who want to be part political farce in Sochi- it is individual decision. After all this event cannot be legitimate ECSC.
If I have correct informations, probably none of Western European countries dont send official teams to Sochi.
Also Poland,Serbia and several other from rest of Europe will not participated.
Is event without G.Britain, Serbian and Poland-three multiple World/European champions in our interest?
Filatov and his misers are bad for Russian problem chess.
Thus, only possible solution is election new host ECSC at WFCC meeting in Ohrid.
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018