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Milan Velimirović
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(1) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Oct 24, 2010 12:07]

Milan the new grandmaster

Congratulations! I am surprised it has taken so long !
(Read Only)pid=6257
(2) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Sunday, Oct 24, 2010 14:39]

well, in fact milan is the reason why matti myllyniemi became a grandmaster only now, too...
a double congratulation to milan!
(Read Only)pid=6258
(3) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Oct 24, 2010 15:16]

Congratulations, great Milan!
(Read Only)pid=6260
(4) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Sunday, Oct 24, 2010 16:09]

Congratulations Milan,
you were always GM to me! :)
(Read Only)pid=6261
(5) Posted by Dan Meinking [Sunday, Oct 24, 2010 16:18]

Bravo Milan! How do you find time to become GM and run this fantastic website?! :-)
(Read Only)pid=6263
(6) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 08:12]

Hearty congratulations, Milan. I cannot think of a more deserving recipient.
(Read Only)pid=6268
(7) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 14:32]

Milan Velimirovic
Schach-echo 1974
1st Prize
(= 12+13 )

1.Qd8? [2.Q×f6+,Rd2+]
1…R×f5 a 2.Rb6+ A c3 3.B×c3‡
1…R×e6 b 2.R×f2+ B c3 3.B×c3‡
1…B×d5 c 2.Rd2+ C c3/K×f5/K×e6 3.Q×d5/Q×d5,Q×f6/Q×c8,Q×d5,Qd7,Q×f6,Sg7‡
but 1…Se7!

1.Q×g6? [2.Q×f6+,Rd2+]
1…R×f5 a 2.R×f2+ B c3,K×d5/K×e6 3.Q×f5/Qg8,Qf7,Q×f5‡
1…R×e6 b 2.Rd2+ C c3 3.B×c3‡
1…B×d5 c 2.Rb6+ A c3 3.B×c3‡
but 1…Rh6!

1.Qf7! [2.Q×f6+,Rd2+]
1…R×f5 a 2.Rd2+ C c3 3.B×c3‡
1…R×e6 b 2.Rb6+ A c3,K×d5,K×f5 3.Q×e6‡
1…B×d5 c 2.R×f2+ B c3 3.B×c3‡

The 1st complete Lacny in orthodox and without promoted men !!

Such a problem, alone, would already be enough to call his author a Grand-Master.
(Read Only)pid=6269
(8) Posted by David Knezevic [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 19:11]; edited by David Knezevic [10-10-25]

Thank you all for congratulations!

Please let me take this opportunity to tell something about the problem quoted by Jacques. A complete Lacny in a twomover was (and is) a dream of many composers, but unfortunately it is the unreachable goal. The closest that one can come to it is perhaps the 3x3 Zagoruiko based on a "Carousel" matrix.

The Carousel (or cyclic mating permutations) itself is an exceptionally attractive theme, mostly because its clear logic is easily comprehensible for the ordinary humans (known as "homo sapiens") and it is simple to conceive a complete 3x3 shift from it. Alas, the game of chess doesn't provide enough resources to realize it in only 2 moves. I will show it on a problem by Speckmann and Casa (rather than the pioneer by Gunnar Andersson and Swen Ekstrom, Schackvärlden 1944, Kf3 Re8 Bf1 f8 Sa6 d4 Pb5 e3 e5 f5 g6 - Kd5 Rc4 Pc7 f2 f6 g7) to illustrate it:
Alex Casa
Werner Speckmann Die Schwalbe 1954/1
(= 9+5 )
1.Ree8? ~ 2.Qf3#
1... Sc5 2.Bf6# A
1... Sd6 2.Be5# B
1... Sd8! (?C)
1.Re6? ~ 2.Qf3#
1... Sc5 2.Bf8# C
1... Sd6! (?A)
1... Sd8 2.Be5# B
1.Re5! ~ 2.Qf3#
1... Sc5 2.Rg5# (?B)
1... Sd6 2.Bf8# C
1... Sd8 2.Bf6# A

The solution is written in the way which shows the best what is missing for a complete Lacny. The principle is simple: three black weaknesses are necessary for mate by the RB battery, namely three black lines must be closed. So, if white on the first move closes the 8th rank and black in defence closes the 6th rank, what remained for white is to close the 5th rank. Alternatively, if black closes the 5th rank white mates by closing the 6th rank. If the first move closes the 6th rank than the same scenario happens on the 5th and 8th rank, and if white begins by closing the 5th rank the rest happens on the 6th and 8th rank. The problem is what to do if both sides close the same rank. To complete the cycle the mating move should be the third closing of the same rank, and there is no way to motivate it.

I don't know if I was the first who realized the simple fact that what is not possible in two moves can easily be done in three. Nevertheless, I was the first who published the problem which implementes this, and since once the principle is uncovered it is just a question of time when it will be utilized, if somebody else had the same thought before me he would have certainly published the problem earlier than me.

And the principle is the following: when black doubles the waekness - triple it! With thematic lines this is probably not possible in orthodox form, but with black selfblocks it is very simple: when white guards one thematic square and black "selfblocks" it, white puts another attack on the second move to enable the capture on the third move.

For me the chess problem is before all the mechanism, the machine which operates perfectly. The most important thing is to find the answer to the question "how can it work?" or "why it will work?" (or both). When you find it, it's up to you skills, persistence and desire (and often a good luck) when and how you will use it. Well, my "machine" works, but more like the one with the trade-mark "Made in Serbia" than those "Made in Germany" or "Made in Japan". You can hear some strange noises coming from it, as if some parts are scratching with each other (note the double threat). Anyway, I am sure that this problem was one of the stepping stones on the path to the perfect realizations by Mladenovic (also "Made in Serbia!", but this time with no flaws), Lobusov and few other masters. I like to think that (in addition to the ingenuity of Andresson & Ekstrom) at least a small part of my ingenuity is woven into these masterpieces.
(Read Only)pid=6272
(9) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Oct 25, 2010 21:34]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [10-10-25]

"well, in fact milan is the reason why matti myllyniemi became a grandmaster only now"

Is there some problem in communication? The words "ONLY now" seem to give a different meaning than intended.

Thanks for the write up on the pioneer complete Lacney problem. Very rarely do we get to read the thoughts that went into composing of such memorable problems. I wish more composers would find time to write about their favorite problems. Congratulations once again !
(Read Only)pid=6273
(10) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010 08:18]

yes, you are right, thanks.
this is how i remember the story: about a year ago, still missing less than one point to become a grandmaster, milan told me he had had a joint composition with matti, who was in a similar situation ("almost" a GM).
if that single problem would pass into the album, it would guarantee the title for both composers at once! now it did...
(milan: if i am wrong in some details, please correct me.)
(Read Only)pid=6275
(11) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010 09:06]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [10-10-26]

Steve has had this article about Matti Myllyniemi a while ago.

I still have the book here, Toteutuneita Oivalluksia, with permission to scan and spread it. Sadly I never got around to do that yet. If someone would do that, I can send the book.
However, not sure where I have the permission. Best is to ask for another one.
(Read Only)pid=6276
(12) Posted by Oliver Petrov [Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010 09:20]

Congratulations on the GM-title!
(Read Only)pid=6277
(13) Posted by shankar ram [Saturday, Nov 27, 2010 17:27]

Ahh! Milan's great 3x3 lacny 3-mover.

First saw it in the russian book shakmatnaya kompozitsiya in the early 80s.
Fell in love with it immediately.
Used to set it up by memory many times and play through it.
Of course, "imitation is the best form of flattery"! Used the same mechanism myself later in a retractor. Got a prize in problemist retros too!

His one more immortal cyclic problem is another 3-mover showing AB/BC/CA cyclic Zagoruyko, maybe also a first. All with quiet moves. And a wonderful mechanism.
Yet one more great 3-mover was the AB/BC/CA white move cycle in one phase changed to BA/CB/AC in the 2nd phase. Again a first.

Somebody please quote these here.

Grandmaster Milan. I salute you!
(Read Only)pid=6383
(14) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Saturday, Nov 27, 2010 19:10]

Milan Velimirović
1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1986
(= 13+12 )


1.Kg3? [2.Qe3+ dxe3 3.d4#]
1...g4 (a) 2.Re6+ (A) Rxe6 3.Sxg4# (B)
1...Rxd6 (b) 2.Sg4+ (B) fxg4 3.Qf4# (C)
1...f4+ (c) 2.Qxf4+ (C) Rxf4 3.Re6# (A)

1.Kf3! [2.Qe3+ dxe3 3.d4#]
1...g4+ (a) 2.Sg4+ (B) Rxg4 3.Re6# (A)
1...Rxd6 (b) 2.Qf4+ (C) gxf4 3.Sg4# (B)
1...f4 (c) 2.Re6+ (A) Rxe6 3.Qxf4# (C)

Amazing problem! What else to write! Congrats for Milan!
(Read Only)pid=6384
(15) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Sunday, Nov 28, 2010 16:15]

in my opinion, this is BY FAR the best orthodox threemover ever composed!
simply unbelievable that combination of such two complicated themes can be shown without fairy elements.
milan had written somewhere in mat plus that after composing this problem it took him seven years before he re-opened his chessbox again.
(for a year or so, i was thinking of starting a thread showing this problem. now it is already not necessary...)
(Read Only)pid=6386
(16) Posted by David Knezevic [Sunday, Nov 28, 2010 17:38]

Thank you all! With each your post I am blushing more and more. I don't dare to take a look at myself in the mirror because I'm afraid that instead of my face I would see a red ball on my shoulders :-)

It is wonderful to learn that there are people who enjoy so much even in such "scientific mambo-jumbos".

I beleive that the other problem mentioned by Shankar is this one:

Milan Velimirovic IV YU team match 1976-78
(= 11+14 )
#3 *v

*1... Rxb2,Qa1 2.Be6,c8=S
1.Bd6? (2.Qxf6+) Rxb2,Qa1 2.c8=S,Sf3, 1...Sd7!
1.Bf4! (2.Qxf6+) Rxb2,Qa1 2.Sf3,Be6

Since you've been so kind to me, I'll try to return the kindness with this "bonus Lacny", the one I really like:

Milan Velimirovic Ostroleka EU-PL 2009
(= 12+12 )

*1... Qh3,Rxh6,Sc4 2.Sxb6+,Sf6+,Se5+
1.Qg4! (2.Rf6+) Qh3,Rxh6,Sc4 2.Se5+,Sxb6+,Sf6+ (2... Rxg4 2.Sf7)

I know that my composing is not "artistic", whatever the meaning of this word may be, but it's difficult to think about art when your main concern is just to keep the problem alive. I hope that there is enough harmony (a helpmates theory describes this as "ODT") and beauty in this mechanism to make the wRa7 and wSh6 excusable.
(Read Only)pid=6387
(17) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Nov 29, 2010 11:14]

there is a wrong source given in post 14.
the right one should read "1st pr die schwalbe 1986".
misha, please correct.
(Read Only)pid=6395
(18) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Monday, Nov 29, 2010 17:56]; edited by Marjan Kovačević [10-11-29]

Let me add another brilliant #3, with a complex idea presented in a highly artistic manner:

Milan Velimirović
5. Pr. Die Schwalbe 1976
(= 9+8 )

1.Be6! (2.f6+ Qf5 3.Q:f5#)
1...Qh5 2.Sd2+ Ke3/K:e5 3.Sf1/Re4#
1...Qh4 2.Sb2+ Ke3/K:e5 3.S:d1/S:d3#
1...Qh3 2.S:d6+ Ke3/K:e5 3.Re4/Sf7#

There is an impressive duel between the WR-WS battery (all mates delivered by these two) vs. the BQ-BK defense, all over the W2 and W3 moves. Each variation is based on triple dual-avoidance by the mighty Queen, and the WS prevents duals on e4, using unblock of d6 and interference of a2-f2 line. The construction is surprisingly airy, and the key-threat mechanism - ingenious. Do note the battery could fire already in the first move of possible cooks, as well as in the second moves: 1.f6? Qf5! Now the BQ is pinned, and waiting to be unpinned after 2.Sb2?, 2.Sd2 Ke5!
(Read Only)pid=6396
(19) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Nov 29, 2010 19:42]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [10-11-29]

Ingenious dual avoidance and an In-built two-mover Zagorijko !
(Read Only)pid=6398
(20) Posted by Jean-Marc Loustau [Tuesday, Nov 30, 2010 11:20]

Well... Something is really missing: a book with all the Milan's works! I am waiting for such a book for several years!!!
Milan, please, write it!
(Read Only)pid=6399

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Milan the new grandmaster