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(121) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Apr 10, 2009 17:22]

Well, my point was that they did not meet in person. They worked remotely. If it's OK for them why it's not OK for other some other delegates. It looks like there is a double standard. Sometimes it's OK to work like that and sometimes it's not OK to work like that. In my opinion that's wrong. If in Netherland they said it's wrong to have proxy delegates from some eastern european countries. So, at the time decision was made that only present delegates can vote. Now it looks like it's not important anymore. That does not make any sense.

Also, I do not think that presidium can decide about changing the name of the organization without inputs by other PCCC delegates. It would be the same as if some president change the country name without asking congress or senat. It simply does not make any sense to me and there is no justification for decision like this at all.
(Read Only)pid=3461
(122) Posted by Vladimir Tyapkin [Friday, Apr 10, 2009 17:47]

They met in Bratislava at the end of March, did not they?

I don't see any violation of PCCC statute. Proxy voting is not allowed and John Rice rightly decided to not count their votes. This case is completely different. In between the Congresses, PCCC Presidium make all important decisions, remotely or not.

Since Uri has support of previous Presidents, the decisions made are most likely valid and have a good chance of support from other delegates in Brazil.

I personally don't like the name as well. It reminds me some kind of "worker's" union. I think the name could be changed if a lot of people are not happy with it.
(Read Only)pid=3462
(123) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Apr 11, 2009 10:01]

I got information now there's no way to make an impeachment against Avner and Ilyumzhinov.
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(124) Posted by Alexander Leontyev [Monday, Jul 20, 2009 17:31]; edited by Alexander Leontyev [09-07-20]

FIDE - 85 today
"In 1924, on the initiative of the French Chess Federation, invitations were sent to all national chess federations inviting them to attend a Congress in Paris to discuss the founding of an International Chess Federation. Following two days of meetings, on July 20th 1924 representatives from fifteen countries signed the declaration to form FIDE.
The original signatories were mainly European but today FIDE has 166 member federations in all Continents."
Похоже, что проблемисты не собираются создавать официально зарегистрированную организацию тем же нормальным способом, каким было создано в 1924 году ФИДЕ. Как я понимаю, группа лиц, бывших делегатами в ПССС, соберутся в Рио-де-Жанейро, придумают себе новое название, и некий союз проблемистов будет существовать лишь в виде виртуального мыльного пузыря.
As I see, problemists are not going to create officially registered organization by the same normal way as FIDE has been created in 1924. As I see, group of the persons, that were delegates in PCCC, will gather together in Rio de Janeiro, will think up to themselves the new name, and a certain union of problemists will exist only in the form of a virtual soap bubble.
(Read Only)pid=3984
(125) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Jul 20, 2009 20:37]

Just as I said, we don't need the FIDE anymore. We should found a new organisation without them, and I'm sure many people would join us! The only issue might be to get enough money...
(Read Only)pid=3986
(126) Posted by Sergiy Didukh [Tuesday, Jul 21, 2009 10:20]

Siegfried, who is we? Do you know any composers who are against FIDE?
Maybe anyone from the FSU lands is for a new independent organisation? Hard to believe.
Nostradamus said that chess composers will split into two groups after the congress in Brasil.
But the good news is one of these organisations will be official, recognised by FIDE and chess community.
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MatPlus.Net Forum General PCCC is no more a part of FIDE