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(1) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Friday, Dec 26, 2008 22:00]; edited by Vladimir Tyapkin [08-12-28]

Need help from the Germans!

I have several questions mostly to German problemists.

1. I can hardly believe that nobody knows anything about Bernhard Hegermann's live, the author of the longest helpmate(h#28), including exact date when he died. His problem is on par with Babson task, celebrating 75th jubilee next year. A lot of famous problemists were trying unsuccessfully to beat the record for many years(see Mirko's article for details at It is a little bit humiliating to read 'Todesdatum unbekannt' ( for a problemist living most of his live in XX century. I generally admire German's love to accuracy and precision. His last problems I could find (P0559197, P0569896) are dated by 1957, just slightly over 50 years ago. He lived in Sterkrade ( in late 40s and early 50s according to his original problems in Schachmatt. There should be some archive records based on full name and exact date of birth, shouldn't it? Is there any articles about him published at all?

2. I recently acquired the complete set of Schachmatt magazine. Does the publisher, Albert Kniest is a relative to Peter Kniest? There is also some published problems of Fred Kniest. Is he related to Peter or Albert? Another question on Schachmatt magazine itself. It's 'Marchenring der Schwalbe V.v.P', that is some kind of Die Schwalbe supplement for fairy chess problems like Fairy Chess Review was to The Problemist if I get it right. The last issue was dated by 1950. The feenschach, another German publication started in November 1949, if memory serves me correctly. Is it a coincidence, or Schachmatt could be considered a predecessor to feenschach?

3. Is this Max Lange's ex libris? It's from Dufresne's 'Schachaufgaben' I've got recently.
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(2) Posted by Mikalai Sihnevich [Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 00:01]

1. First, correct his lastname in your post, it should be Hegermann, Bernhard Hegermann.
There were some articles about him and his problems in the russian magazine 'Шахматная композиция' by Gennady Chumakov:

Issue 81, 2008 - 'Не рекордом единым' (pages 25-31, with 27 selected helpmates);
Issue 75, 2007 - 'Вечен ли рекорд' (pages 44-46).
You may try to contact Gennady Chumakov for more info.
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(3) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 01:03]; edited by Vladimir Tyapkin [08-12-27]

Mikalai, thanks for pointing out to the typo.

I was actually helping Gennady to find problems for his article. There are no new biography facts in those articles. Gennady asked me several times to help with more information and a photo of Bernhard Hegermann. He even tried to contact Oberhausen authorities but did not received any answer.
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(4) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 09:55]

Does the publisher, Albert Kniest is a relative to Peter Kniest? There is also some published problems of Fred Kniest. Is he related to Peter or Albert?

I'm not German, but for what it's worth:

Albert H. Kniest, Alfred Kniest (aka Fred) and Peter Kniest were brothers.
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(5) Posted by Mirko Degenkolbe [Sunday, Dec 28, 2008 12:24]

Dear Vladimir,
after some years of failing attempts to get into contact with the descendants of Bernhard Hegermann, I finally succeeded. I got photos, death certicificate and more. I planned to publish in October 2009 (the 75th anniversary of the most legendary chess problem of history!) an article in "Die Schwalbe" and "Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya", that after it's appearance would be reprinted on the website of "The Problemist". While the friends in England and in Germany would cause no issues,
Russian people don't reply yet. This is vexing since in some newer Russian articles about Hegermann many wild speculations and wrong informations appear. As it seems to be, the Russian side (namely Mr. Vladimirov) has no interest to enlighten the "Hegermann case". So I contacted Mr. Kopyl, maybe he is interested to print the article in "Problemist Ukraini". If he also is not interested, I will try it at Andrey Selivanov in "Uralski Problemist". This is my third and last attempt at the "cyrillic" side.
The actual problem is that the descendants of Bernhard Hegermann must agree first to the publication of the article with all data and photos. I'm working much on this.
This is to present you a "short evaluation" and reply to your most pressing questions.

To all readers:
All the best in 2009!
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(6) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Sunday, Dec 28, 2008 19:09]; edited by Vladimir Tyapkin [08-12-28]


This is wonderful news. I'll be eagerly waiting for your article.

I would suggest to try again Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya. Jacov Vladimirov usually doesn't answer any written communications at all. You just send him your material and see it published. I would suggest to publish it in SK anyway rather then other Russian chess magazines because it's by far more popular, being read by most people involved into chess problems. In addition, all recent discussions and failed attempts to beat the record happened in SK. I am sure I can help you with publishing it in SK. I will write your a private message with details. You may sent it to Ukraine as well if you wish. The more people could read it the better it is.

I have another question for you: did you use material from John Niemann's article "Der Langzugerrekord im Hilfsmatt" in Schachmatt 35, 36, and 68 for your wonderful article in Harmonie?
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(7) Posted by Mirko Degenkolbe [Monday, Dec 29, 2008 12:30]

thanks for your fast reaction!
Okay. Let's try with the article in SHAKMATNAYA KOMPOSITSIYA. I estimate Jacov Vladimirov much, just wondered that he didn't reply to my mail. I favored his magazine since in the last years some articles about Bernhard Hegermann's record were published in it. So I thought, in Russia (at least at a few composers) there is a higher interest to learn something about the person Bernhard Hegermann.
Surely you also know that there are not many friends of very long helpmates (I don't want to use the word "enemies" in this context, maybe we can agree on "non-friends" :-)). For this reason I think it's enough to publish such an article in Russia (where probably the most interest on the topic exists) and in Germany (Bernhard Hegermann was a very indigenous man), that later will be made available in english on the internet to all interested chess friends.

To your question:
The split article of Dr. Niemann was at the time, when my article arose, not known to me. In the meantime I also have received it and must smirk since some problems where used that I also selected.

The question raised by Dr. Fabel in SCHACHMATT 68 to rate the length record for helpmates too, that have only small inaccuracies, was later appropiated by me. In my opinion in very long helpmates ONE single dual should be allowed (see the tournament, which Frank 2007/2008 in HARMONIE has been issued). I shortly talked to Hans Gruber about that thematic (I have built two helpmates that are longer than the one of Bernhard Hegermann, but always have only a single dual, the longest has 29,0 moves). But Hans thought I want to play a joke on him and explained in a nutshell that this violates the statutes.
I, however, give into consideration that helpmate composers are the only ones who are clearly disadvantaged by this. While in orthodox two-, three- and moremovers (in selfmates, too!) often duals are accepted (also on problems that get very highly awarded!), in helpmates not even an itsy-bitsy inaccuracy can be contained, for then the problem is considered defect. Even "worse" is the discrepancy helpmates <----> studies. While study composers (whose works I much admire!) at least in the endplay several multiple continuations are allowed, a helpmate composer can't make a single lapsus. Still studies whose play in the last moves is extremely branched and there also inaccurate, get with 1.66 points into the FIDE album, while a long helpmate with a single dual has no chance in the computer age to get into the album.
The world is so unfair, boo-hoo .....

By the way ...
The no.436 (SCHACHMATT, issue 36 of 07/13/1947) by Verveen is in my opinion one of the most interesting helpmate-moremovers that has ever been built. We have discovered some very interesting "descendants" in the meantime. If you're interested, I can gladly send it to you.

So much from me for the moment.
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MatPlus.Net Forum General Need help from the Germans!