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(21) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Sep 27, 2010 01:27]

Just realized that my legal-pser-s#13 has a glaring DUAL: 12.Rb8 13.Rb5 or 12.Rb3 13.Rb5 both work. However, there's a simple fix, something closer to my original scheme:

(= 6+2 )

legal-pser-s#10 (6+2) C-

Intent below:
1.Bc5 2.Rgd3 7.g8R 8.Rg5! c6! 9.Rdb3 10.Rb5 cxb5#

In this case, the guard along the 5th rank is needed at move 8, else ...Kxc5! escapes.
(Read Only)pid=5995
(22) Posted by Dan Meinking [Sunday, Dec 5, 2010 04:05]; edited by Dan Meinking [10-12-05]

Just wanted to let folks know that the Alpha Sleuth® website will be going away shortly after the 1st of the year. But there is good news: Cornel kindly reserved some dedicated space on his forum server ( so that the Parry Series Hub can continue! Here's the new link:

I plan to update my personal collection sometime in January as well. In the meantime, I'll need to learn how to maintain the new digs. :-)

I missed the MatPlus originals deadline literally by seconds. So... I offer this whimsical "transformation" as a belated THANK YOU to everyone at MatPlus magazine!

Diagram A:
(= 4+9 )

Diagram B:
(= 4+6 )

phser-A=>B11 (4+9) C+ [parry-help-series A=>B in 11 moves]

Intent hidden below:

1.Bb3 2.Qc4+ Bd4 3.Qxd5+ Ke3 4.Qe5+ Be4 5.Qxg5+ Rf4 6.Qxg3+ Sf3 7.Qe1+ Qe2 8.Qc3+ Qd3 9.Qc4 10.c3 11.Bc2 A=>B
wQ rundlauf+1; wQ/B/P platzwechsel; quiet key and finale. "M" to "P" transformation. :-)

In my Good Companions quick-tourney (GCQCT 2010) comments, I noted that Parry Series offered good "shape-to-shape" possibilities. Perhaps this is the first?
(Read Only)pid=6419
(23) Posted by Bojan Basic [Sunday, Dec 5, 2010 15:06]

C+ by Popeye.
(Read Only)pid=6422
(24) Posted by Dan Meinking [Sunday, Dec 5, 2010 16:54]

Thanks Bojan! Not sure what I did wrong the first time. (no solution) Works fine now though.
(Read Only)pid=6423
(25) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Dec 20, 2010 00:21]; edited by Dan Meinking [10-12-20]

Hans Gruber just posted that feenschach #181 thru #184 PDFs are now online:

A new article, "Parry Series Chronicles", is presented in both English and German text (issue f181). Thanks again to Arno for the difficult challenge of translation! The printed version will also contain an excellent "Vielvater" article by Cornel (see the comment for his PS12). :-)

Couple of notes:

- PS9: Authorship should be Tüngler/Meinking
- PS15: Last name is "Vieira" (not Viera)
- the Parry Series Hub link in the article will be going away; see new link below

For PS6, I requested a late "comment change" -- unfortunately too late to make the final cut. (My fault completely!) On the Hub page, my note dated 07/16/2010 more accurately reflects my current convictions re: "Parry Series vs. UltraSchachZwang (Must-Check)".

EDIT: Since the site will be going away soon... if any MatPlus Forum regulars would like a copy of Alpha Sleuth® Volume 2 Database, please send me an email. This is a collection of 150 word/logic puzzles, mind you, not chess problems! Requires Windows operating system, and download of the (free) Solving Tool. Like my personal collection, Volume 2 Database is FREE and worth every penny. :-)

Ho ho ho...
(Read Only)pid=6509
(26) Posted by Dan Meinking [Thursday, Jun 30, 2011 08:04]; edited by Dan Meinking [11-06-30]

The 2011 edition of my problem collection is now available on the Hub page:

See the link at the bottom of the page. 44 new problems added, and much more content than the 2010 edition. And better organized. All for the low, low price of FREE. :-)

Please send any notices for corrections, bad links, comparison problems, etc. to me at:

dmeinking /A/T/ roadrunner etc. etc.
(Read Only)pid=7035
(27) Posted by Paz Einat [Thursday, Jun 30, 2011 10:47]

Please note that the Admoni MT I have posted is also for Parry Series problems.
(Read Only)pid=7036
(28) Posted by Dan Meinking [Friday, Jul 1, 2011 10:55]; edited by Dan Meinking [11-07-01]

@Paz -- Thanks for the reminder. Actually, Cornel setup a private workshop on his forum site...

... so I (we) hope to contribute something worthwhile for the tourney.

BTW -- The judge should be made award of (arguably) the best "black unpinning" series-mover in existence. You can find this fabulous ser-h=20 on Geoff Foster's bio page...

... at the very bottom. Also note: in the latest StrateGems, it was awarded 1st Prize (SG 2009; section: Series-Movers & Stalemates; judge: Zdravko Maslar)!
(Read Only)pid=7038
(29) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Friday, Jul 1, 2011 15:35]

Indeed, Geoff and I collaborated on several others showing the same theme - e.g. 1st Prize, feenschach 2008. (Personally, I think the joint '12-unpinner' by Geoff and I in SG January 2010 - a version of the problem Dan cites - is technically more perfect, though with two less unpins.)
(Read Only)pid=7039
(30) Posted by Dan Meinking [Tuesday, Jul 12, 2011 11:52]

Found this "wee parry" yesterday and thought it'd be fun to post here:

DM original
(= 2+2 )

pser-h#11 (2+2) C+ {solution hidden below}
5.a1S+ Kd3! 7.Sb4+ Kd4 8.Sc6+ Kd5 9.Se7+ Kd6 10.Sc8+ Kc7 11.Sa7 b7#
11-point continuous, no-repeat, no-capture rundlauf by bP/bS

For extra credit, the "unofficial twin" is: b) wKb1 pser-h#10.
(Read Only)pid=7059
(31) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Jul 25, 2011 03:39]

Another mini, this time featuring a Nightrider, to the wind...

DM original
(= 3+2 )

pser-h#7 (3+2) C+
1.Nd7 2.Nb6+ Rd5 3.Nc8 4.Nf2+ Kg3 5.Nb4 6.Na6+ Be4 7.Nb8 Ra5#
Predictable, yes, but I couldn't resist. :-)
(Read Only)pid=7094
(32) Posted by Kevin Begley [Monday, Jul 25, 2011 06:38]; edited by Kevin Begley [11-07-25]

Yeah, hard not to spot the finale (and thus, the theme) in a blink.
Pity that the matching twin -- b) Nb8->a7 + Kh3->f1 -- seems to require a zero-position.
Anyway, the twin is too symmetrical, and the shared white moves are unappealing.
(Read Only)pid=7095
(33) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Jul 25, 2011 07:44]

No notion of twinning here, of course. I preferred Nb8 (vs. Na7) due to the rundlauf.
(Read Only)pid=7096
(34) Posted by Kevin Begley [Monday, Jul 25, 2011 10:04]

I meant move your Nightrider b8 to a7, then:

a) wKh3->f1
b) Na7->b8

And, you'd have a matching circuit...
But, again, it's too symmetrical, and the shared white moves are not welcome.
Maybe it suggests a better scheme is possible?!
(Read Only)pid=7097
(35) Posted by Dan Meinking [Tuesday, Jul 26, 2011 02:23]

I'm happy with the problem as-is. I posted it here as a curiosity, not to debate it's merits (or lack thereof). Let's leave it at that, shall we.
(Read Only)pid=7106
(36) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Jul 26, 2011 09:14]

Liked the two lovely minis showing the potential of the p-series. Should be quoted in any introduction to this problem type.
(Read Only)pid=7108
(37) Posted by Kevin Begley [Tuesday, Jul 26, 2011 09:19]

Relax, Dan.
I only offered you my observation (take it or leave it).
Nothing close to a debate. :)
(Read Only)pid=7109
(38) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Aug 29, 2011 04:08]

Another fun "wee parry" for Forum readers' amusement:

DM original
(= 2+2 )

pser-h#11 (2+2) C+ PWC { solution hidden below }
1.Sxg1[+wSe2]+ Kh4! 2.Sf3+ Kh5! 3.Sd4 4.Sxe2[+wSd4] 5.Sf4+ Kg5 6.Se6+ Kf5 7.Sxd4[+wSe6]+ Ke5 8.Sc6+ Kd5 9.Sb4+ Kc5 10.Sa6+ Kb6 11.Sb8 Sc7#
Two overlapping bS rundlaufs: e2-g1-f3-d4-e2 and d4-e2-f4-e6-d4. But white's 1st and 2nd moves are, in my opinion, much more intriguing. The overall wK route was a bit of good fortune as well.

If we shift wK=>h5 and bS=>c6 (and, optionally, wS=>c1), we have a C+ pser-h#13 with a stronger rundlauf motif, as the bS also returns to c6. Plus that has a non-checking intro. Normally I would prefer that, but the white intro in the 11-mover is just too good to pass up. :-)
(Read Only)pid=7190
(39) Posted by Kevin Begley [Monday, Aug 29, 2011 09:57]; edited by Kevin Begley [11-08-29]


A serious judge might reflexively dart, "standard fare (for these conditions)."
I, on the other hand, did not miss the enjoyable experience provided by your economical synthesis.
In other words: 'fun & wee' indeed. :)

Nevertheless, the experience also kicked-up a tangential question... and I must confess, this may cause a minor irritation:
Suppose I compose a pser.h#n, such that black, too, can only move when checked -- an "OK Corral"-style shootout of cross-checks, if you will.
Anyway, according to your nomenclature, how should I label this combination of conditions?
"pser.h#n + black moves only when checked" ??
(Read Only)pid=7193
(40) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Aug 29, 2011 10:34]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [11-08-29]

That would be the opposite of "checkless chess". How about "check-chess" or 'checkonly-chess'?
(Read Only)pid=7194

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