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MatPlus.Net Forum General Looking for problems by J.Wilner
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(1) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Friday, Oct 22, 2010 16:56]; edited by Vladimir Tyapkin [10-10-22]

Looking for problems by J.Wilner

This post is on behalf of Sergey Tkachenko who is working on a book about well-known Ukrainian chess player and composer J.Wilner. Sergey is looking for the following Wilner's problems and would appreciate any help. You can read a wonderfully researched article about J.Wilner "Alechine's savior" at (in Russian)

1. Three three-movers by Wilner received commendations in the tourney Prager Presse 1928. I only have two problems: a2/c5 and h8/d5.
2. Two three-movers by Wilner received prizes in the tourney of the Berlin workers chess union 1927: 2nd prize and 6th prize. I only have the 2nd prize-winner a1/e4.
3. Two two-movers by Wilner received 6th prize and 8th honorable mention in the tourney of the newspaper Izvestia VZIK 1923-1925. I only have the prize problem (a2/f4).
4. After Wilners death his fairy problem #4 (a7/f6) was published in "The Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement" 1932. A dualistic mate in three was found during the computer checking. The Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement with the author's solution has to be found. (You can find the position at Popeye found one solution in #4 but there is no agreement that it was the author's intent. I would appreciate any input by fairy experts. Sergey agreed to send a copy of his upcoming book to the first person who identifies author's idea and correct the problem)
(Read Only)pid=6250
(2) Posted by Henry Tanner [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 01:10]

Regarding the fairy 4# by Jakow Wilner (or Yakov Vilner), here are some data about the problem and then some comments (by HT). When quoting the original text, I have tried to give it as it was printed, i.e. not changing it into our modern notation.

The problem was published in The Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement, no. 15, XII 1932, p. 102,
as problem no. 640.

The solution was published in FCS no. 16, February 1933, p. 107:
“-1 Rg8 (threat 2 Ph7; 3 Ph8Q), Pd1N; 2 Ph7, Ng7; 3 Qc5 Be3; 4 Ph8G mate, a very remarkable Black Seeberger indeed. Unhappily there is a cook in 4 by 1 Ka8, Pd1N; 2 Qb6, and two cooks in 3 by 1 Gc4 (or d5), with nothing to stop 2 Rxf7.”

A further comment appeared in FCS no. 17, April 1933, p. 113:
“640 (JSW):-AHH points out that the remarkable intention fails after 1.Rg8, Pd1(N); 2 Ph7, Nxc3 ch; 3 Ka8, NxB.” [Note: AHH = A. H. Haddy]

Notes by Henry Tanner, October 25, 2010

1) The position, as given in Vladimir’s message, is probably as the composer sent it. I haven’t noticed any simple misprint or omission which would save the problem from cooks & duals.

2) The position has two cooks in 3 (1.Gf1-c4 & 1.Gg5-d5, both with various threats, including these two: 2.Rxg7+ Bxg7 3.Nxd7# & 2.Nxd7+ Bxd7 3.Rxf7#) and one in 4: 1.Ka8 (threatening 2.Qc5 & 2.Qb6).

3) The intended solution does not work because of 1.Rg8 d1N! and if 2.h7, then 2...Nxc3+ 3.Ka8 Nxe4 or even 3...Nd1; if 3.Kb6 then 3...Nxe4 or 3...Nd5+. This refutation cannot be avoided by covering (say, with white Pawn b2) the square c3, as after 2...Nxc3+ 3.bxc3, the position is stalemate.

4) Another flaw not mentioned in FCS is that after 1.Rg8 Pd1N 2.h7 Ng7 white also has 3.h8G+ N- 4.Gf8#.

5) When giving the intended solution, the editor (Dawson) does not give any variations or tries, but it is important to notice that after 1.Rg8 Pd1N 2.h7 Ng7 3.h8Q? would be a stalemate. This means that when trying to correct the problem, we cannot add any moving black piece (unless it would also stop 3.h8Q).

6) The white grasshopper on g5 is not used very much. One motivation is: 1.Rg8 d1N 2.h7 Ng7 3.Qc5 Nf5 4.Qxe5#. I suppose it is also used against cooks ending with Qg5# or Qg5+ Bxg5 hxg5#.

7) I have used some hours to stop the cooks, but without success. With the restrictions given by the matrix, I believe that some radical changes are needed to save the problem. Personally, I cannot give more time to this interesting idea, but I hope somebody else can.
(Read Only)pid=6265
(3) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 06:21]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [10-10-25]

A (simple) correction could be :

Yaacov Vilner
Dedicated to M.F. Gordian
The Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement 1932
(= 11+11 )
=Knightrider =Grasshopper
(Read Only)pid=6266
(4) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 06:33]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [10-10-25]

1.Gd8? [2.Gf8#, 2.Gd6#] but 1...g5!

1.Gg5! [2.h7 [3.h8Q/B#] ]
1...d1N 2.h7! (2.Qb6? Be3!) Ng7 3.Qc5!(3.Qb6? Nf5!) [4.Qe7#]
. 3…Be3 4.h8G#
. 3…Nf5 4.Qxe5#
1...Ge1 2.h7 d1N+ 3.Gxd1 G~ 4.h8Q/B#
1...d1Q 2.h7 Qd4+ 3.Qxd4 e×d4 4.h8Q/B#

The wPe2 is only added to avoid 1...Ge1 2.Gd1

This is a first attempt, I guess that a better version is possible
(Read Only)pid=6267
(5) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Nov 1, 2010 17:17]

Here is a slightly lighter version :

Yaacov Vilner
Dedicated to M.F. Gordian
The Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement 1932
(= 9+11 )
=Knightrider =Grasshopper


1…d1=N 2.h7 [3.h8=Q/B+ Ng7 4.Q/B×g7‡]
2…Ng7 3.Qc5! [4.Qe7‡]
3…Be3 4.h8=G‡
3…Nf5 4.Q×e5‡

1…d1=Q 2.h7 [3.h8=Q/B‡]
2…Q1d4+ 3.Q×d4 e×d4/B×g5 4.h8=Q/B‡
2…Q1d6+ 3.B×d6 b4 4.h8=Q/B‡
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MatPlus.Net Forum General Looking for problems by J.Wilner