
 Website founded by
Milan Velimirović
in 2006

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ISC 2024



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This is the Home Page of magazines
Mat Plus and Mat Plus Review

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Monday, Sep 16, 2024 22:57

Technical Excellence Challenge – 3

The MAT PLUS website announces a new challenge tournament

The Third MatPlus TEC is:

Ser-s# Triple Excelsior with any of 64 possible combinations of promotions in the least number of moves.

Closing date: 31. May 2025

See Original... in the menu on the left

Sunday, Aug 4, 2024 09:24

Technical Excellence Challenge – 2

Ser-= Triple Excelsior with any of 64 possible combinations of promotions in the least number of moves.

Final Results
Monday, Jan 22, 2024 08:35

ISC 2024

20th International Solving Contest 21-JAN-2024

The Final Results and all problems of all three categories You can see by clicking on the    ISC 2024  icon (on the left).

Sunday, Dec 24, 2023 21:01

Technical Excellence Challenge 2

The site MAT PLUS continues with the challenge tournaments

The Second MatPlus TEC is:

Ser-= Triple Excelsior with any of 64 possible combinations of promotions in the least number of moves.

Closing date: 30. June 2024

See Original... in the menu on the left

Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 10:38

Milan Velimirović

On February 25 ten years ago WFCC lost one of its greatest and most popular personalities, Milan Velimirović.

A Grandmaster in Composing and Solving, he was also a writer and editor whose huge project Mat Plus still lives along with his writings and compositions.

Milan was born and lived in Serbia, where he started composing, solving and editing already as a teenager.
At 22 he became the main editor of the chess problem magazine MAT. There, his expert articles and analyzes largely contributed to the sudden rise of the Serbian chess composition.

20 years later, he founded the outstanding magazine Mat Plus (in English) and started several projects under the same name, including softwares Mat Plus Librarian
and Machine Gun (for quick solving competitions). The unique Mat Plus Website (since 2006) keeps entertaining chess problemists, now under the supervision of Borislav Gadjanski.

With philanthropic approach to composition and composers, Milan was the heart of each party. He was performing duties of the judge in composing and in solving, too.

The two-mover above he composed for participants of the European Chess Solving Championship 2008.

As a chess composer Velimirović was oriented to the highly complex and demanding thematic combinations.
Such is the following cyclic change of continuations commented by another great composer Jacques Rotenberg, in English and in French.

Milan’s last book, written with the Finnish composer Kari Valtonen, was Encyclopedia of Chess Problems: Themes and Terms (Chess Informant, 2012).

Sunday, Jan 22, 2023 13:58

ISC 2023

19th International Solving Contest 29-JAN-2023

The Final Results and all problems of all three categories You can see by clicking on the    ISC 2023  icon (on the left).
Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022 17:48

64th WCCC - 5DT

An announcement for a 5 - days composing tournament was published on the Congress website.

Original problems are submitted via the MatPlus website!
Saturday, Aug 20, 2022 23:39

Technical Excellence Challenge

The site MAT PLUS continues with the challenge tournaments started in the magazine Strate Gems, since, unfortunately, that respectable magazine with the 100th issue stops being published.

The First MatPlus TEC is:

Ser-h= Mixed AUW with the least number of moves

Closing date: 1st December 2022

See Original in the menu on the left

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022 09:23

ISC 2022

18th International Solving Contest 23-JAN-2022

Tuesday, Jan 26, 2021 00:24

ISC 2021

17th International Solving Contest
