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MatPlus.Net Forum General Neostrategic Themes in FIDE Albums
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(1) Posted by Bedrich Formánek [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 15:11]

Neostrategic Themes in FIDE Albums

Bedrich Formánek & Juraj Brabec (Bratislava, Slovakia)
It is a well known fact that, in comments on neostrategic twomovers in FIDE Albums, trivial terminology, i.e. terminology that is not based on the nature of the phenomenon but on other facts, is used almost exclusively (the word trivial has no derogatory meaning here). Until the volume for 1980-1982 (which was published in 1988), names of themes were not mentioned and compositions were accompanied only by brief solutions. It happened in this FIDE Album that a register of themes appeared for the first time, which briefly recorded the names of the themes in the published compositions, the compiler of the register being Hemmo Axt. In the following Album 1983-1985 (the last one to be published in Zagreb, Yugoslavia), a register of themes was also given, but without the name of its compiler.
A qualitative change has taken place since 1995, when the Albums began to be published in Aachen (Germany), and in the edition 1986-1988 contained the trivial names of the themes given after each solution. But the biggest surprise to us was the fact that neostrategic tables were used to clarify some of the themes, especially for twomovers, threemovers and fairy (exo) compositions. However, neither the author of the comments on the solutions nor the author of the tables was mentioned. In the next Album (1989-1991) another surprise awaited us - the definition of the symbol Z-kl-mn. Unfortunately, it was not quite correct (and in addition, many Z-symbols for specific compositions were explicitly wrong), but in this form it then appeared together with neostrategic tables until 2013, when the FIDE Album 2004-2006 was published and when publishing was moved to Bratislava (Slovakia). But from the next edition (2007-2009) until today, the use of the Z-system, its definition as well as the neostrategic tables from the FIDE Albums have all disappeared and the old trivial names of themes have reappeared. This is a backward step...
At the same time, Albums from this period have also used other trivial names that were not approved by anyone, and some of them have no historical justification. This is a pity, because the Z-system is really the first attempt to introduce systematic terminology and, although it concerns only a limited group of compositions (neostrategic twomovers with change of variations), it expresses their thematic content in a clear and simple way.
We would like to remind readers that the above-mentioned Z-system was published for the first time in the article B. Formánek: „Die Systematik der Wechselzweizüger“, Problem, April 1964, and later, slowly but surely, its use began to gain ground, and it seemed that it would be permanently anchored in FIDE Albums. Several articles have been written in support of it (e.g. J. Brabec: „Konečne“, PAT A MAT 76, September 2011, in Slovak; J. Brabec: „О задачах с переменой игры“, Задачи и этюды, №39, 2006, in Russian, etc.).
It is undisputed that the description of themes by means of that system is much more precise than by means of trivial names, not to mention that precise definitions of themes like Ruchlis or Zagoruiko do not even exist, and moreover that naming them after authors who really did not discover them is not justified.
But there are two other points we must not forget. The development of neostrategic twomovers has reached a stage in which there is an increasing emphasis on the changes of functions of moves, which the Z-system does not include. And theoretical research improved until it resulted in a proposal for the so-called MOV system, developed for changes of variations, and PAD, for move-function changes. Both systems are undoubtedly the most accurate. They are based on the essence of the neostrategic school, i.e. the difference between two or more phases, on this principle determining the basic thematic elements and defining the themes through their mutual combinations. For those who want to become acquainted in more detail with this we recommend especially the book J. Brabec: „Za všetkým hľadaj motív“ (Bratislava, 2018, in Slovak), or by the same author: «Как рождалась новостратегическая школа» (Poltava, 2021, in Russian).
But let's go back to FIDE Albums. Neostrategic tables and Z-symbols are no longer used in the Albums, and instead they contain something like brief thematic contents of each solution. Then a „Theme index“ after each section is given and a chapter „Theme definitions“ is added at the end. But we have to say that this chapter contains only attempts to create the definitions. Perfect definitions of themes should look different.
It is understandable that trivial terminology in neostrategic twomovers is so common that its replacement by systematic terminology (as is common in scientific disciplines) would be difficult. However, we want to express the belief that in representative selections of the best compositions, such as FIDE Albums are, the corresponding terminology resulting from the neostrategic nature of the themes should be used at least in addition to the usual trivial terms.
(Read Only)pid=22380
(2) Posted by Frank Richter [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 22:03]

J. Brabec, Bratislava, 1918 ??
(Read Only)pid=22382
(3) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 22:42]

Of course 2018 :)

Review here:
(Read Only)pid=22383
(4) Posted by Bedrich Formánek [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 23:53]

Thanks, now it is OK.
(Read Only)pid=22384

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Neostrategic Themes in FIDE Albums