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MatPlus.Net Forum General Original publication of the Indian problem
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(1) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Jan 3, 2010 20:29]

Original publication of the Indian problem

Regarding the original publication of the Indian problem, Wilhelm Schlemermeyer ( wrote on my blog:
Noch etwas anderes: Ich kenne mich mit Problemen nicht sonderlich aus. Aber mir ist aufgefallen, dass als Quelle für das berühmte "Indische Problem" von Loveday immer "The Chess Player's Chronicle" von 1845 (Februarheft) angegeben wird. Dort konnte ich es allerdings nicht finden. Wie mir scheint, weil es erst im Jahr 1846 abgedruckt wurde. Siehe Quelle hier: - auf S.55ff. Ein alter Hut oder eine Entdeckung? Sie wissen das sicher besser einzuordnen.

Herzliche Grüße
Oh, das war wohl der falsche Link. Jedenfalls ist das Problem zu finden im Jahrgang 1846 auf S.54. Hier noch ein Versuch auf die entsprechende pdf-Datei bei google.books zu verlinken -

(In short, he says the Indian problem was not published in February 1845 but in 1846. As far as I see, the original publication was in volume VI of The Chess Player's Chronicle on p.54; usually given as published in 1846. So can anyone clear this issue?

(= 8+5 )

Mate in 4
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(2) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Jan 4, 2010 12:46]

As you point out, the Indian problem was first published on p.54 of Volume 6 of the CPC. On p.125 of the same volume there is an announcement that "the Annual General Meeting of the Yorkshire Chess Club will take place on 14th May 1845", so clearly the Indian problem was published in 1845.
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(3) Posted by [Monday, Jan 4, 2010 21:00]; edited by [10-01-04]

It's an interesting feature of some periodicals that they are published, not from
January to December, but from July or August to June or July the following year.
(Added: This seems not to be the case in the present question, but it is also
something to be on the watchout for. I believe the earlier run of CPC did
publish that way.)

Also, some periodicals planned for rebinding, and included a special title page
in the last issue of the volume, or the first issue the following volume, intended
to be used as the title page by the book binder. Printers were not always alert to this,
and sometimes used the current year on this title page (i.e. the year when the
title page was published, not the body of the volume). That can be *very* confusing,
if you don't expect it.

It's not easy to disentangle this, if the copy used doesn't provide the required
information. I often pick it up from table of contents, or even the problem solutions,
where it may say 'Solutions to problems in <month> issue'. The ideal is when issue
covers, where this information often appears, are included with the book -- but that is
very rare.

Alternatively, any standard bibliography should contain the equivalent information -- I'd trust those created
by bibliographers before those created by chess people, though.

Google does not (or at least very rarely) provide trustworthy bibliographic information
-- but then, that's not their business. They're only interested in getting search hits.
Unfortunately, some modern reprint editions don't bother overmuch about this either.
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(4) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Tuesday, Jan 5, 2010 19:34]

According to Tim Harding(, the best account of publication dates for CPC was by Ken Whyld in Quarterly for Chess History #8.

It's particularly useful right now, after Google made most volumes of CPC available for reading. Does anybody have the article?
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(5) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Jun 13, 2010 13:43]

A reader of my blog writes:
Laut QCH 8, S. 458 ff.:
Anfang erschien die Zeitschrift wöchentlich:
Vol. I von 1.5. bis 23.10.1841
Vol. II von 30.10.1841 bis 30.4.1842
Vol. III von Mai bis 29.10.1842
Danach monatlich:
Vol. IV 1843
Vol. V 1844
Vol. VI 1845
Vol. VII 1846
Vol. VIII erschien wieder wöchentlich, das gesamte Jahr 1847 über
Vol. IX bis XIII (1848-1852) wieder monatlich.

Auch in Le Palamede erschien das Problem im Februar-Heft 1845, jedoch vierzehn Tage später als im Chronicle.
Außerdem in der Leipziger Illustrirten Zeitung am 12. April 1845. (Nach Kohtz/Kockelkorn, Das Indische Problem, S. 34 ff.)

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Original publication of the Indian problem