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MatPlus.Net Forum General IWFCC - real or fake federation?
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(1) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Friday, Aug 2, 2024 23:44]

IWFCC - real or fake federation?

International Women's Federation of Chess Composition (IWFCC) organizes the 1st World Women's Chess Solving Championship in Tula (Russia):
The website does not contain information about the founders, members and official persons of this federation. Does anyone know this federation or is it a fake organization?
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(2) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Saturday, Aug 3, 2024 08:59]

This is a fake organization and a championship.
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(3) Post removed [posted on Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 13:20]

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(4) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 20:59]

Dear Mr. Afromeev.

Calling the speaker a liar and similar epithets without any evidence is one of the worst possible introductions to a post in which you would like to credibly explain the details of your organization. It doesn't exactly give other words the credit they need. (It wouldn't help anyway, as will soon become apparent.)

As for the organization itself, you have said practically nothing relevant, just painted expectations. For any activity related to chess composition at the international level, I would expect the organizers to at least coordinate with the long-established WFCC (formerly PCCC).

I took the trouble to have a quick look at the said page. I have to say that I was particularly struck by the fact that all planned solving tournaments from the first half of 2024 were to be organized only in Tula. This essentially disqualifies your organization from being eligible to refer to itself as international. You might as well call it Universal (which would include Sirius and the surrounding stars), it wouldn't change the fact that it's basically a Tula organization (if at all).

I won't waste any more words, I'll just conclude that, in my opinion, this is a classic example of a fake organization pretending to be something it's not.
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(5) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Friday, Sep 6, 2024 23:13]

> I would expect the organizers to at least coordinate with the long-established WFCC (formerly PCCC).

In all fairness, it has to be said that Mr. Afromeev has tried to do exactly that. See item 1.8.10 in the Batumi 2023 WFCC minutes.

I agree with the rest of your post.
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(6) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 02:21]

I agree with the posts of A.Selivanov and J.Lorinc.

> Up to 30 countries are expected to participate. (V.Afromeev)
I didn't even count 20 countries.
More than half of the participants are from Russia.
Thailand, Tanzania, Peru, Uganda, Vietnam, Ethiopia, ...
It seems that not only the organization is fake, not only the championship is fake, but also the participants are fake. I don't know if they have participated in any official tournament at least once, or if they are really delegated by their countries and have the authority to establish an international organization.

It seems that the organizers borrowed the idea from a well-known Russian novel The Twelve Chairs (1928) by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov.
Here is an excerpt from the novel, in which con man Ostap Bender transforms a little backwaters town Vasiuki into the chess capital of the universe.
(Translation from


"Chess!" Ostap said. "Do you know what chess is? It advances not only culture, but the economy, too! Do you know that your Four Knights Chess Club, under the right circumstances, could completely transform the city of Vasiuki?"

Ostap had eaten nothing since yesterday. Therefore, the elegance of his speech was extraordinary.

"Yes!" he shouted. "Chess enriches the nation! If you agree to my proposal, you'll have a marble staircase descending from the city to the pier! Vasiuki will become the center of ten provinces! What had you previously heard about the town of Zimmering? Nothing! But now, this little burg is rich and famous only because it hosted an international tournament. Therefore, I say: we must organize an international chess tournament in Vasiuki."

"How?" everyone shouted.

"It's a completely realistic idea," answered the grandmaster. "My personal connections and your initiative are all that's needed to ensure the organization of the international Vasiuki tournament. Think how beautiful it will sound: "The International Vasiuki Tournament for 1927". The attendance of Jose Raul Capablanca, Emanuel Lasker, Alekhine, Nimtzovitz, Reti, Rubenstein, Marotsi, Tarrasch, Widmar, and Doctor Grigoriev is assured. Moreover, my participation is assured."
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(7) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 02:33]

"But, money," the locals groaned. "You have to pay all of them money. Thousands of rubles. Where can we get it?"

"Everything will be taken care of, like in a great hurricane," said O. Bender. "We'll take up a collection."

"Who in Vasiuki is gonna give you such insane amounts of money?"

"What do you mean Vasiuki? The people of Vasiuki won't give any money. They will collect the money. It's really very simple. A tournament with the participation of such world-class masters is sure to attract chess lovers from around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people--wealthy people--will rush to Vasiuki. In the first place, river transport will not be able to carry such a large number of passengers. Therefore, the Transportation Ministry will build a railroad line between Moscow and Vasiuki. That's number one. Two: hotels and skyscrapers to house all these guests. Three: improvement of agriculture in a 1,000- kilometer radius. The guests will have to be provided with vegetables, fruits, caviar, chocolates. The palace in which the tournament will be played, that's number four. Five: construction of garages for the guests' cars. In order to broadcast the results of such a sensational tournament, they'll have to build a superpowerful radio station--that's number six. Now, concerning the Moscow-Vasiuki railroad line. Undoubtedly, such a line will not have the capacity to convey to Vasiuki all those desiring to come. From this will result the "Greater Vasiuki" airport--regular flights of airplanes and dirigibles to all corners of the world, including Los Angeles and Melbourne."

Dazzling prospectives opened up in front of the Vasiuki amateurs.

The size of the room widened. The rotten walls of the stud farm building fell away, and in its place arose a glass, 33-story palace of chess thought, towering into the blue sky. In each of its halls, in every room, even in the elevators, speeding by like bullets, people, deep in thought, sat playing chess on instructional gameboards made of malachite.

Marble staircases descended to the blue Volga. Ocean liners sat on the river. Cable cars carried up into the city fat-faced foreigners, chess ladies, Australian adherents of the Indian Defense, Indians in white turbans, supporters of the Ruy Lopez game, Germans, Frenchmen, New Zealanders, inhabitants of the Amazon River basin, and--envying the Vasiukites--people from Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Siberia, and Odessa.

An endless stream of cars flowed past the marble hotels. And then, everything stopped. From the fashionable hotel "Passed Pawn" emerged the world champion, Jose Raul Capablanca. Women surrounded him. A policeman dressed in a special chess uniform (checked riding breeches and bishops on the lapels) politely saluted. With great dignity, the one-eyed chairman of the Vasiuki "Four Knights Club" stepped up to the world champion.

The conversation of these two luminaries, conducted in English, was interrupted by the arrival of a plane bearing Dr. Grigoriev and the future world champion, Alekhine.

Shouts of greeting shook the city. Jose Raul Capablanca frowned. The one-eyed one, with a wave of his hand, caused a marble staircase to be rolled up to the airplane. Dr. Grigoriev ran down the steps, waving his new hat in greeting and commenting on a possible error by Capablanca in his upcoming match with Alekhine.
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(8) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 02:40]

Suddenly, on the horizon appeared a black dot. It quickly approached and grew in size, turning into a large, emerald-green parachute. Like a large radish, a man with a suitcase was dangling from the parachute.

"It's him!" shouted the one-eyed one. "Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah! I recognize the great chess philosopher Lasker. He's the only one in the whole world who wears such green socks."

Jose Raul Capablanca again frowned.

The marble staircase was quickly put under Lasker and the bold ex-champion, blowing away some dust which had settled on his left sleeve during his flight over Silesia, fell into the embrace of the one-eyed one. The one-eyed one took Lasker by the waist, lead him up to the champion, and said:

"Make peace with one another! I beg you, in the name of the great Vasiuki masses! Make peace!"

Jose Raul audibly sighed and, shaking the hand of the old veteran, said:

"I have always admired your idea in the Ruy Lopez game of moving the bishop from b5 to c4."

"Hoorah!" exclaimed the one-eyed one. "Simple and decisive, in the style of a champion!"

The large, unimaginable crowd took up the cheer.

"Hoorah! Vivat! Banzai! Simple and decisive, in the style of a champion!!!"

Express trains rolled up to the 12 Vasiuki train stations, disgorging more and more crowds of chess lovers.

The sky was starting to blaze with flashing advertisements when a white horse was led along the streets of the city. This was the only horse remaining after the mechanization of Vasiuki's transport. By special declaration it was renamed a knight, even though for its whole life it had been called a filly. Chess worshippers greeted the horse, waving palm branches and chess boards.

"Don't worry," said Ostap, "my plan guarantees your city an unheard of blossoming of industrial strength. Think of what it will be like when the tournament is over and all the guests leave. The residents of Moscow, squeezed by the housing crisis, will rush to your excellent town. The capital will automatically be transferred to Vasiuki. The government will come here. Vasiuki will be renamed New Moscow, and Moscow will be renamed Old Vasiuki. People from Leningrad and Kharkov will grind their teeth, but there's nothing they can do about it. New Moscow will become the most elegant center of Europe, and soon, of the entire world."
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(9) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 02:47]

"Of the entire world!!!" the stunned Vasiukites started to stammer.

"Yes! And then, of the universe. Chess thought, turning a provincial town into the capital of the planet, shall turn into applied science and create the methods of interplanetary communication. From Vasiuki signals will be sent to Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. Communication with Venus will become as simple as a trip from Rybinsk to Yaroslav. And then, who knows, maybe, after eight o so years, Vasiuki will host the first in the history of the universe interplanetary chess congress!"

Complete novel:
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(10) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 07:43]


You wrote

I enjoyed reading this chapter. Greatl novel and one of the best posts I read recently!
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MatPlus.Net Forum General IWFCC - real or fake federation?