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MatPlus.Net Forum General Oscar of Chess Composition
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(1) Posted by Arpad Rusz [Saturday, Jul 7, 2007 16:42]; edited by Arpad Rusz [07-07-07]

Oscar of Chess Composition

A very interesting project from

"Riphey 2007
(Oscar of Chess Composition)

Interregional non-profit-making fund “New Regional Initiatives” carries out the competition for identifying the best chess composition of 2006.
The following types of chess composition which were published in 2006 may participate:
5.Helpmate problems
6.Selfmate problems
7.Fairy problems
8.Problems of retro analysis
All composers may participate who can send one of their best compositions of any type which was composed individually or collectively. It is possible to participate both in one of the types or in several of them. In case of sending more than two compositions in one and the same type the application for participating in this type will be cancelled.
For participating in the awarding we invite editors of chess composition magazines, editors of chess composition sections in other editions, editors of separate sections, leading masters of chess composition (international grandmasters, international masters, FIDE masters, international arbiters on chess composition).
The chairman of the judge is international grandmaster Jakov Vladimirov.
Each participant of the awarding chooses and sends 10 best compositions of all types, writing which composition takes the 1st, 2nd and till the 10th place.
The winners of “Riphey” will be compositions which take the greatest number of points according to the following scale: 1st place – 13 points, 2nd place – 11 points, 3rd place – 9 points, 4th place – 7 points, 5th place – 6 points, 6th place – 5 points, 7th place – 4 points, 8th place – 3 points, 9 place – 2 points, 10 place – 1 point.
In each type 10 best compositions will be defined. For the 1st place the winner gets “Riphey”. All the rest of participants become diplomas.
Editions and people who take part in the awarding will be published.
In case of emphatic “subjectivism” the Chairman has the right to decline the awarding.
The compositions typed in A5 size paper must be sent to the Directorate of the fund “New Regional Initiatives”. The address is Moscow, post box 6. Russia, 125414, “Riphey” or per internet with diagrams: till the 1st of November 2007.
All received compositions will be demonstrated on site till the 1st of December 2007 and sent to editors of chess composition magazines per internet.
The editors and leading specialists on chess composition must send their list of winners till the 1st of January 2008.
The awarding of winners will be held in 2008."

There is another competition for the year 2007 too ('Riphey 2008').
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(2) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Jul 7, 2007 17:22]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-07-07]

Sorry, I don't fully understand so let me repeat and correct me if I'm wrong.

Each composer is invited to send up to two compositions per section with a maximum of ten compositions in the whole tourney. The compositions must have been published in 2006. The composer must choose a ranking to his compositions (from 1st to 10th).

Did I understand this correctly? Or does "participant in the awarding" refer to judges?
(Read Only)pid=1080
(3) Posted by Arpad Rusz [Saturday, Jul 7, 2007 18:11]; edited by Arpad Rusz [07-07-19]

That refers to the judges! It is allowed to participate in every section with one problem/study.
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MatPlus.Net Forum General Oscar of Chess Composition