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MatPlus.Net Forum General The Hopper magazine
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(1) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Monday, Dec 6, 2021 16:39]

The Hopper magazine

Hope this is the right place to announce a new magazine. With James Quah curating a solving set every issue, me trying to corral a bunch of original articles, and Anirudh Daga providing stunning leadership, chess, tech & graphics skills, this should be a great new arrival on the scene. Well at least it will keep the 3 of us very busy. Please participate by sending your compositions, articles etc to Please send by 18 Dec 2021 if you want them in the December 2021 issue. Thanks so much!
(Read Only)pid=21892
(2) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Friday, Dec 24, 2021 16:34]

Well amazingly one month after it was conceived, The Hopper magazine exists:

There's still a couple of items to be added, but the current tally is 55 originals from 35 composers across 22 countries and 4 continents. Japan leads with 6 composers, followed by Germany with 5. Thanks to all who have participated.

We hope this can entertain you over the holiday period.

Merry Christmas!
Andrew, Anirudh & James
(Read Only)pid=21988
(3) Posted by Olaf Jenkner [Saturday, Dec 25, 2021 23:40]

The s#70 is cooked in 13:

1.Sf6xd7 Bb6-b5 2.Se4-f6 Bf4-f3 3.Tg2-h2 Kh6-g5 4.Th2-h5 Kg5-f4 5.Be2-e4 Bb5-b4 6.Th5-h4 Kf4-g5 7.Th4-g4 Kg5-h6 8.Sd7-c5 Ba7-a5 9.Sc5xb7 Ba5-a4 10.Sb7-a5 Ba4-a3 11.Bd6-d7 Bb4-b3 12.d7-d8S Bb3-b2 13.Sd8-b7 Sb1-d2/Sb1-c3#

Reminds me of
(Read Only)pid=21996
(4) Posted by Peter Wong [Sunday, Dec 26, 2021 01:40]

Excellent magazine and "well done" to the team! The YouTube video, featuring a very articulate Anirudh, can serve as a great intro to chess problems in general, not just to the magazine!
(Read Only)pid=21997
(5) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Sunday, Dec 26, 2021 06:34]

Hi Olaf & Peter,

Thank you both!

If you discover a cook, please also comment directly in The Hopper thread for that problem. We've set up, as best we can, a secure and simple mechanism for user input. This will help us track cooks, and also we can begin to build a sense of community. Or email us at the main address, if you prefer.

All error reports, whether they be cooks or IT issues or typos, are logged for handling. We don't have a solving ladder, but we do have an error-reporting ladder, and we will give prizes at some point for whoever has the highest subjective score. (This site is work in progress, and if you find something which says e.g. "We will define this term later." then that doesn't count as an error!)

"A month or so" after online publication, we will generate a pdf which reprints everything: as best we can the correct version, solution and edited comments. This way future generations have an authoritative source. Having spent some time trying to fix "cooked" old retros in PDB, it made me sad that we composers can be outlived by our typos, which render some compositions unintelligible.

Long s# are not my forte. We as a team need to purchase Gustav, a tool I much respect.

for The Hopper
(Read Only)pid=21999
(6) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Friday, Dec 31, 2021 22:17]

This was certainly one of the 2021 highlights for me.
A small but mighty team created so much of fresh air,
and the youngest ever editor brought chess composition closer to the IT potentials of his era.
Congratulations to all of you!!
(Read Only)pid=22038
(7) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Friday, Feb 18, 2022 03:53]

3 great retro problems, solved in real time by Anirudh Daga:

Please like and subscribe!
(Read Only)pid=22322
(8) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Monday, May 9, 2022 20:43]

The Hopper magazine:
James Quah, Anirudh Daga & myself are eager to publish Issue 2 of The Hopper Magazine. We had hoped to publish earlier, but this proved impractical. Please participate by sending your compositions, articles etc to As before, all genres are accepted - looking for problems which admit human solution. Please send by 18 May 2022 if you want them in the May 2022 issue. Those who have already submitted content we will be contacting separately. Thanks so much!
(Read Only)pid=23217
(9) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Sunday, Jun 26, 2022 07:32]

Issue 2 of The Hopper Magazine is now published hurray! :)

Please rush calmly to

Comments & feedback very welcome.

Thanks to all who have contributed.

All the best,
Anirudh, James & Andrew
(Read Only)pid=23402
(10) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Friday, Nov 25, 2022 15:26]

We are ecstatic to announce Hopper's third issue this year. If you are keen to participate, do send your entries to '' by 10 December 2022.

Looking forward to seeing your composing ideas revealed!


Team Hopper
(Read Only)pid=24154
(11) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Saturday, Dec 31, 2022 15:11]

Dear chess friends,

We are very happy to announce that Issue 3 has just appeared, hurray!

And we also have a Theme Tourney which we are running - check it out here -

Thanks to all for have contributed! Comments & feedback welcome.

Happy New Year!

All the best
Anirudh, James & Andrew
(Read Only)pid=24231
(12) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Sunday, Jun 25, 2023 15:55]

Dear Chess Friends,

In The Hopper Magazine we are planning informal tourneys for original problems published in the magazine. Currently, we think there should be 4 broad categories: orthodox forward, fairy forward, orthodox retro, fairy retro. Judges will have the autonomy to subdivide any category as they deem fit into genres or sub-genres. The normal span will be two years, but since the first issue was end 2021, our first tourney will cover issues 1-5, i.e. 2021-2023. Apart from certificates, we also intend to offer prizes for prize problems. Anyone who would like to volunteer as a judge is welcome to approach us. (Clearly, any compositions submitted by a judge for the same category would not be eligible for an award.)

We plan to publish The Hopper Magazine (issue 4) in the next couple of weeks. Any final, final entries should be sent us by Sun-2-Jul-2023 please.
(Read Only)pid=24860
(13) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Thursday, Jul 13, 2023 17:43]

Dear chess friends,

We are very happy to announce that Issue 4 has just appeared, hurray!

Thanks to all for have contributed! Comments & feedback welcome.

All the best
Anirudh, James & Andrew
(Read Only)pid=24911
(14) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Sunday, Dec 24, 2023 07:55]

Dear chess friends,

The end of the year is here again, and with it Issue 5, hurray!

It includes a special chess joke gallery for relaxation after seasonal feasts.

Thanks to all for have contributed! Comments & feedback welcome.

All the best
Anirudh, James & Andrew
(Read Only)pid=25625
(15) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Dec 31, 2023 21:10]

In this issue of The Hopper, a little problem of mine is published, this h#2, two solutions:
(= 7+13 )

1.Sxe2 Kc2 (Kxd2?) 2.Sd4+ exd4#(cxd4?)
1.Sxf5 Kxd2 (Kc2?) 2.Sd4 cxd4# (exd4?)
In fact, this a remake of an old Félix Sonnenfeld's problem, published in Shahmat, 1979, which is not in the Databases, maybe because it was cooked. I came across it when leafing through old bulletins from the Brazilian Union of Problemistas, and I thought it was worth giving it a new, corrected look. Fortunately, the editors of The Hopper thought the same, and I am grateful to them!
It well illustrates one of Sonnenfeld's favorite thematic conceptions, in which a move that constitutes a try in one phase appears as the right move in the other phase. Here, the theme appears in duplicate form.
The always missed Félix Sonnenfeld left us three decades ago.
(Read Only)pid=25653
(16) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Jan 1, 2024 05:26]

Excellent dual avoidance play creatrd by the W1 tempo moves! Top class
(Read Only)pid=25654
(17) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Monday, Jan 1, 2024 10:13]

In fact, this a remake of an old Félix Sonnenfeld's problem, published in Shahmat, 1979, which is not in the Databases, maybe because it was cooked. I came across it when leafing through old bulletins from the Brazilian Union of Problemistas, and I thought it was worth giving it a new, corrected look.

Sonnenfeld's cooked composition is included in WinChloe, it is ID 826825.
(Read Only)pid=25655
(18) Posted by Marcos Roland [Wednesday, Jan 3, 2024 04:18]

Thank you, Harry, for the information. I don't use WinChloe, I didn't know Félix problem was included there.
(Read Only)pid=25658
(19) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Saturday, May 25, 2024 13:25]

Issue 6 of has just appeared including the judgements for orthodox & fairy informal tourneys from Issues 1-3. We hope to have issue 7 out by the end of August or beginning of September. Please enjoy the feast of originals!
(Read Only)pid=25983

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MatPlus.Net Forum General The Hopper magazine