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(1) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Wednesday, Dec 30, 2009 12:22]

Cyclone 2

as some readers might already noticed, Cyclone 2 will be published in 2010:
i would like to ask your help in certain details, which will be listed here.

question 1.
missing email addresses of the following composers? (this is kind of private information, so please do not post the addresses here, but rather email directly to me:
guida, grinblat, khramtsevich, davidenko, pankratiev, rudenko, argunov, chepizhny, giacobbe, goumondy, grolman, joffart, maleika, shanshin, shifrin, sick, skripnik, tribowski.
(Read Only)pid=4503
(2) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Feb 9, 2010 22:16]

many thanks to all the helpers so far, here we go with some additional questions:

1403 Variantim 40 (11.2005) p11
White : Ke8 Qf6 Ba1f1 Se5 Pe7b6c4h4d3
Black : Kd4 Bc1 Ph7a3c3g3
#3 (10+6)
what is the right postion? (the one that i am quoting here is unsound.)

Waldemar MAZUL
Problem-Forum No. 2, 2000
White : Ka7 Qd7 Rf1 Bh5 Sg6b5 Pg5f4d3h3
Black : Kf5 Qf2 Rf6e5 Bd2 Sg8h7 Pc7e6d4g3g2
#2 (10+12)
what is the right postion? (this one is unsound.)

Alessandro CUPPINI
80 Buletin Problemistic 7.-12.2003
White : Ka8 Qf4 Rc8e2 Bf8 Sa6d6 Pb5f5d2
Black : Kd5 Qg1 Rh6 Be7 Sg8b3 Pd7c6e3
#2 (10+9)
what is the right postion? (this one is unsound.)
(NOTICE – repeated as original in suomen shakki 7.-8.2003)

N. N.
B035 - not awarded threemover in the 8. wcct
#3 (9+8)
who is the author?
was it publised?
(i do not give the complete position here, as the wcct booklet is not considered publication.)

1st prize Suomen Shakki
White : Kb8 Qh1 Rb7 Bc8f6 Sc3 Pc7b6h6a5a3
Black : Kc5 Bd5 Sa8b2 Pf7c6a4c4e4e3
#3 (11+10)
what is the year of publication?

Vyacheslav KOPAEV
Telescacco 92
White : Ke7 Qf3 Rb7 Bb8g2 Se1 Pe5b4a3d2
Black : Kd4 Rb1c1 Ba1d1 Sc5e2 Pe6d5b2c2
#2 (10+11)
what is the year of publication?
(is it 1992 or is telescacco 92 a name of a magazine?)

where can be found the award of M. Segers-80 JT 1994-95?
was the miniature twomover by J. Valuska (g7/h5) awarded in it or not?

Sredba na solidarnosta (Meeting of Solidarity Ty) 1998-2000.
what was the deadline for entries? (at least a year, please.)

the „beginners tourney“ announced by PCCC, organized by former CCCP (results published in „shakhmatnaya kompozitsia“).
what was the deadline for entries?
(Read Only)pid=4733
(3) Posted by Paz Einat [Thursday, Feb 11, 2010 08:18]

I checked "2" by Grinblat. The position you mentioned is sound! The original position published in Variantim 40 (2005) lacked WPh4, and was unsound, but with this pawn the problem is fine
(Read Only)pid=4749
(4) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Thursday, Feb 11, 2010 08:36]; edited by Georgy Evseev [10-02-11]


Sorry, I did not answer by E-mail, hopefully, you are reading this.

1. Lev Grolman does not have E-mail address.

2. My problem with Spisska Borovicka theme from Pat-a-Mat is not Georgy Evseev & Lev Grolman, but Georgy Evseev & Valery Gurov. I had then sent two problems to the magazine at once and somehow they had been published with the same authors' names.
(Read Only)pid=4750
(5) Posted by Hannu Harkola [Thursday, Feb 11, 2010 16:09]

The announcement of the tourney for beginners is at I have never received or seen the results, can anybody help?
(Read Only)pid=4759
(6) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Thursday, Feb 11, 2010 16:41]

The award is published in Шахматная композиция №84 2008, pp40-49.
(Read Only)pid=4760
(7) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Friday, Feb 12, 2010 00:35]

Peter, forgive my ignorance... Is Cyclone 2 an addendum to Cyclone, or a new and expanded edition?
(Read Only)pid=4765
(8) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 00:09]

thanks again to everybody here, but also to henry and mirko for their direct emails.

ian: a good question! the scope of cyclone was first fifty years (the last one being 1999), while cyclone 2 will cover following ten years (2000-2009) plus some missing problems from the first period.

hannu: thanks for the link. maybe it would be nice to publish the award also on internet...

georgy: the mistake will be corrected.

paz (question 2): mea culpa. the wPh4 was my addition when testing... do you know about some correction of the original unsound position or may i use this one (with Ph4) as "author´s" new correction for the book? is it possible for you to ask the author?
(Read Only)pid=4773
(9) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 01:05]

Thanks Peter. A second question: Will Cyclone - your first book - still be available (or reprinted)?
(Read Only)pid=4775
(10) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2010 17:51]

ian: a second answer: yes, cyclone is still available.

to others. the following questions from my second post of this thread are still remaining unanswered:
5, 7, 8, 9. could somebody help?
(Read Only)pid=4798
(11) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2010 18:38]

#7: and (position 65, Aug-Sep 1998)
(Read Only)pid=4799
(12) Posted by Bojan Basic [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2010 22:19]

where can be found the award of M. Segers-80 JT 1994-95?
was the miniature twomover by J. Valuska (g7/h5) awarded in it or not?

This problem: looks like the one you described (however, the source is different).
(Read Only)pid=4802
(13) Posted by Luc Palmans [Tuesday, Feb 16, 2010 22:28]

The problem from Jan Valuska was indeed in the Marcel Segers 80 JT (1995). The problem received a 4th Hon. Ment. The judge was Barry Barnes. It was published in the magazine "L’Echiquier belge/Het Belgisch Schaakbord" number 529 (April 1995) and later in the book "Bekroonde problemen in L’Echiquier belge/Het Belgisch Schaakbord 1976-2000", pages 185-189.
There is no electronic format from the old magazine. I produced the book (which is sold out) in 2002 with the program PageMaker which I don’t use and have anymore. So I can’t produce a pdf-file from those pages. But I can give all the information about the problem.

White: Kg7, Qb8, Sd7, Se2, pawn h3 (5); Black Kh5, Ra8 (2)
a) diagram; b) Sd7=Sg1; c) Sg1=Sd4 and Qb8=Qh2
a) 1.Sf6+! 1…Kh4 2.Qg3, 1…Kg5 2.Qf4
b) 1.Sg3+! 1…Kh4 2.Qf4, 1…Kg5 2.Sf3
c) 1.Sf4+! 1…Kh4 2.Sf3, 1…Kg5 2.Qg3

The comment of the judge Barry Barnes:
The “demanding” achievement of a “cyclic Zagorujko” was seen more than 30 years ago without checking tries and key by E. Livshits (1962) and with checking tries and key by J.M. Rice (1961). Even with the expensive “twinning” of c), I think we should recognise a wonderful achievement here in Miniature!
(Read Only)pid=4803
(14) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Wednesday, Feb 17, 2010 00:17]

No. 9: Announcement in award of "Sredba na solidarnosta" 1995-1997 gives the closing date for the next tourney 30. 9. 1998.
(Read Only)pid=4807
(15) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010 19:49]

thanks to all the helpers, once again.
it seems that only the question 5 is remaining. maybe the team captains of the 8. wcct could help and indicate the country and author of B035. if unpublished, i would very much like to publish it as original in C2.

some additional questions:

11. what was the deadline for submissions in the tourney "sredba na solidarnosta" 2003-2005. (where in twomovers e. bourd won 2nd hm, judge was then v. sizonenko).

12. who knows the email address of andrey zhuravlev?

13. if the tourney award shows two years (e.g. 8. WCCT 2006-2008), what do those two years mean?
(just to remind: 8. wcct was announced in 2005, deadline for submissions was in 2007, and the final booklet was printed and distributed in 2009.) i am asking seriously, not just kidding...
(Read Only)pid=4853
(16) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010 20:07]

The deadline for the Sredba na Solidarnosta tourney was 1.10.2003, according to Ján Golha's site.
(Read Only)pid=4854
(17) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Friday, Mar 5, 2010 08:45]

The email address of Andrey Zhuravlev is _azur_[at] (yes, there are underscores in front and after "azur", obviously replace [at] with @).
(Read Only)pid=4924
(18) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Mar 8, 2010 15:51]

thanks (mainly but not only) to harry.

now we come to simple but repeated questions. if you know, please add the EXACT DATE to the following list.
(if published in magazine, then month and year of PUBLICATION will be printed, if participated in a tourney with deadline for submissions, then the DEADLINE day. of some problems also new version appeared. in such case i would like to print both: the original date plus date of the new version).

here is the list (note: a few problems of it do not show cyclone themes):
14: Ivan TOKAR, Evgeny BOGDANOV (after J. Retter), #2, , (b1/d5), 10+3, , Kineskop, 1968, correction Mat, 1974
15: Milan VELIMIROVIĆ, fairy #2, , (a6/d3), 10+3, , British Chess Magazine, 1969,
16: Miroslav STOŠIĆ, fairy #2, , (e6/e4), 6+2, 10th Place, TT Sinfonie Scacchistiche, 1969-70,
17: Lev LOSHINSKY, #3, , (h4/c6), 12+12, 1st Prize, H. Johner JT, 1970,
18: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #2, , (a8/e4), 12+8, , Bulletin of Central Chess Club, 1972,
19: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #2, , (a2/e4), 8+7, , Komsomolets Zaporozhya, 1972,
20: Michael KELLER, #2, , (h3/e4), 9+9, , Stella Polaris, 1972,
21: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #2, , (c4/a4), 8+2, , Hlas ľudu, 1973, version
22: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #2, 1135 (orig), (a8/d5), 5+2, , Mat, 1975, correction
23: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #3, 2673, (a8/c6), 14+10, 1st Prize, Mat, 1977, correction Robitnicha Tribuna, 2001
24: Andrei KHACHATUROV, #3, , (h1/c6), 11+5, 2nd Prize, Hungarian Chess Federation, 1977,
25: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #3, , (a8/c6), 13+11, 1st Prize, Mat, 1977, correction Robitnicha Tribuna, 2001
26: Fyodor DAVIDENKO, #3, , (e8/d5), 11+10, 2nd Prize, Bulletin of Central Chess Club, 1978,
27: Talip AMIROV, Sergei BURMISTROV, #2, , (g2/e5), 12+8, 1st Prize, Podolsky rabochy, 1981,
28: Vyacheslav PILCHENKO, Valery SHAVYRIN, #2, , (a7/f4), 8+8, , Šachové umění, 1983,
29: Roman FEDOROVICH, Evgeny BOGDANOV, #2, , (d8/d4), 10+12, Honourable Mention, Problemisten, 1985,
30: Stefano MARIANI, #3, , (f5/e3), 9+11, 1st Honourable Mention, L´Italia Scacchistica, 1987,
31: Andrei LOBUSOV, #3, , (e2/e4), 13+6, 2nd Prize, Revista Romana de Sah, 1987,
32: Zbigniew SZCZEP, H#2, , (c6/e6), 3+5, 3rd Honourable Mention, TT Lubliniec, 1988,
33: Alessandro FASANO, #2, , (b7/d4), 11+10, , Scacco!, 1991,
34: Anatoly EPIFANOV, #2, , (e8/e6), 8+11, 3rd Prize, Vecherny Peterburg, 1992,
35: Alessandro FASANO, #2, 8014, (f8/d4), 13+9, 3rd Honourable Mention, L´Italia Scacchistica, 1995, version
36: Oscar BONIVENTO, Alessandro FASANO, #3, 7984, (e8/e5), 13+13, 1st Prize, L´Italia Scacchistica, 1995, version
37: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #5, , (g8/d1), 3+3, , Slovo, 1995,
38: Nikolai ZHARKOV, Ivan STOROZHENKO, #4, , (d1/f4), 12+11, 2nd Honourable Mention, Probleemblad, 1996,
39: Evgeny BOGDANOV, #2, , (f8/c4), 9+8, 1st Honourable Mention, Dielo, 1998,
40: Mihailo STOJNIĆ, #3, , (g1/d4), 12+8, 2nd Place, Liga Problemista, 1998,
41: Miroslav BRADA, fairy #2, , (h7/d6), 10+8, , Variant Chess, 1998, correction
42: Mihajlo MILANOVIĆ, #2, , (h6/e5), 13+6, 2nd Prize, Yugoslav Championship, 1999,
43: Anatoly SLESARENKO, #2, , (c7/d4), 13+4, 2nd Honourable Mention, Shakhmatnaya kompositsiya, 2000,
44: Giuseppe SARDELLA, Oscar BONIVENTO, #2, 8424, (a8/e4), 14+9, , L´Italia Scacchistica, 2000,
45: Mihailo STOJNIĆ, #2, , (a2/d6), 11+9, Honourable Mention, Schach-Aktiv, 2000,
46: Aleksandr PANKRATEV, #2, , (h6/e6), 8+11, , Jornal do Solucionismo, 2000,
47: Mircea MANOLESCU, #3, , (h7/e4), 10+9, 2nd Honourable Mention, V. Nestorescu-70 JT, 2000,
48: Viktor KAPUSTA, #3, , (a3/e4), 12+6, 1st Place, 11. Ukrainian Team Championship, 2000-01,
49: Reto ASCHWANDEN, fairy #2, 1329, (a4/g4), 15+17, 1st Prize, idee & form, 2000-01,
50: Aaron HIRSCHENSON, #2, 1186, (h8/g2), 9+9, , Zadachi i etyudy, 2001,
51: Miodrag MLADENOVIĆ, #2, , (b7/d5), 9+10, 3rd Honourable Mention, Yugoslav Championship, 2001,
52: Yuri VAKHLAKOV, #2, , (b1/e4), 9+10, , Zadachi i etyudy, 2001,
53: Mihailo STOJNIĆ, #2, , (a8/c5), 9+8, 2nd Honourable Mention, Yugoslav Championship, 2001,
54: Michael BARTH, #2, , (h6/c5), 8+10, 4th Commendation, Schach-Aktiv, 2001,
55: Mircea MANOLESCU, #3, , (b4/d4), 9+10, 1st Prize, R. Dragoescu MT, 2001,
56: Martin WESSELS, #3, 11062, (h8/e5), 9+8, 1st Prize, Die Schwalbe, 2001,
57: Michel CAILLAUD, fairy #2, , (b2/c6), 6+6, Prize, Messigny, 2001,
58: Evgeny BOGDANOV, fairy #2, 2439, (d5/d2), 5+2, Special Prize, Robitnicha tribuna, 2001,
59: Emil KLEMANIČ, fairy #2, , (a6/c5), 9+15, Prize, Mat-64, 2002,
60: Michael BARTH, fairy #2, , (f8/c2), 10+6, , harmonie, 2002, version
61: Nikolai ARGUNOV, #2, , (a7/d4), 12+8, 2nd Honourable Mention, Wola Gulowska, 2003,
62: Marjan KOVAČEVIĆ, #2, , (a8/e3), 11+8, 3rd Honourable Mention, Moscow Congress Tourney, 2003,
63: Valery SHAVYRIN, #4, , (g6/e4), 11+12, , Moscow Open Tourney, 2003,
64: Evgeny BOGDANOV, fairy #2, , (c4/a4), 6+2, , RT-Reklama, 2003,
65: Daniel PAPACK, fairy #2, 900, (g8/e5), 13+12, 7th Prize, harmonie, 2003,
66: Jean-Marc LOUSTAU, fairy #2, 956, (h3/e8), 11+12, 4th Prize, harmonie, 2003,
67: Vasil DYACHUK, fairy #2, 2535, (/b5), 9+6, 4th Prize, Uralsky problemist, 2003,
68: Evgeny BOGDANOV, fairy #2, , (b5/e5), 5+2, , RT-Reklama, 2003,
69: Evgeni BOURD, S#2, , (h1/f1), 10+7, , Mystetski shakhmaty, 2003,
70: Miroslav SUBOTIĆ, #2, , (e6/c4), 8+5, 2nd-3rd Prize, Serbian Championship, 2003-06,
71: Vasil MARKOVTSY, #2, 0255, (a2/f5), 9+8, 2nd Honourable Mention, Problem-Forum, 2004,
72: Vasil DYACHUK, fairy #2, 3379, (c4/e5), 12+5, 1st Prize, Shakhmatnaya kompositsiya, 2004,
73: Aleksandr BULAVKA, fairy #2, , (h7/f5), 14+15, 4th Prize, The Problemist, 2004,
74: Anatoly SLESARENKO, #2, , (b1/d5), 13+8, 4th Prize, Shakhmatnoe obozrenie-64, 2005,
75: Vasil DYACHUK, fairy #2, , (/f5), 14+13, 1st Prize, V. Nebotov-70 JT, 2005,
76: Reto ASCHWANDEN, Jean-Marc LOUSTAU, fairy #2, 12354, (e4/b1), 11+13, 2nd-5th Honourable Mention, Die Schwalbe, 2005,
77: Arno TÜNGLER, R#2, 12493, (c5/h6), 11+11, 2nd-5th Prize, Die Schwalbe, 2005,
78: Václav KOTĚŠOVEC, fairy #2, 4235, (b7/g5), 15+12, Prize, Uralsky problemist, 2006,
79: Vyacheslav VLADIMIROV, Anatoly OSHEVNEV, Antonio GAROFALO, #2, 2088, (f1/d4), 12+10, , Best Problems, 2008,
80: Waldemar TURA, fairy #2, 1458, (h7/d4), 11+9, , Šachmatija, 2008,
(Read Only)pid=4959
(19) Posted by Rauf Aliovsadzade [Tuesday, Mar 9, 2010 00:50]

N.Argunov from Barnaul ,Russia, passed away several years ago...
(Read Only)pid=4966
(20) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Sunday, Mar 14, 2010 11:06]

51&53 deadline 28.02.2001.
(Read Only)pid=5002

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